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Posts Tagged ‘Sukkot

July 1, 2018 A possible Rapture on July 7, this year?

A very interesting and well researched article. It is full of well thought, new and fresh observations of scripture.



Douglas Henney (1 July 2018)
Things might unfold a week sooner than what I was thinking

On May 27th, I posted a four part email here on Fivedoves in which I expressed the possibility of us going home on, or about, July 14/15.
Recently, I came across some things that have me thinking it may end up happening a week earlier, on July 7/8.
Here are the links to the prior posts to reference since what I am presenting here still includes a lot of my thinking in these prior emails:
A main premise in my prior thinking was that even though the Jewish Sanhedrin currently have a calendar that is not Biblically accurate, that God will still fulfill a significant type/shadow event, namely a correctly counted Pentecost, on that calendar while at the same time fulfill the rapture’s type/shadow event on His Biblically accurate calendar, namely the 18th day of the 3rd month of when God came down at Mount Sinai during a long shofar blast.  Both of these fall on July 14/15 this year.  In other words, God will fulfill both types/shadows at the same time.
I was almost in a bit of a shock when I discovered a few weeks later that there is yet another date that does the very same thing of having a Pentecost and a “18th day of the 3rd month Sinai event” dovetail together.  This happens a week prior, on July 7/8.
I am now thinking that this July 7/8 ends up being a better fitting puzzle piece, and I will try to explain this.
The Sanhedrin’s correctly counted Pentecost (7 weeks plus 50 days) on July 14/15 is a week after the correctly counted Pentecost on the popular Jewish calendar on July 7/8.  The reason for this is how one determines the beginning of a month.
July 7/8 is the 18th day of the 3rd month on the constellation calendar.  This month is commonly referred to as Gemini (shows a union of a couple).  A number of “watching for Jesus” folks have received understanding/revelation from God to pay attention to Gemini.  This Gemini focus is actually referencing the constellation calendar.
For folks not familiar with this calendar, when Jesus died and resurrected, it was when the sun was in “the Lamb of God” constellation, commonly referred to as Aries.  Jesus’ death and resurrection established that constellation month as the first month.
At this time, these constellation months start and end on about the 21st of each of the Gregorian calendar months.
I lean towards the idea that since we, as the body and bride of Christ, have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places per Eph 1:3, that our calendar would also be in the “heavenly places”, or using constellations as months verses referencing the moon. Keep in mind that the constellations (or stars) are part of what God determined as signs, though the evil one has hijacked the original meanings and purpose by fabricating horoscopes (which we are to stay clear from).
We were not given the calendar God gave to the children of Israel.  That one is theirs.  The chosen remnant within Israel-Judah, after the extreme refinement of the coming judgement years, will ultimately inherit God’s earth based kingdom.  The body of Christ, as new creations, will inherit God’s celestial places kingdom once we get new bodies. As the Righteousness of God in our union with Jesus, there is nothing in our core selves/natures that need any refining.  All we are waiting for is new bodies.  These two distinct kingdom realms each have their own unique calendars.
So, the timing of the prior posts is, I think, going to unfold a week earlier than I was thinking.  This also seems to fit better with other pieces coming up, and during the transition of God shifting to dealing with the 144,000 and the chosen remnant within Israel/Judah.
The Sept 23rd/24th Revelation 12 sign does point to a future birth(s).  However, like Pearl Kolibri (sp?) pointed out in one of her Youtube videos, births happen anywhere from 3 weeks prior to the due date, up to 2 weeks after the due date, with only about 4-5% happening on the due date itself.  In other words, the Rev 12 sign pointed to a future window of time wherein the birth will take place.  We are in that window.
So far, no birth happened yet!  Some watchers are already doing counts from June 23rd (9 months after the Rev 12 sign) in light of the purification timeframes described in Leviticus 12.  I think it is a little premature to do this calculation yet, though I believe they are on the right track as I will try to show in what follows.
Leviticus 12 points to periods of time when the birth mother (the focus is not on the baby) cannot come before God in the temple.  40 days if she had a boy.  80 days if she had a girl.
Again, the purification of the mother is the focus of Levitcus 12, not the newly born child.  This is key.  There is confusion in the watching community because folks are not making this distinction.
Now, firstly, a question is, “Who is the mother of the body of Christ, new creations brought into union with the very Godhead?”
Paul teaches in Galatians 4:26 that the Jerusalem above (heavenly places) is free and “she is our mother”.  As new creations, we are born out of a reality that transcends creation.  We are birthed out of or God Himself, yet into His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  God is our “mother”.   In other words, our “mother” who is “above”, does not need the 40 or 80 days of purification.  So, Leviticus 12 does not apply to the body of Christ.  Also, we are the ones about to be birthed out of the earth (so the Rev 12 sign still points to our timing window), yet we are not the mother that Leviticus 12 focuses upon.
However, there is another “mother” and another “baby” also about to be born.  The Chosen Remnant within the modern day children of Israel/Judah are about to give birth to the 144,000.  We are right on the cusp of this.  I am thinking this might happen on July 11-ish, at the midpoint of the rapture-gathering-week, after their three days of darkness similar to what Paul experienced on the road to Damacus.  This timing for the birth of the 144,000, I think, will happen just after we go home, three and a half days after, to be precise.
The Chosen Remnant of Israel/Judah is the “mother” about to give birth to the 144,000.  I believe that the Revelation 12 sign points to this mother (Although it could also be alluding to the timing of when the earth “births” the dead in Christ out of her at our homegoing.  If this is valid, I anticipate “the water breaking” just before we go home which might be a tsunami generated from the slumping off of land into the ocean off Hawaii’s main island).
Now, the question is, “Is the group of 144,000 considered male or female?”, thinking in terms of Levitcus 12 and how long they will experienceba purification before, in some way, being brought before God.
If male, then the 40 days from July 11 ends August 19th.  However, August 19 is one week early of Israel’s true Bibiblically accurate Pentecost per the “full moon starts the month” calendar (as I referenced in my prior posts).  In my original posts to Fivedoves, I was anticipating everything starting (including the rapture) on July 15, and not on July 8 like I am considering now.  In that prior scenario, the midweek point for the “birthing” of these 144,000 was July 18.  In that scenario, the adding of 40 days would have fallen on the true Pentecost.  It seemed to fit so well.  Yet, if events unfold starting a week earlier (on July 7/8) than what I originally anticipated, the 40 day purification count for the mother doesn’t fit.
This is when I noticed that Leviticus 12 focuses only on the mother. I had been lumping the mother and baby together. The Leviticus 12 purification timeframes do not apply to the 144,000.  They are the “baby”.  The 144,000 will still be sealed on the true Pentecost of August 26th.  Yet, what about their “mother”, and how does Leviticus 12 relate to this Chosen Remnant of Israel/Judah?
I had always assumed the 144,000 are considered a “male” child.  It was a premise I had to reconsider.
What if God sees them as a “female” child, even though the scriptures attach the idea of maleness to the group?  If this ends up being the case, then the remnant’s purification timeframe is 80 days after the birthing on July 11th.
I realized this is not a stretch as I consider maleness as compared to femaleness.  Think in terms that, in the natural realm (this does not apply to the members of the body of Christ wherein there is neither male nor female), the man is the head of the woman.  The description of the 144,000 in Revelation 14, after they raptured at the midpoint of the judgement years, is that they followed the lamb wherever He went (responding to Jesus’ headship) and that they are virgins, and that they are blameless.  This, to me, sounds female.
