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End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

June 9, 2024 Rapture on Pentecost ? June 12 (Sivan 6), Enoch, Solar eclipse of April 8. By John Tng.

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In this post John Tng shows the readers his ability to tie loose ends together to bring out a message that was encoded or done by God to alert the Christians and warn the world For the reader of what is to come and prove that He is God by revealing the future.

For the reader new to gematria which is used in all this post it means the converting of letters into numbers using the English, Hebrew and Greek alphabets.

Great work John.


John Tng (3 Jun 2024)
“Enoch Was Not, For God Took Him”

Dear Doves,

Countless rapture dates have come and gone; and we are still here. In recent weeks, the LORD has impressed upon me to look at Enoch more closely for rapture clues. With some struggle I am writing this post knowing that should this date also come and go, doves will be very disappointed (despite the many iterations of watching with no rapture). So let me put out a disclaimer right from the start — I have not received a special, direct, audible message from God that this is it. A lot of confirmations are based on my personal insights of a special celestial event, namely, the Great North American Eclipse, my daughter’s rapture dreams, and some Biblical numbers.

So without setting you up for high expectations/disappointment, let me share with you what the LORD has shown me concerning Enoch.

Total Solar Eclipse: X marks the Spot

A lot has been written and covered by watchers concerning the solar eclipse of April 8, 2024. After the non-event, mockers came out to heap scorn and derision on watchers. As usual.

I believe the solar eclipse is a valid sign from God that the Rapture is about to happen. The only town named Rapture (Indiana) in the world is less than 100 miles away from the closest city to the dead center of the X spot, Carbondale (Illinois)!

I don’t believe this is a coincidence. The ordinal English gematria of RAPTURE is 99 (=18+1+16+20+21+18+5); it just so happens that day 99 of this year is Apr 8, the same day the eclipse occurred (Apr 8 is day 99 only in a leap year; 2024 is a leap year).

Enoch & the Eclipse

The first indication that Enoch has something to do with the eclipse is the date, 8th of Apr, which can be written as 8.4; the Hebrew gematria of Enoch is 84 (= 8+50+6+20; חֲנוֹךְ ).

But the most intriguing clue lies in the location of the Rapture town situated along Indiana State Road 68.

IN-68 is the road code for Indiana State Road 68 (see Google Map above). The Lord is giving us a huge clue here. The letter “I” is the 9th letter while “N” is the 14th letter; the sum of both letters is 23 (9+14). Thus, IN-68 is equivalent to 23-68.

The number 2368 (with hyphen removed) is the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST !!!

Has God, in His foreknowledge, hidden a clue in the Rapture town pointing to our soon departure? He Who led the Three Magi to the new born King through celestial navigation of the Star of Bethlehem is fully capable of such feats.

IN-68 has a surprising connection to Enoch as we shall see. But first, let me point out one more evidence with regards to the location of the Rapture town; it is situated near the western end of Indiana State Road 68 (see below). To be more precise, it is three miles from the western end of IN-68. Three miles is 4.8 km — pointing yet again to Apr 8 (or 4.8), as well as Enoch (Hebrew gematria 84) !!

Enoch was not, for God took him

Enoch is an enigmatic character. The scant description of him in the Bible only adds to the intrigue that is Enoch; six OT and three NT verses are recorded concerning him (Genesis 5:18-19, 21-24; Luke 3:37; Heb 11:5; Jude 1:14).

Enoch, a Gentile, is the first raptured saint; he was not, for God took him (Gen 5:24). He was translated by God after he walked with God for 300 years (Gen 5:22). The New Testament confirms that he did not see death (Heb 11:5).

Looking to Enoch for rapture clues has a strong appeal for three reasons: 1) The law of first mention; and 2) Enoch is the perfect rapture type; he is literally the proto-type; and 3) Enoch, a Gentile, is a good representation of the Church, the bride of Christ, consisting predominantly of Gentiles.

Jewish tradition has it that Enoch was raptured on the day and hour he was born on the 6th of Sivan. This is extremely fascinating since the Church was born on the day of Pentecost, also 6th of Sivan. Will the Church be taken up to heaven at the Rapture on her birthday just like Enoch?

The reference to Enoch’s 6th of Sivan rapture was recorded in 2 Enoch 68:3, “He wrote all these signs of all creation, which the Lord created, and wrote three hundred and sixty-six books, and handed them over to his sons and remained on earth thirty days, and was again taken up to heaven on the sixth day of the month Tsivan, on the very day and hour when he was born.”

