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Archive for December 2017

Dec 24, 2017 Jerusalem the Burdensome Stone

This excellent article by Luis Vega describes the real behind the scene effect of the USA move to place its embassy in Jerusalem.

Many prophecy students believe that the Ezequiel 38-39 war occurs before the seven year Apocalipse and Luis Vega makes a good case in support of this interpretation.

Good job Luis


Luis Vega (24 Dec 2017)
“HEAVY STONE OF JERUSALEM – The Day Jerusalem Became Israel’s Capital”



The Day Jerusalem Became Israel’s Capital

by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustrations in Chart section

‘It will come about in that day that I will make Jerusalem a Heavy Stone for all the peoples; all who lift it will be severely injured. And all the Nations of the Earth will be gathered against it. ’ –Zechariah 12:3

The purpose of this study is to provide a historical backdrop and depict where the Sun and the array of celestial bodies were precisely when the U.S. Federal Government, under the directive of President Trump allowed for the Jerusalem Embassy Congressional Bill 1322 to initiate the full funding of the transfer of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. One of the sub-titles of the study is ‘The Day Jerusalem became Israel’s Capital’. However, Jerusalem has been Israel’s capital for at least 3000 years. The current media interpretation of this prophetic milestone is a bit misleading. In one aspect, the U.S. President Trump did not ‘officially’ declare Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, it already was and is at least by Israeli supposition. What President Trump did was to affirm and officially recognize that Jerusalem is the capital of Israel as every nation has the sovereignty to designate what city is to be their administrative capital.

As a short background to the U.S. Congressional Bill 1322, it was officially named The Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. It was introduced by Senator Bob Dole. The then President Clinton did not elect to sign it. One supposed reason was that it would not have been politically expedient during a major push to implement the Oslo Accords that had just been signed a few years prior. Clinton did not want to upset the Muslims and give them any excuse to sabotage the Oslo Accords agreements of 1992 and 1995, etc. Since the Clinton Administration, all U.S. President rather have signed a ‘waiver’ to postpone the transfer of the Embassy through a loophole citing ‘National Security’ reasons. Israel officially declared Jerusalem its sovereign capital after the 6-Day War in 1967 although it is not recognized by most nations on Earth.

What this Congressional Act 1322 did and does is that it represents the will of the American People to politically reinforce Israel’s political, social, cultural and historical claim to the land and its designated capital. However, America in the 1990s was predisposed to Israel’s Biblical claims. Thanks to the Luciferian Agenda, America is now drastically less sympathetic to Israel and its Evangelical friends. Many Bible End Times researchers and scholars believe this is a monumental step in the prophetic timeline of the coming culmination of what still remains to be fulfilled before Jesus’ return. This time marker is of the same caliber of significance as Israel’s birth in 1948, the liberation of Jerusalem in 1967 and the coming rebuilding of the 3rd Temple. These 3 factors are what were destroyed, in that order as foretold by Jesus in the Olivet Discourse and what this researchers believes are to be reconstituted in reverse order and need to be physically present at Jesus’ 2nd coming, as it was in His 1st coming, etc.

The Contention for the Crown

To mark this historical day as to what the ‘heavens declared’ celestially, their does appear to be some unique correspondences in terms of time intervals and the position the planets had between each other that may suggest prophetic nuances. Foremost, on December 6, 2017, the Sun was dead-center in the constellation of Ophiuchus. It is also telling where the Moon was at the time of the signing that President Trump recognized Jerusalem as the capital of Israel. The Moon was in the constellation of Cancer. According to the celestial interpretation of E.W. Bullinger, Cancer denotes among many things a ‘canopy’ or Sukkah as it were. The constellation alludes also to an ‘encircling’ and ‘that which is bound’. If one takes the liberty to prophetically correlate the celestial meaning to the present-day timing of when the declaration of Jerusalem took place celestially, it speaks volumes of the coming geo-political fulfillment of Biblical prophecy. In one aspect, Jerusalem can be seen as Israel’s ‘Sukkah’ or covering that infers the Temple that once stood there.