The group of 144,000 relate to Jesus as their Head, their source.  This is just like what the Bride of Christ does, even though we are made up of males and females.
I am beginning to understand that any chosen people or group of God, when they live before God in righteousness and holiness, do so only as they look to God as their Source, or Head.  In other words, these groups relate to God as “female”.
So, thinking in terms of the 144,000 being a female baby, then their “mother”, the chosen remnant of Israel/Judah, cannot “appear” before God for a total of 80 days.
I added 80 days to July 11th and it lands me smack dab in the middle of the Feast of Tanernacles on the popular Jewish calendar.
(As an aside, I believe God will continue to use their faulty calendar, while also using His true calendar, at least until the witnesses show up to set them straight.)
Now recall from Deut. 9:9, 9:18 and 10:10, that Moses went up and down three times at Mount Sinai for 40 days each time.  Which time did Moses come down “glowing”. It was after the third time!  Why didn’t he come down “glowing” the other two times?  I believe it is because God is showing us when Moses will come back down to Israel in the near future, when he will be arriving in a glowing, glorified body.  So, when might this happen?
On prior years, when I calculated when Moses would have come down that third time “glowing”,  I discovered that he would have arrived in the very middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, the same time Jesus, who was present yet in secret, started to teach Israel openly.  I anticipate that Moses will arrive to the Chosen Remnant in the middle of this coming Feast of Tabernacles.
So, after the 144,000’s “mother” has undergone her 80 days of purification this summer, this timeframe will end at the very same timing of when Moses will return back down to Israel in a glorified body, with a second set of tablets in his hands.  After her 80 days of purification, “the mother who just had a female baby” will be truly ready to hear from God.  Moses will be, to the Chosen Remnant of Israel/Judah, a representative of God Himself.  This is on/about September 27/28.
All that I have presented here in this new post is consistent with the idea that the constellation calendar is for the body of Christ, which has the 18th day of the 3rd month on July 7/8, the very same day Pentecost should have been calculated on the popular jewish calendar by adding 50 days to the end of a count of 7 weeks after the Passover’s Feast of Firstfruits.
This means I have July 7/8 as a very high watch date for when we go home, a week earlier than my last set of posts.
Now, I am thinking that Moses, once he comes back down, will be on earth all the way to Jesus’ second coming.  (I am thinking that per Zechariah 1:18-21 that there are a total of four witness : Moses, John, Elijah, and Enoch, two of which will be killed and resurrected/raptured middle of the judgement years).
Moses, due to disobedience, had his original mission of leading Israel into the promised land cut off.  Basicallly, God is going to let Moses finish his assignment during the coming judgement years.  This will include a bit of a rerun for Moses.
Just like his first time (but this next time will be at mid-judgement) Moses will lead the chosen remnant out of a latter days “Egypt” (Rev 11:8 refers to Jerusalem with this term), likely also on the 15th day of the 1st month like Moses did in Exodus 12, and into the wilderness (to Petra for 40 months?)  This remnant will receive their daily bread of manna like Jesus instructed them in the “Lord’s prayer” in order to survive until their promised land is established at Jesus’ second coming.  Moses will finally lead the remnant “into” their promised land, fulfilling his original destiny.
Moses had Joshua with him the first time around.  I think John will fill this role the second time.  Recall what Jesus told Peter about John.  “If I want him to remain til I come . . ,”  Jesus did not mean that John would live for a couple thousand years but that John would not be killed during the judgement years but be present on earth (remain) and be present at Jesus’ second coming.  This means he shows up before Jesus’ second coming.
(As an aside, John’s epistles, in part, are directed to the remnant who will survive the judgement years.  Peter’s epistles are directed, in part, to those who will be be killed for Jesus (like he was) during the judgement years.  Also, Jesus’ teachings, like the sermon on the mount, before His death and resurrection took place, were also directed, in part, to this chosen remnant in the wilderness during the judgement years, who will, at that time, not yet “be saved in one day” until their crucified and resurrected Messiah is revealed at His second coming.
I speculate that Elijah and Enoch will show up in Israel before Moses and John  I am thinking these two will be involved in teaching the 144,000 this summer, and then sealing them, as described in Revelation, and this likely taking place this August 26-ish, or Pentecost on God’s accurate calendar for Israel.  This true Pentecost might be when Enoch returns, for this is the same timing of when he was raptured per Jewish tradition.
Again, I am thinking the Body of Christ was not given the calendar that God gave the children of Israel in the scriptures.  Israel was.  Paul tells us to let no man judge us in terms of feasts, new moons and sabbaths because the substance of those types/shadows is Jesus, in Whom we are made complete.  Our inheritance is not of the earth but is of celestial places.  At the war of Michael against the evil one mentioned in Revelation, where Satan is cast to earth out of celestial dimensions (I am thinking at mid-judgement years), one reason expressed for the “casting down” is that there is “no more room” for Satan and his minions.  Why?  I am thinking that a portion of the body of Christ are going to finally take up our positions in that realm.  This is not to say we will not in some ways be actively involved in doing things on earth during the 1000 year “day of rest”.
However, Paul also explains that the feasts, new moons, sabbaths, and ultimately Israel’s calendar tied to these, are a “shadow of things to come”.  This is the basis for this presentation of my current thinking and anticipations.
Out of all of the above, what do I personally anticipate in the coming days?
As expressed in my prior posts, I am thinking judgement will start on the “end of the church age Babylon” the night of July 4, the end of our 70th “anniversary year” since Israel became a nation.  I think that Jesus gave the nations, and this Babylon in particular, an extra 50 days of grace by referencing our “anniversary years” instead of starting Babylon’s last 70 years right when Israel became a nation.  There are 50 days between May 14, 1948 and July 4, 1948.
July 4/5 the moon is also in the constellation Aquarius and its associated constellations Pegasus and Cygnus.  Per 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Paul gave clues that pointed to this constellation group as he also knew his departure was nigh, or right on the cusp.  Being “poured out as a drink offering” points to Aquarius as the picture of a man pouring out a vessel’s contents onto the ground.  Pegasus, a winged horse, points to a depature like Elijah experienced.  Cygnus has stars whose meanings include “judge”, “he who returns”, and “bringing of rewards”.  All of these are alluded to by Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8.  So, from this, I have speculated that whenever we go home in some future month, that the moon would have just been in Aquarius.  July 4th/5th, when the moon is in Aquarius, is just prior to the high watch day of July 7/8 that I am considering for when we might go home.
The night of July 4th might also be the 15th day of the 3rd month in Israel, yet still being on the constellation calendar.  Recall that it was on the 15th day of the 3rd month in Exodus 19 that Israel was gathered at the foot of Sinai, also echoing what the Swedish boy saw in his dream.  I am now wondering if on the night of July 4, if judgement does start on Babylon, if some of us at that very time will have it miraculously revealed to us that we have three days to let others in the body know that they are to get ready before Jesus comes on Sunday.  This would be consistent with what God did with Moses in Exodus 19.
I, for one, really feel like I need to know from God, in no uncertain terms, when Jesus is truly coming before I can give other folks the heads-up.  Even though I believe I am now seeing how a number of pieces are fitting together, I am still not 100% certain.  Being incorrect so many times prior has a way of making a person a bit gun-shy of proclaiming anything.  Perhaps, in God’s plan, and because He is Love and Grace to us, He may just give us a truly miraculous heads-up, just like He did through Moses for Israel, essentially telling us to get ready for Jesus is coming down on the third day during a loud trumpet blast.  This is actually the very thing the Swedish boy saw in his dream.
Douglas Henney