Did anyone notice the BCV (book-chapter-verse) number?

If we re-order it as a BVC (book-verse-chapter) number, it is exactly 2368, the Greek gematria of JESUS CHRIST and the abbreviation of Indiana State Road 68, IN-68 (23-68) !!!!!!

Now the question is, which Hebrew year should we be looking at for 6 Sivan as a potential rapture date?

The Rapture Year

We are currently in the Hebrew year 5784 (“major era”), or 784 (“minor era”). The Hebrew year 784 is intimately linked to Enoch. Enoch started walking with God when he was 65 years old; that year he became the father of Methuselah, the longest-living person on earth.

The name Methuselah means “when he dies, it shall be sent“. The year that Methuselah died at the age of 969 years, Noah’s Flood came. So Methuselah was prophetic in God’s first worldwide judgment by water. Will his name be prophetic again in God’s second worldwide judgment by fire?

Watch this exciting connection. The name Methuselah in Hebrew has a gematria value of 784 (=40+400+6+300+30+8; מְתוּשֶׁ֔לַח); this is also the current Hebrew year 784 (“minor era”) !!

Even more astounding, 6th of Sivan, known as the feast of WEEKS, is also pointing to the Hebrew year 784 since the Hebrew gematria of WEEKS is also 784 (=300+2+6+70+6+400; שבועות) !!!

It should be noted that שבועות is the modern Hebrew spelling of Shavuot or WEEKS (see link).

The number, 784, has a ring of authenticity to it. The first digit “7” points to Enoch, the 7th from Adam. “And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints” (Jude 1:14). The trailing digits “84” is the Hebrew gematria of Enoch.

In summary, we see in Enoch the hidden clues to the day (6 Sivan) and the year (784) of the Rapture. The 6th of Sivan this year is June 12, 2024.

My Daughter’s Dreams

My daughter had 3 dreams in recent years: one in 2021, and two in 2023. I begin with the second dream as it has an explicit rapture context to it. In her own words, “Btw, I had a very interesting dream. Dad and maybe the rest of the fam, you were in it and we were discussing rapture. Somehow the phrase I remember from the dream is “barley and oats”. Apparently in the dream, I was convicted that the rapture time had something to do with it haha. I woke up, looked this up, and realised that barley is harvested in Spring (Passover to Pentecost) and oats are harvested in May, which is Summer period (from Pentecost to Tu B’Av).

According to this article (link), “The Grain and Fruit Harvest Times in Israel“, the harvesting times for barley and wheat/oats are April and May respectively.

Quoting from the article, “All biblical feasts have a relation to the three main harvest seasons in spring (1st month, Passover, barley), summer (3rd month, Pentecost, wheat) and autumn (7th month, Feast of Tabernacles, grapes/fruits/olives). In biblical times, the barley harvest began from the middle of the 1st month on the 16th of Abib/Nisan with the first sheaf (first fruits) offered in the temple as a wave offering. After 50 days (Pentecost), the wheat harvest began with another wave offering of the first fruits at the beginning of the 3rd month (5th-7th Sivan). Depending on altitude, the barley harvest extended for several weeks into May and the wheat harvest into July.”

I suppose why my daughter dreamt of “oats” rather than “wheat” is because we take oats for breakfast instead of wheat. 🙂 Looking at the above chart, the harvesting times for both “oats” and “wheat” fall in May; hence, for the purpose of our prophetic interpretation, we can regard “oats” as “wheat”.

The phrase “barley and oats/wheat” is a perfect picture of the 50-day countdown from Passover to Pentecost, pointing to the time period between the start of harvesting times of barley and oats/wheat.

For my daughter’s first dream in 2021, this is her own account: “I had a mysterious dream last night. Don’t remember much about it but one detail stuck out in my memory. I dreamt of the Hebrew letter shin. It was very big and shining (glowing) in the sky. Btw I don’t randomly memorise Hebrew letters ok. But somehow in my dream I saw the letter and thought that it looks like a crown, and that it was shin. After I woke up I confirmed that it was indeed the letter shin! Never had such a dream before o_o still asking God what it means! The gematria of shin is 300.

