Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Posts Tagged ‘Islam

Feb 9, 2020 Is Trump peace plan an abomination to the Lord Jesus Christ?

Thanks to Fay we have a link to this beyond very good sermon by Arab Christian pastor of Hawaii about the new Trump peace plan.

It appears that this plan was hatch and done by Trumps son in law Kushner as mentioned by J D Faraq. Does the president know the full implications of this proposed peace plan?

J D Faraq makes a brilliant Spirit inspired breakdown to the salient parts of this plan and in doing so he shreds the plan from God’s point of view using the Word as his sword.

This sermon opens up questions about Trump and the way God has used him for His end time plans. At this point it is difficult to reason why Trump did this.



Fay (9 Feb 2020)
POWERFUL Sermon from Pastor JD Farag.

I’m sure most of you caught this already. For those who missed it, I have linked it below. Pastor JD runs through the so-called Peace Plan and reveals the horrible reality of what it entails. It was never going to be good, let’s face it. But, it’s the deception behind it that really gets me. It was presented to the world as “Jerusalem will remain the undivided capital of Israel” when the reality is the total opposite.
Pastor JD goes into how it has always been Satan’s plan to exterminate the Jewish people. He used Herod – he used Hitler and now he’s going to give it another try. Almighty God has an everlasting covenant with the Jewish people. Everlasting means everlasting. Just as He has an everlasting covenant with the Jewish people, He has an everlasting covenant with Christians too. As Pastor JD points out – how secure can we feel that our covenant is everlasting if God reneges on His everlasting covenant with the Jewish people? This is a corker of a sermon and one not to be missed.
Hitler used propaganda to set the stage for the demonic hatred of the Jewish people. This propaganda set the stage for Kristallnacht and led to the extermination of millions of people. 6 million of whom were Jewish. We have entered perilous times because that same propaganda is doing the rounds again. Even making it’s way on to Bible believing Christian websites. What has happened before, will happen again. There is nothing new under the sun. Ecclesiastes 1:9. Watch the propaganda regarding the Holocaust. Antisemites claim it never happened or was “greatly exaggerated”. In spite of ALL the evidence, certain people buy into this grotesque lie. Hey – people will believe what they want to believe and trying to reason with this mind-set is akin to bashing one’s head against a brick wall. It won’t change a thing.
Pastor JD brought up King Solomon. 1 Kings 3. He also brought up what Solomon prayed for. Wisdom. If we pray for anything that will glorify Almighty God – He will grant it. I prayed for help and support regarding Rick Wiles and his channel TruNews. Almighty God provided me with all the support I needed. Rick Wiles and TruNews hit mainstream media the very next day!! And …for all the wrong reasons.
All praise and Glory and thanks to Almighty God. In Jesus’ beloved Name.

Bible Prophecy Update – February 2nd, 2020


Jan 13, 2020 Islam Apocalyptic believes and the war of Jeremiah 49

Islam Apocalyptic writings guarantee that the present cessation of hostilities is just a pause to prepare for a full out war. The killing of general Suleiman was unexpected and caught Iran unprepared to wage a full blown war in retaliation. To do this they must devote all their resources and planning for the war. It may take a few weeks or even a few months for their revenge to come but it is certain to come soon. We and Israel will have to use this time to prepare for the attack and plan a response.

Thanks to John B of five doves for this post.

John B (12 Jan 2020)
“The coming of Imam Zaman [another name for the Mahdi]………. is the definite promise by Allah,”

I am thinking that the apocalyptic, genocidal eschatology of the Islamic mullahs in Iran will over-rule common sense resulting in an all out war in the Middle East.
I believe that this is the juncture in the road that the religious leaders in Iran have been waiting for……believing that their martyrdom will lead to the Islamic Mahdi returning to rule and reign and control the world under Islam.
I don’t believe we are going to talk or negotiate our way out of the present situation in the Middle East……IMHO
The sanctions have left Iran and it’s people in a precarious and oppressive situation. Could that situation be gloriously corrected by falling on their own sword for Allah leading to the return of their Mahdi, their Islamic savior?? ……..and don’t forget the frosting on the cake……the 72 virgins per martyr.  Maybe it’s time to go buy lots of Viagra stock Call me Winking smile
But to a serious note……get close to our Lord and personal Savior….. Jesus Christ.
Check out the link below for more on this…..



Jan 11, 2020 Iran is discussed prophetically by Bill Salus and Gary Stearman

Nuclear showdown with Iran writer Bill Salus and Gary Stearman



Written by twelvebooks

January 11, 2020 at 9:50 pm

Jan 9, 2020 The Shia Muslims and their Apocalyptic scriptures and believes

The conflict with Iran seems to have deescalated and Iran send missiles that did not hurt anybody, but that was a knee-jerk reaction for the immediate pacification of their frenzy masses.