Aug 21, 2016 Rosh Hashanah falls on Sept 1, 2016 using the creation calendar

Luis Vega has done a very good study of the Jewish Fall feasts using the creation calendar and the Rabbinical calendar. Only God knows the correct calendar that He is using, so sit tight and wait. Very good work Luis Vega.



Nando end

March 24, 2016 Why today is the true Passover this year and not on April 23!

The fallowing article explains very well the reason why the year started in March 9 at night so Nissan 1 fell on March 9-10 and Passover on March 23-24 today.

Last night there was a blood moon eclipse making it another consecutive year where the eclipses have fallen on Passover and Sukkot which makes a sextet of blood moons falling in sacred Holidays of our Lord.

This makes this year also a year of Perfect Order which means that the feasts of the Lord fall on the exact days that they were instructed to Moses and the same dates occurring at Jesus crucifixion.

I see also the possibility of the Rapture to be on Pentecost as well as next Sunday on Easter. Thanks Greg for your wise words.


Greg Wilson (20 Mar 2016)
Did God Intend a Sextet of Blood Moons ?

Did God Intend a Sextet of Blood Moons ?

The 2016 Jewish Calendar is Wrong

How does God reckon the seasons ?

Genesis 1:14 says “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years:”   Therefore, the sun and the moon are used to measure time for seasons, days and years.

When God prepared Israel to move out of Egypt,  he began His teaching in preparation of the first Passover.  This was to be Israel’s first month for calendar reckoning. (Exodus 12:2)    In the tenth day of this month each family was to choose a lamb.  On the fourteenth day, the Lamb would be killed and the blood applied to the door lintels of each family’s home.  This was the preparation for the Lord’s Passover, the night the first born of Egypt would be killed as a judgment against all gods of Egypt.  All those covered by the blood of the Lamb would be “passed over” and saved from the angel of death.

Following Passover, God established the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a seven day feast, where all leaven would be purged from each home.  Leaven represented sin.  The first day and last day of this feast was to be an holy convocation.  This is an everlasting ordinance for Israel.  The month Israel came out of Egypt was Abib, or Nisan. (Exodus 13:4)

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was for a sign upon Israel’s hand and a memorial between their eyes, that the Lord’s law may be in their mouths because it was with God’s mighty hand that He brought Israel out of Egypt. (Exodus 13:9)

Israel was commanded to keep this ordinance (the Feast of Unleavened Bread) in his season from year to year.  This ordinance was emphasized again in Numbers 9:2 where the “children of Israel were commanded to keep the Passover at the appointed season.

The Scriptures do not provide for a “leap year” alteration of the seasons.  When Israel came into the land which God gave them, these feasts to the Lord were aligned with the agricultural seasons.  We see this in the Feast of First Fruits.  This feast celebrated the barley harvest which generally occurred after the Spring Equinox in the first month.  This is our month of March.