Oh actually I remember other parts of my dream now that I think about it… in my dream I was feeling very downcast and troubled about something. Very sorrowful and helpless. Then I was “complaining” to the Lord about my troubles. Then someone seemed to comfort me and say that he could solve my trouble. I couldn’t see the face of that person, but the person was wearing a black robe. At first I thought it was the Lord, so I accepted the person’s assurance that all would be well. Suddenly I realised it was not the Lord as the person was wearing a black robe! I immediately rejected the person’s help (maybe it’s the enemy? A worldly perspective?) and turned to the sky and saw “Shin” in the sky. So the answer is that the Lord will fight my battles and deliver me. I should never rely on anyone else but Him!

It is not too far-fetched to take this as another rapture dream. Too many perfect parallels. My daughter was at first comforted by a man in black robe; this person is most likely the Antichrist who comes to offer solutions to her / world. She rejected his help and turned instead to the sky and saw the very big and shining Hebrew letter shin.

It is interesting that the shape of the Hebrew letter shin resembles a crown. “Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but unto all them also that love his appearing.” (2 Ti 4:8); even here, the CV (chapter-verse) number of the verse is connected to Apr 8 (4.8) and Enoch (Hebrew gematria 84).

In my daughter’s dream, the huge Hebrew letter SHIN appears SHINING in the sky; this symbolizes the glorified state of all raptured saints. Two verses come to mind: 1) “And they that be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn many to righteousness as the stars for ever and ever.” (Dan 12:3); and 2) “Who shall change our vile body, that it may be fashioned like unto his glorious body, according to the working whereby he is able even to subdue all things unto himself.” (Phil 3:21)

The numeric connection between the Hebrew letter shin and Enoch is indisputable. Enoch walked with God for 300 years before he was taken. My daughter is not into numbers like her dad. 🙂 But somehow she mentioned the gematria of the Hebrew letter shin is 300 !!! Furthermore, the Hebrew word shavuot, for Pentecost, begins with the letter shin, ש.

The third and last dream took place 13 days after the Oct 7 horrendous attack on Israel by Hamas last year. My daughter wrote, “@dad what does number 665 mean? I saw it in my dream this morning. I saw it very clearly. It was like an alarm clock. The numbers were on the clock but very clearly showed 665. The alarm clock was a digital one. But there was no point (colon) in the middle of the numbers. Just 3 numbers. 665. Haha Jem just sent me this. He said the aircraft in front of him (in reservist now) is 665. You’ll be shocked when you see this, dad.

I was more than shocked actually. In Aug last year (2 months before my daughter’s third dream), the 665 phenomenon started with my son. He was queuing for food in a food court. His queue number was 665. He only realized something unusual the next morning when he weighed himself at 66.5 kg.

Three days after my daughter related her “665” dream, I had my own “665” experience. This is what I wrote to my daughter: “You won’t believe the photos I am about to attach. After I picked up big dog (my son) and small dog (my pet), we proceeded to the Marina for lunch. Just prior to entering the car park, I saw the number 666. Made a funny remark to Japh. Then just prior to entering the car park, there was this taxi that came from Hotel W’s direction, and beat me to it. Show you the before and after.


Note: The first car park lot number display on the left is about two to three hundred meters before the car park entrance. The second photo shows the car park entrance.

After my daughter shared her third dream, my mind went into overdrive to try and figure out the meaning of “665”. I came up with some interesting conjectures in the past seven months or so, but somehow nothing as satisfactory as the one I am about to share now in light of my new discoveries on Enoch.

Here’s the intended meaning of “665” I believe. Enoch walked with God for 300 years (first dream); he was taken at the age of 365 years old. Add up the two numbers, 300 and 365, the total is 665 (last dream) !!!

In the first dream, the huge Hebrew letter shin that shines brightly in the sky, has a gematria value of 300. In the last (third) dream, the number 665 appears as a digital clock display. This is my interpretation. The first dream shows the length of period Enoch walked with God before he was taken, that is, 300 years. The last dream shows not only the length of period, but also the age of Enoch when he was taken at 365. Thus, the last dream double confirms the first dream (665 = 300 + 365).

The dates of the three dreams in chronological order are: Feb 7, July 27, and Oct 20. When these dates are measured from 6 Sivan (June 12) in year 2024, there appears to be a triple witness to Enoch.

First Dream
126 days (Feb 7 to June 12): The standard English gematria of ENOCH is 126 (=5+50+60+3+8).

Second Dream
45 days (June 12 to July 27): The ordinal English gematria of ENOCH is 45 (=5+14+15+3+8).

Third Dream
130 days (June 12 to Oct 20): The verse that records the rapture of ENOCH is Gen 5:24; this is verse 130 of the Bible !