Their Apocalyptic writings calls for a gigantic war to usher in their Mahdi to return with a helper which they call Jesus to submit the world to Allah and Shia Islam.

In the article they mention the origins of Shia Islam as those who wanted to avenge Hussein the grandson of Muhammed. Is it any wonder that Barrack Hussein Obama made a nuclear treaty with Iran? Please see the category in this blog for Obama and the many posts corroborating our believe that he will be the Antichrist of the book of Revelation.

Please read the book Nuclear Showdown with Iran written by Bill Salus and the articles in this post about it. Thanks to Raptuready for the link.




Dec 7, 2019 Jonathan Cahn explains the true meaning of Islam

Written by twelvebooks

December 7, 2019 at 7:47 pm

Sept 14, 2019 Bill Salus and the coming war with Iran-Elam Jeremiah 49

Today there was a 10 drone attack on a Saudi Arabia refinery that has destroyed 50 % of the oil production from Saudi Arabia.

The economic and war like implication of this attack will be enormous. The price of oil will surge very high at the opening of the markets Monday, plus it will affect countless other areas as well.

From a prophecy perspective there ia an author that has covered Iran-Elan from an end time perspective and his book Nuclear showdown with Iran is very good.

My blog lists many articles on this category

Gary Stearman intervies Bill Salus over this book and here is the link.


Aug 17, 2019 Jesus will save Israel and Ishmael

This post is part 2 of the one before.

In this video Saleem explains how through Jesus salvation will come to the world and to Israel and Ishmael the children of Abraham.



May 17, 2019 The coming Temple in Israel and the connection to Donald Trump

Are we there yet?  is the famous question ask through the years by children traveling with their parents to visit a relative or to a trip to Disney where great joy awaits upon arrival.

Just as anxious children we long for the arrival of the Rapture and our time of redemption from the enslavement of our mortal bodies to the eternal liberty of our new redeemed bodies. So are we there yet???? father!!!!

Start looking for the signs in the road that tells us how many miles away we are and do not miss any so that your joy can increase with the closer we get.

This video link to an interview with Gary and Tom will serve as a marker of both time and distance for the most awesome event of our lives.



April 19, 2019 Israel, their coming wars and the start of the Apocalypse

As time has passed and we get near the prophetic end of the 70 years of Israel re-birth as a Nation in May 14, 1948, we do well in looking at all the prophecies that are coming down the pike in the future.

These prophecies involve a myriad of Nations in the middle east and the world, as well as the need to catalog them in the order of their future fulfillment. Mr. Bill Salus and Mr. Gary Stearman are both seasoned teachers of Bible prophecy that have written extensively about the coming prophetic wars. Remember that they all involve Israel as this Nation becomes the focus or catalyst that is used by God to establish His coming Kingdom on earth.

High on the list and near fulfillment is Isaiah 17 the complete destruction of the city Damascus in Syria.

Also occurring concurrently or very near Jeremiah 49 the destruction of Elam (South-West Iran).

Psalm 83 and the destruction of all of Israel’s neighbors.

Ezekiel 29 and the complete desolation of Egypt for 40 years.

A major prophecy to come in the near future is Ezekiel 38 and 39 and it involves Russia, Turkey, Iran, Libya, Sudan and other Nations. This prophecy and the destruction of the Nations involved will be at the supernatural hand of God just as He did with Egypt at the time of Moses.

Daniel who was given by God a panorama of future world history going all the way till the coming of Jesus to establish the millennial Kingdom. In chapter 9 the seventy week of years (490 years} it says Messiah will be cut-off at the end of 69 weeks of years which was fulfilled in Passover 32 AD, leaving one full week (7 years for the Apocalypse) pending.

Finally the seven year Apocalypse found in the book of Revelation form chapter 6 to the end of the Bible.

That is a big mouthful of prophetic literature to swallow and just try to imagine their unfolding in these present days of super lethal weapons and means of destruction and the effects they will have in the economies and Nations of the world.

If you do not know Jesus Christ and His salvation do it now when you have the means to do it.





Jan 29, 2019 A future terrifying Bible prophecy about Egypt, the tower of Syene!

A very good study by pastor Gary Stearman of the prophecy of Ezequiel 29 concerning Egypt at the time before the Day of the Lord or Tribulation happens.

The question to ask is how close are we to the fulfillment of this terrible prophecy on Egypt.




Written by twelvebooks

January 30, 2019 at 9:52 am