Following the feast of First Fruits was the Feast of Weeks or Shauvot  which was celebrated 50 days later.  This was in accordance with the wheat harvest.  Any change in the seasons, particularly by a month, would necessarily interfere with the stages of growth of the barley and wheat harvests.   Both of these are highly significant for the First Fruits “wave sheaf offering” (Leviticus 23:10-11) and the Shauvot “two loaf wave offering” (Leviticus 23:16-17).  The grains which were used ceremonially in Temple practices would be past harvest if delayed an additional month.

The Jewish tradition of adding a thirteenth month of Adar II to account for a leap year, as they have done in 2016,  is without biblical support.  Adding a leap year to the Jewish lunar calendar is an attempt to align their lunar calendar with the solar calendar.   The application of the traditions of men over the literal teaching of Scripture produces error.

Therefore, the Scriptures teach that the first month is associated with the Spring Equinox in spite of the Jewish leap year tradition.  In Year 2016, the new moon signaling the first month of Abib or Nisan appeared on March 9.

The Spring Equinox falls on March 20 or Nisan 10.  Passover falls on Nisan 14 which is March 23/24, 2016.

Jewish reckoning of the Leviticus 23 feasts in 2016 will result in each holy day being celebrated one month late.  Relying on Israel for any prophetic insight is unwarranted.  God says they have a spirit of slumber such that they should not see and should not hear. (Romans 11:8)

Why is this important ?   It is important because the seven feasts are prophetic.  God’s plan follows the prophetic pattern and teaching of these seven feasts.  If we know the correct feast day, we can be wise watchers.

Did God intend a sextet of Blood Moons rather than the tetrad of 2014/15 ?   Are we missing some materially important prophetic message ?   Torah Calendar has Nisan in March, unlike the Jews who place it in April this year.

There are two lunar eclipses in 2016 occurring again on Passover and Tabernacles when we follow the Scriptures command to keep the feasts in their respective seasons.   These 2016 blood moons, together with the tetrad of blood moons for 2014 and 2015  are unique.  Now the six feast day blood moons of 2014, 2015 and 2016 become a Sextet of Blood Moons.   This may have profoundly significant prophetic implications.

Additionally, the 2016 Feast of Pentecost commences on the evening celebration of Israel’s day of national independence, May 14, 2016.

As for me, I am watching Pentecost 2016 as a potential “rapture” window for the Church.  The weekend of May 14/15, 2016 is a watch date.

As I have written in the past, a Jewish Independence Day/Jewish Holy Day removal of “Christ’s Own” (1 Corinthians 15:20-28) could be the event which, in part, fulfills Romans 11:11.  Could it be the Day of Provocation to Jewish jealousy ?

Nando end

March 17, 2016 The first Sextet of blood moons falling in Passover and Sukkot in history (2014,2015,2016)

Much attention was given to the Tetrad of blood moons that ended in September of 2015, but hidden from us and in plain site is the sextet that will happen with the blood moons in Passover March 23-24 and Sukkot September 15-16 of 2016.

If the tetrad was consider an enormous sign which it was, what about a sextet ?

The prophecy of Daniel 9 of the seventy weeks of years ended in Passover with the cut-off of Messiah at the cross. Will the last week of years start on this Passover with the blood moon eclipse heralding it?, or will it start in Sukkot’s blood moon further into the year 2016?

Unbelievable signs for God’s people and the whole world!

I Have included links to Nasa web site and to the Torah calendar web site.

The one next week will be seen in Jerusalem next week. Please watch the solar eclipse also.

Thanks to Steve Mullin for bring this to our attention.

Steve Mullin (13 Mar 2016)
2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad actually the 1st Sextet in History!!

There have been 8 blood moon tetrads in the last 2000 years that have fallen on Passover and Tabernacles. Was disappointed when the most recent one concluded in September 2015 with nothing happening. Turns out that not only was it a tetrad, but it’s the first sextet (six) in history! It also lines up in conjunction with this Jubilee year, a type of the rapture. Could this be THE sign? Here is a portion of the article describing it:


When Mark Biltz discovered the Blood Moon Tetrad for 2014 and 2015, he failed to notice that they would continue through this Jubilee year, 2016, making them a SEXTET and the first Blood Moon Sextet IN HISTORY on Yahweh’s Holy Feast Days!

Because Biltz was using the secular Jewish calendar, he stopped the Blood Moon phenomenon after the Tetrad but what we actually see this year is a continuation of the Blood Moons on Holy Feast Days making them a SEXTET…THE FIRST BLOOD MOON SEXTET IN HISTORY

IF the Barley is found to be ripe by this March 9th (Wednesday) and all indications say it will be!!!!! There is even a Total Solar Eclipse on this day (March 9th) to indicate significance that would make the next New Moon (beginning the evening of March 9) the start of this New Spiritual Year and Passover would then be MARCH 23 (Not April 23 as noted on the secular Jewish calendar)…with a TOTAL BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE visible over North and South America!

If the folks who pay attention to Scripture are right, this once-in-human history chain of events, signals the beginning of “the End Times” as prophesied in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

Steve M


This next news confirms the start of the new year Nissan 1 by two witnesses testimony to the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. So following God’s procedure for the start of the year was done to the letter. It is very important to observe that this becomes a perfect order year where Passover falls on a Thursday. Check this article linked by Jim Bramlet on the year of perfect order ( ). An important observation to make is that if you use the Rosetta calendar it will not show March 24 as Nissan 15 because this date was set as new by the sanhedrin below using the prescribed Leviticus two witnesses procedure to determine the new year. The Jews have Passover of this year on April 22-23 of 2016

Sanhedrin Performs Rare Biblical Commandment Not Seen For 2,000 Years

“This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.” Exodus 12:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Last Thursday, a Biblical commandment that hasn’t been seen in 2,000 years was fulfilled. In the Cardo neighborhood of the Old City of Jerusalem, two witnesses stood before the Sanhedrin and gave testimony that established the beginning of the new month.

Setting the new month by witnesses is considered by Rashi, a prominent commentator on the Bible, to be the first mitzvah (Biblical commandment) the Nation of Israel received after leaving Egypt. With great spiritual meaning, establishing the calendar is far more than a convenience. It is so important that it takes precedence over the Sabbath. In Biblical times, witnesses were permitted to break the Sabbath in order to arrive in Jerusalem and stand before the Sanhedrin.