Biblical Numbers

Enoch, the first raptured saint, is mentioned 6times in the Old Testament and 3times in the New Testament. The Feast of Weeks/Shavuot falls on the 6th day of the 3rd month (Sivan) on the sacred Hebrew calendar.

Enoch, the first raptured saint, is mentioned for the first time in Gen 5:18. The Greek gematria of HARPAZO (aka Rapture) is 518 !

Enoch is listed as H2585 and G1802 in Strong’s Concordance. There are 784 numbers inclusive between 1802 and 2585 !!! 784 is the Hebrew gematria of Methuselah and Shavuot; it is also the current Hebrew year.


Enochsburg is a small town in Indiana that also lies in the path of totality during the Great North American Eclipse; it is not far from the Rapture town.

The distance between Enochsburg and Rapture is shown as 226 miles in the Google Map above; the preferred route shown (highlighted in blue) is based on the fastest driving time.

I decided to take a closer look at the detailed route and discovered that the total distance is slightly more than 226 miles.

Note: The actual travel time depends on traffic conditions.

Total distance between Enochsburg and Rapture = 2+0.5+0.2+49+0.2+0.7+8.3+0.2+200 feet+142+18+0.3+100 feet+0.3+0.5+1.1+3.4 = 226.7 miles + 300 feet = 226.7568 miles

Convert miles into km, the total distance is 364.93 km (226.7568 x 1.60934).

The painstaking counting leads to an astounding total distance of 365 km between Enochsburg and Rapture; remember, Enoch was raptured when he was 365 years old !!!!!!

Furthermore, the 300 feet that cover two short distances of 200 feet and 100 feet, corresponds to 300, the gematria of the Hebrew letter SHIN and the length of period in years for which Enoch walked with God before he was taken !!!

Song of Solomon

6 Sivan this year falls on the 12th of June; it can be written as 12-6; the standard English gematria of Enoch is 126 !!!

It is intriguing that the Great North American Eclipse took place on Apr 8; that is 1 Nisan sundown, the first day of the first month on the sacred Hebrew calendar. Even more intriguing is the fact that between Apr 8 and June 12 there are 65 days.

Enoch was 65 years old when he became the father of Methuselah whose name is prophetically pointing to the current Hebrew year 784 and Shavuot (Hebrew gematria 784).

The date 6-12 appears to be hidden in Song of Solomon 6:12, “Or ever I was aware, my soul made me like the chariotsof Amminadib.” The intriguing name, Amminadib, only appears once in the Old Testament; it means my princely or noble people — the Church (1 Pet 2:9; Rev 1:6)!

Our Bridegroom has made us kings and priests unto God (Rev 1:6). When He comes to rapture us, we will ride on the chariotsof Amminadib to the sky!

Feast of WEEKS (שבועות Hebrew gematria 784)

I started out this post by showing that JESUS CHRIST (Greek gematria 2368) is catching our attention through the Rapture town located along Indiana State Road 68 (code IN-68 which is equivalent to 23-68).

That turned out to be a huge clue that led to 2 Enoch 68:3 (BVC number 2368), the verse that records the birth and rapture of Enoch on 6th of Sivan, that is, the Feast of WEEKS.

I will end this post by showing that JESUS CHRIST (Greek gematria 2368) confirms the significance of the Feast of WEEKS as described in detail in the oft-quoted chapter on the seven feasts of Israel in the Book of Leviticus, chapter 23 verses 15 to 22.

Notice that 14 verses precedes the description of the Feast of Pentecost starting from verse 15. The number 14 can be written as 6+8; together with the chapter number 23, one can see that the number 2368 (23+6+8) is hidden here pointing to the Feast of WEEKS. Amazing!

While the phrase “the Feast of Weeks” is not mentioned in Leviticus chapter 23, it appears 4 times elsewhere in the KJV Bible; its first mention appears in Exo 34:22 “And thou shalt observe the feast of weeks, of the firstfruits of wheat harvest, and the feast of ingathering at the year’s end.”

Exodus chapter 34 is chapter 84 of the Bible. The Hebrew gematria of Enoch is 84 !!!


Doves, while I am hopeful for a 6th of Sivan (Pentecost) rapture this year, I am not so sure it will come to pass.

Hold on to your farm and continue to live life expectantly; be in the world but not of the world. We are only seconds away from the Greatest Escape of All Time!

May we meet soon in that wonderful day when there will be no more tears nor pain nor cancer nor death nor excruciating waiting!

Come, Lord Jesus!

It’s about time!


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