Professor Hillel Weiss, spokesman and secretary of the Sanhedrin, explained the significance to Breaking Israel News.

“On a simple level, without this mitzvah, we are saying that God does not exist in nature or the passage of time, that nature runs like mechanical clockwork,” Professor Weiss said.

On a technical level, the event was a step in the process of correcting the Hebrew calendar. By Biblical law, the new month for the Hebrew calendar was established by reliable witnesses appearing before the Sanhedrin. Hillel II, president of the Sanhedrin in the fourth century, established a written calendar based on astronomical calculations. This calendar, still in use, standardized the length of months and the addition of months in leap years over the course of a 19-year cycle, so that the lunar calendar realigns with the solar years.

In the times of the Temple, the new month would be established by both calculation and by witnesses appearing before the Sanhedrin. When the Temple was destroyed and the Sanhedrin disbanded, the Hebrew calendar was figured solely according to the astrological calculations and the template established by Hillel II.

Read "Catch the Jew" - A True Laugh Out Loud Look Inside Israel

It is remarkable that Hillel II’s calculations stood for as long as they did. However, 1,700 years later, there are discrepancies between his calendar and the astronomical reality. This is a serious problem the Sanhedrin is taking steps to gradually fix.

“Though we have received witnesses in the past, this is the first time we have done so publicly, which is an essential part of the mitzvah,” Professor Weiss explained.

“The only thing lacking is for all of Israel to agree on one central authority for this,” he continued. “This is just one of many mitzvot we neglect merely because we haven’t done them for so long. There is no other reason not to do this and raise Judaism.”

Professor Weiss expanded on the idea. “For 2,000 years we practiced Judaism a certain way. Even though we are in Israel, the Torah and mitzvot are still in galut (diaspora). There are many practical things we could do, and in truth, should do, to make Judaism richer and more like it was in the times of the Temple.”

Joshua Wander, a resident of the Mount of Olives who attended, thought the event was clearly  necessary. “Things come up when you actually do these things, dilemmas that you could never anticipate from just sitting in Yeshiva and learning from a book.

“For example, the witnesses were questioned by the Sanhedrin. They were asked where in the sky it was, what direction the moon was facing, what time it was exactly. It seemed that the witnesses were not prepared for this level of questioning, which is dictated by the Talmud. One of them asked if he could look at a photo from his cell phone. After consultation, the Sanhedrin ruled that it was permissible.”

The Sanhedrin’s declaration of the new month was preceded by a ceremony recreating the Temple service. The ceremony, intended for instructional and not religious purposes, did not include slaughtering an animal, though in many other respects it was absolutely authentic. The musical instruments, and vessels, provided by the Temple Institute, were made to Biblical specifications. The priests were kohanim, members of the Jewish priestly class. Dressed in holy garments, they performed the priestly blessing.  A small scale model of the altar was also set up, and a grain offering was burnt on it.


Nando end

Feb 24, 2016 Will the resurrection and the Rapture be next Month on Feast of First Fruits Easter?

Douglas Henney has presented us in a six parts series with his thoughts of what is coming in the near future and in the next seven years of Apocalypse.

A very good dissertation of what is to come with some unusual points of view a some Bible based speculation. Very possible scenario although not all can I agree with.

Thank you Mr. Henney for very good thought provoking articles.


Part 2:

Part 3:

Part 4:

Part 5:

Part 6:

Nando end


Feb 23, 2016 Will Asteroid 2013 TX68 hit earth bringing three days of darkness and the Rapture

A very good article by Douglas Henney ties the Jubilee year and the Asteroid passing close or hitting the earth about two weeks from now. The study of three days of darkness in the Bible is very good, thanks Douglas.

Link to the asteroid hitting Puerto Rico:

The link to the news of the Asteroid:


Douglas Henney (21 Feb 2016)
My thinking for the upcoming months, part one.

I take in end times and prophecy information from a variety of sources, in addition to my own Bible study and reading.  What I try to do is put all the valid insights/pieces into a “whole”.  What follows is my own assorted thoughts about the coming months and the next couple of years.  Take the following to God before putting any weight on any of it.

I believe the Jubilee, though it is announced in the seventh month on Yom Kippur, does not actually begin until Nisan in the following spring.  In Exodus 12:2 God told Moses that the first month for them shall be the month that the Passover falls within.  This applies to the Jubilee year as well.

The Jubilee announcement in the fall allows for a formal transition time. Some folks in Israel would need to leave their current servitude type of employment, and set up their home back in their original family’s allotment of land within their tribe’s allotment, for example.  This could not be done in a day.  It took time.  Also, the Yom Kippur announcement of the Jubilee would prevent folks from attempting to do the transition early and thus causing confusion/disruption in the nation.  Contractually obligated servitude to “pay back” debt  had to have a definite ending time.  Thus, formally, folks were allowed to begin the transition after the Day of Atonement.  Perhaps the timing of this, being right after that Feast that calls for repentance, set the nation up with a proper/holy frame of mind so as to not disrespect or take advantage of each other during the transition, but to support one another.

The Feast of Tabernacles could then be celebrated with folks actually being back in their allotted portion of their tribe’s land, living in temporary shelters, while anticipating the transition in the coming months and also the fullness of the Jubilee year arriving in the spring – their new beginning.

This transition time would then come to a close in days before the beginning of the month of Nisan.  Keep in mind, that no one knew the day or hour ahead of time when the new moon would be sited so as to start the Jubilee year.  There would have been great anticipation of when the Jubilee officially and totally arrived.  Life would be different from that point on, a fresh start.

So, one possibility I am wondering is if we will go home right when the Jubilee year starts this year.  It is just a thought.

What is interesting to me is the these few days just before Nisan started are possibly when the 9th plague in Egypt also took place, the three days of darkness.  Compare Exodus 11 with what God tells Moses in Exodus 12 about Nisan and the upcoming Passover.

I observe in the scriptures that a time of three days of some type of darkness has been used multiple times by the LORD so as to confront people with their lives and to force on them a timeout of sorts to reconsider their ways.

One time was this ninth plague.  I wonder how many Egyptians after being isolated from one another for three days, reflected on the difference between their gods and the God of the children of Israel, and then later decided to go with Israel during the Exodus.  In other words, it was three days to face themselves, to accept the fact that they were truly vulnerable before the Creator God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, to repent, and come out of it thinking in terms of making a change in one’s life.

I think of when Saul (later Paul) had been confronted by Jesus on the road to Damascus.  He was struck with blindness for three days, also being sat down doing nothing of what he had been doing up to that point, evaluating how his entire understanding of Jesus was totally wrong, seeing how in all of his efforts and self-discipline all he was able to accomplish was to end up living as the true Messiah’s enemy.  During the three days he fasted, seeking God.  He repented and was given a new start.

I think of Jonah, fleeing the direction from God because he did not want to see an enemy of Israel have an opportunity to come to repentance.  A large fish swallowed him for three days.  Jonah was closed in.  His hope for life was removed.  All he could do was face himself.  He was forced to look into the mirror.  He was humbled before the Great I AM.  He repented and was given a second chance.

I think of the disciples who followed Jesus with quite a mixture of motives.  When Jesus was in the grave, they had three days of wondering what happened.  They were confronted with how their self-centered expectations were not in line with what God was about.  They were brought to an end of themselves.  When Jesus revealed Himself to them, they were able to experience a new start of knowing Jesus and receiving the Holy Spirit.

I wonder/speculate if perhaps God will do something similar in our day, that He will give the nations, or a portion of the nations a large scale time out of darkness lasting for three days.

I think of the timing of the 9th plague of Egypt, being possibly right before the beginning of Nisan, and how this year the anniversary of those same three days would fall on or about March 5th through the 9th, somewhere in there, give or take.

Along with this conjecture, I tie in the following:

Something I am watching is the close fly by of TX68, an asteriod that flew by the earth back in 2013 and will be coming by during the same window of March 5th through the 9th, this year.  It is going to be very close.  The JPL site that monitors close fly-bys, has a condition code of 8, at this time, on a scale of 0 to 9, with 0 being very certain of the object’s projected fly-by distance and a 9 being extreme uncertainty.  It is not really known at this time how close TX68 will fly by.  Right now, it could go by underneath our geostationary satellites’ orbits.  With a condition code of 8, there is also a possibility it could hit the earth.  At this time the JPL site presents a two day window on the fly-by which is quite large. The earth travels on its orbital elliptic quite quickly, hence increasing the possibility of an impact.

TX68’s size is such that if it does hit, it will not be an extinction level event.  But it would cause some devastation in the area of impact.  If it hit in the ocean, there would be a large tidal wave generated, for example.

What makes TX68 interesting to me is it’s timing and also something I came across prior.

The potential of an asteriod impact causing a time of three days of darkness for a part of the world.

I am thinking in terms of the testimony of a Puerto Rican pastor Elian Rodrigez (sp?).  He has posted on YouTube over the years.  He has presented just such an event.  He expresses that God has revealed this to him years ago when he was a young man.  He gives quite a bit of detail, including a resulting period of three days of darkness for those of us in the Unitied States.

When I heard the detail of three days of darkness in his account of what God revealed to him, my ears perked up because of the Biblical patterns of what God does to provide an opportunity of repentance before a time of change.

I have kept the Pastor’s account on the shelf, in the back of my mind, so to speak.  I sensed him to be sincere, though I could not know for sure if what he was expressing was valid.

I am wondering if perhaps TX68 might be what he was referring to, so I am watching.

I believe that the Jubilee year starts this coming Nisan.  I am aware that the Jewish communities are assuming an Adar 2, or a thirteenth month, and so they think/understand that the new year will begin in April with Passover taking place on/about April 21st, and Firstfruits on that 24th.

Though their understanding of the timing may be correct, I am not convinced of this.  It is possible that Nisan begins in March, on or about the 9th, with Passover taking place on or about the 23rd, with Firstfruits (the anniversary of Jesus’ resurrection) on the 27th.

I am wondering if this year we may be going home.  I am wondering if we might experience a major event with TX68, that will be a time for us to focus our hearts on Jesus and to get the attention of others in the body of Christ that a time of change within the Jubilee year is soon upon us.

I have been wrong before in my anticipation of endtime events unfolding in a certain way in a given year, and have done this many years.  So, I am only a member of the body of Christ, sharing my thoughts with you, asking that you take anything I say to the Lord in prayer.  Only He is our true teacher.

With so many nations “on the road to Damascus” with their build up of military forces in that area, I wonder if the Creator may do something similar to what He did to Paul, and during the three days of darkness, or right before then, Jesus may personally reveal himself to many individual muslims and jews in that area of the world.  So, if we ever have three days of darkness, yes, it is a time to focus our hearts on only Jesus, but it will also be a time to intercede for those in the world, for the Creator will be very active.

I will be posting a part 2 in the future.

Douglas Henney

Nando end

Sept 30, 2015 The Rapture will be on Pentecost by Greg Wilson

There are two times in the year that I have always expected Jesus in the Rapture and they were on Pentecost and trumpets. Mr. Wilson has given us an excellent study of the Word to support primarily the Pentecost Rapture.

In addition to the excellent reasons given in the article I reasoned that Jesus in His perfect order will assign a whole number of years for His church harvest, that means if it started in Pentecost it will end in Pentecost.

About March of this year I was talking to my mother who was 92 years old at the time that Jesus was coming at the Rapture in this Pentecost. He did not come for the Rapture on 2015 but He took my mother the day after on May 25. Next Pentecost on May 15, 2016 I can expect a big reunion as the dead in Christ come first and then we who remain follow them in a short span of time. This is my hope and the hope of all anxious watchers in the past and present.


Greg Wilson (27 Sep 2015)

  1. Wilson

23 September 2015






A majority of Christians today are looking for a Trumpets rapture event.  However, there is very little scriptural support for this proposition.


The Feasts of the Lord are Prophetic


The Levitical festivals of the Lord are a prophetic picture of God’s redemptive plan.  Paul says as much in Colossians 2:16-17.   This truth has been demonstrated in Passover, Unleavened Bread,  and First Fruits with the crucifixion death, burial and resurrection of  our Lord Jesus.  Pentecost was partially fulfilled by the gift of the Holy Spirit. (See Note 1)


Trumpets vs. Pentecost Rapture


Why do I say that Pentecost was partially fulfilled ?  A majority of Christians say that Pentecost was fulfilled with the “giving of the Law” at Mt. Sinai and the gift of the Holy Spirit in 32 A.D.  They treat Pentecost as completely fulfilled.    I simply question the general belief because I cannot find any Scriptural support for the Law being given on Pentecost.   We are called to “prove all things”. (1 Thessalonians 5:21)


There is nothing in the Old Testament which even remotely connects Pentecost with the giving of the Law at Sinai.  Moses did not associate any historical event in Israel’s early history with Pentecost, as he did with Passover and Tabernacles.    The name the Pentecost Feast (Shauvot) does not define its essence, as do the other festivals of the Lord.  There is a teaching in Jewish tradition which connects Pentecost with the giving of the Law.   It may be possible to estimate that the law was given about 53 days after the first Passover in Egypt, but it is not an event that the word of God chooses to emphasize or associate with this Feast.

The Jewish traditions about the memorial day for blowing Trumpets are enticing to associate with the rapture event.  Jewish tradition teaches that it will be the final gathering of Israel when the Messiah comes.  It is taught as a symbol of the resurrection of the dead.  They teach that the book of life will be opened on this day.  There are to be 100 trumpet blasts, with the last blast the longest.


The fact that the two principal rapture verses, 1 Corinthians 15:52 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17 refer to the “last trump” and “trumpet of God” are the emphatic points of interest and what connect the majority belief that the rapture is associated with the Festival of Trumpets.


Paul never teaches or associates the rapture with the festival of Trumpets.   However, Paul teaches that the rapture of the “Christ’s own” is associated with His resurrection and first fruits.    Christ was risen from the dead on the festival of First Fruits during the Feast of Unleavened Bread.  (1 Corinthians 15:20)



The Three Orders of Resurrection


Paul teaches that there are three orders of the resurrection. God has an ordered redemptive plan.  By inference, we are lead to consider that Israel’s three pilgrimage feasts, (1) unleavened bread, (2) Pentecost, and (3) Tabernacles are “shadows” of the resurrection of the dead. (Exodus 23:14)


Christ was raised at First Fruits, during the feast of Unleavened Bread.  He is the first order of the resurrection.  Then, afterward, they that are Christ’s at His coming.  If Christ is coming for His own, we know that this is the promise of John 14:3, 1 Corinthians 15:51 and 1 Thessalonians 4:17. It is the rapture.


Christ’s own is the second order of the resurrection.   When is the second order of the resurrection ?  On Pentecost, the next feast or on Trumpets ?    Trumpets is not a pilgrimage feast.


Christ’s own have the first fruits of the Spirit.  (Romans 8:23)  So, Christ’s own are associated with His first fruits resurrection.  When he comes for His own,  our bodies will be redeemed. (Romans 8:23)  Our bodies will be transformed.  (Philippians 3:20)  The complete redemption of Christ’s own involve two stages.  First, the guarantee, the deposit of the Spirit, then second,  “at His coming”, the  redemption of the body.    The Holy Spirit was given as a deposit the moment we believed.  It is a guarantee, an earnest deposit of His Spirit in our hearts until He comes for us.   For if the first fruit be holy, the lump is also holy. (Romans 11:16)   Christ’s own are the lump.  The simple inference is that Christ’s own will follow Him as a first fruits type of resurrection.   If stage one occurred on Pentecost, as a deposit of guarantee, why should we not expect the Lord to complete His redemptive plan for “His own” on the same feast, the feast of conclusion.  Curiously, the rabbinic name for Shauvot (Pentecost) is Hag ha-Azereth, or Azereth,  meaning the  “Feast of Conclusion”.  They also refer to Pentecost as Hag ha-Bikurim, meaning the Feast of First Fruits”.


The Feast of Pentecost is a harvest feast, a pilgrimage feast which follows First Fruits.   This is supported by Leviticus 23:10-11; 16-17.    So, if Jesus was resurrected on First Fruits,  He will come for His own at the Feast of Pentecost.   Here is the reasoning.  The picture at the Temple at First Fruits is the priests offering God the “Sheaf of Grain”.  They waved the sheaf of grain before the Lord.  This was a pre-harvest waving of a sample of the harvest.  The  priests were doing this the morning that Jesus was resurrected.  Imagine that !   While they were waiving the grain sheaf up to the Lord, the Lord was being lifted up out of the grave.   God accepted Jesus’ sacrifice.  He is the first fruits of the resurrection.


Now, 50 days later, the grain crops were mature and were harvested.  On Pentecost the priest were charged to make two loaves of bread from the harvested grain.  These loaves contained leaven.  Then they waived the two loaves in the air as an offering to the Lord.


The “wave sheaf offering” symbolizing Christ’s resurrection as the basis for understanding  the “wave loaf offering” at Pentecost.  The sample of grain sheaf which is waved before the Lord anticipated the grain harvest 50 days later where the harvested grain would be baked into loaves of bread.  The two acts of waving the sheaf and the loaves are necessarily related.   The latter is dependent on the former.   They are so related that there is a countdown in anticipation of the seed grain being transformed into loaves of bread.   Jesus is the Lord of the Harvest. (Matthew 9:38)   Trumpets is not a harvest festival.


I believe that the two loaves made with grain represent Christ’s own, not Jew and Gentile because there is neither Jew, nor Greek, for all are one in Christ. (Galatians 3:28).  For God made “one new man” in Himself. (Ephesians 2:15)


The two loaves represent (1) the resurrected dead, and (2) the transformed living in Christ. (1 Corinthians 15:52)  These two loaves are contextually related to the second order of the first fruits resurrection.


In addition to all of this, Paul says that he ministered the Gospel to the Gentiles, that the “offering up of the Gentiles” might be acceptable being sanctified by the Holy Spirit.  (Romans 15:16)  Paul’s offering up description is consistent with the two loaf offering of Pentecost.  He speaks the words of a priest making an offering up to the Lord.


The third order of the resurrection is at the end of the Tribulation when the Tribulation and Old Testament saints will be resurrected for the Millennial reign of Christ.  (Job 19:25-26; Daniel 12:13).   The third order of the resurrection occurs on the Feast of Tabernacles, the third pilgrimage feast.  It is the harvest of fruits.   It is noteworthy that there is no offering up by the priests.  It would appear that only Jesus and His own are lifted to heaven.


Mysteries Associated with Pentecost


Pentecost is also associated with the Mysteries of God, as taught by Paul.   For me, this is an additional reason that I favor  Pentecost, rather than Trumpets for a future rapture event.   Paul does not each any mysteries associated with Trumpets.   But of Pentecost, there are many:


  • At the fullness of the Gentiles (rapture), the mystery of Israel’s blindness will be removed.  Romans 11:25   The number fifty is associated with fullness or completeness.  The 50 day countdown speaks to completion of the harvest.


  • The second order of the resurrection which includes the rapture is a mystery.  1 Corinthians 15:51   It is related to Christ’s first fruits resurrection and completes the two stage redemption of spirit and body.


  • Christ and the Church is a mystery.  Ephesians 5:32  Christ’s own were indwelt by His Holy Spirit at Pentecost.


  • Christ indwelling the believers, the hope of glory is a mystery.  Colossians 1:27


All of these mysteries have an intimate relationship with the Lord and His Own.  I believe it is reasonable to associate the Feast of Pentecost with these mysteries.




I believe that it is prudent to teach all aspects of reasoned seasons for the rapture of the true Church, Christ’s own.   While I believe Trumpets is interesting, I am compelled to view that Pentecost is a more reasonable feast to associate with a possible rapture event.


I believe that our Lord wants us to know the season of His return.  We are children of light, not darkness. (1 Thessalonians 5:5)  He does not want us to be sleeping, but watchful. (1 Thessalonians 5:6).  He has made His planned order known. (1 Thessalonians 1:1)  (Amos 3:7) (Proverbs 25:2)


Chapter 15 of First Corinthians is about the resurrection of the dead and the rapture.  There is no hint of teaching that the Festival of Trumpets is associated with the rapture.


I believe that bible teachers should include the possibility of a Pentecost rapture when they teach about the possibility of a Trumpets rapture.


Note 1:  The Age of the Law commenced on Passover in Egypt and ended with the crucifixion of our Lord on Passover A.D. 32.   The Age of Grace (Indwelling) began on Pentecost A.D. 32 and will end on Pentecost A.D. 20xx  with the rapture, the second order of the resurrection.  This is a pattern.   While I think that associating the giving of the Law at Sinai is reasonable, it is not emphasized purposefully by God.  In fact, Pentecost would appear to have no application to the Jew,  except the remnant Jewish believers in this Age.  (blindness in part Romans 11:25)  The sting of death is sin and its strength is the law.  (1 Cor. 15:56).  No man is justified by the law.  The works of the law are under a curse. (Galatians 3:10)   The law is not of faith. (Galatians 3:12)   If the law were given on Pentecost, it would seem to be a contradiction to the Spirit of Pentecost which is faith apart from works of the law.  (Romans 3:28)  It is for this reason that I believe that the Lord God did not emphasize the giving of the law at Pentecost.  Pentecost is about faith and life…in Christ, the Spirit of Prophecy, the author and finisher of our faith.


Sincerely, In Christ, Greg

Nando end

Sept 26, 2015 Tomorrow evening is the last eclipse of the blood moon tetrad. Is it the last warning before the start of the Apocalypse?

We are at the end of the month of September, a month that started the Jubilee year on Yom Kippur and ended the Shemitah year on 9/13. Tomorrow on the feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles that start at dusk can it portent the start of the Apocalypse by the signing of the seven year covenant described by the prophet Daniel 9: 27 as the UN discusses the Palestinian state and the division of Jerusalem? Is the chapter and verse of the prophet Daniel a prophetic clue 9/27 as to the month and day this covenant will be signed? Will the blood moon eclipse that will happen also on this day also point to the covenant that will start the Apocalypse?

Is that the reason the Pope has been on the constant screen shown on our television screens since his meeting with Obama?

Is the Antichrist Barack Hussein Obama meeting his supporting cast during the Apocalypse, the Pope in the role of the False Prophet?

Well I believe the answer to all of the above questions is a resounding yes. The article by Mr. Paul Grevas a devout Christian and retired statistician brings the above points as well and I also agree with him. The web site presents magnificent charts that explain the tetrad of BBM (Biblical Blood Moons) and their prophetic significance in God’s plan and the restoration of Israel as the nation where He will establish the throne for His Kingdom rule at the end of seven years from tomorrow on the Sukkot of 2022 at His return to earth. Is the Chapter 22 of the book of Revelation also point to the year of His return?

Rev 22:3 states: 3No longer will there be any curse. The throne of God and of the Lamb will be in the city, and his servants will serve him. The city referred here is Jerusalem!

Thanks to Mr. Mark Biltz who discovered the significance of the tetrads and Mr. Paul Grevas who has done and excellent job of doing charts and articles about them.


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Sept 20, 2015 A day of destiny is coming, Sept 23, 2015 Yom Kippur, the start of the last Shemitah.Part 2 of Newton’s Riddle!

In this Part 2 of Newton’s Riddle program Dr. Kevin Clarkson and Mr. Neill Russell discuss his book.

Fascinating facts about the date Sept 23, 2015 are related to Issac Newton and confirmed in other manners.


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Sept 13, 2015 Elul 29 a partial solar eclipse today

In the article below Paul Grevas has detailed the partial solar eclipse of today and the tetrad of blood moons. His web pages contained excellent charts that show the tetrad and the preceding and following lunar and solar eclipses.


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