It connotes the times when the Israelites were ‘covered’ by the Pillar of Fire and Smoke, etc. The meaning of the Moon in Cancer at this time also perhaps speaks of the ‘binding’ that Jerusalem was, is was and will be forever the capital of Israel and of GOD. Notwithstanding, the enemies of Israel will one day ‘encircle’ the City of the King in an attempt to destroy and possess it, mainly by the Muslims through the work of the Luciferian Agenda, etc. As to the Sun in Ophiuchus, it also has many esoteric and Biblical references as it portrays foremost the ‘Cosmic Struggle’ between Jesus, the Messiah and Lucifer who seeks to usurp the Crown, Borealis. This ‘Cosmic Struggle’ mirrors the Earthly struggle for dominion of Jerusalem. Why all the rage, especially from the Muslims? It is because Jerusalem is where the seat of the Crown of the Throne of David that YHVH established is to be and eternally no less. It is because Jerusalem is where the seat of all power and authority will be headquartered with Christ as King during the Millennial Reign. It is to be the ‘Eternal Capital’ or the Creator, YHVH for all eternity, as it is in Heaven presently; the Heavenly Jerusalem.


It is as if Christ Jesus is wanting Israel and the world to focus on this segment of the Mazzaroth. Why? It resonates the celestial depiction of the promise of what Christ and Jerusalem are all about. It portrays the epicenter of the ‘Cosmic Contention’ that started in Jerusalem and will end there. This assertion is based on the supposing that the Gate of Eden from where Adam and Eve were expelled was Jerusalem. The struggle ensues because it is the city where Jesus returns to and as the Son of GOD, Jesus took on flesh and blood to become a human to save Humanity from the ravages and consequence of sin, which is mainly Eternal Death. It is Jerusalem where Jesus, the only Savior of the World reconciled the fallen human race of Adam, not the Fallen Angels of Lucifer and much less the Father of Lies. However, in this Cosmic Struggle with the Serpent-Dragon Lucifer, the Messiah of Israel suffered a moral blow to the ‘heel’ metaphorically by Scorpio, ‘The Advisory’ as Satan is described in the Bible and the Great Deceiver. In this ‘Cosmic Struggle’, Scorpio received a mortal blow to the head by Ophiuchus’ foot. This is also depicted by Sagittarius’ arrow piecing the head of Scorpio, which is denoted as mortally wounded by the giant ‘blood’ red Star of Antares.


Celestial Time Markers 

This depiction is what was foretold in the very 1st Biblical prophecy given to Humanity since the Garden of Eden with Adam, Eve and Lucifer present after the Fall. Although the Seed of the Woman was promised, ‘He’ would be ‘stung’ by the consequence of their sins, death but by it, would crush the head of the Serpent, Lucifer. Lucifer did ‘sting’ Jesus with death at the Cross of Calvary that the constellation Centaur depicts with the Southern Cross and Lupus, the ‘Victim’. Jesus did indeed become ‘The Victim’ as the Bible describes. The Cross of Calvary in essence became the Altar of Libra. This occurred despite Jesus Himself attesting that He had no sin in Himself, nor did sin, nor could want to do sin, etc.

Although Jesus was the GOD-Man, the book of Hebrews teachers that in all points Jesus was tempted in His humanity and as humans are, yet without sin. For the purposes of the Law, since Jesus was born under the Law in the time of the Law, He chose willingly to take the place of a fallen Humanity by being circumcised and baptized in ‘proxy’ for the 1st Adam. Such acts denoted the ‘cutting-off’ of the sinful flesh and the need for repentance. Moreover, Jesus volunteered to make the substitutionary death for Adam’s race. Thus, Jesus was not an unwilling ‘human sacrifice’ as the types and shadows that unwilling animal sacrifices were and used as instructional aides. For example, throughout the course of recorded history, it has been the similar case when a certain person for either political and/or ideological reasons have been lined-up to be executed by a firing squad.

In some cases, other men have volunteered and allowed to take the place of such ‘condemned’ men. What is also interesting cosmologically the ‘Day Jerusalem became the Capital of Israel’ is that the Sun was also nearing the center of where the Galactic Plane and the Ecliptic intersect. It is near the famous ‘Horse Nebula’ which is really the ‘Eye’ of the Milky Way ‘Serpent’ when seen as a cross-section. The Golden Gate is at this intersection between the Galactic Plane and the Ecliptic. and is perhaps celestially is another prophetic inference This Golden Gate is interestingly also associated with Jerusalem. Old Jerusalem is even famed for its Golden Gate. That Gate led to the connotation of the House of YHVH that was a ‘Gate’ to Heaven by way of the Temple Veil between the Holies. The Eastern Gate is mirrored on Earth, as it is in the Heavens.

It is also where the planet Saturn has been retrograding all this time since the Revelation 12 Sign commenced. The depiction of the planets on the Ecliptic is really a residual of the Revelation 12 Great Sign. In what way?  Out of all the planetary formations during the September 23, 2017 Virgo Sign, Mars is the last planet that is still in Virgo at the time of the ratification of the U.S. Congressional Bill 1322. The Sun will pass this ‘Celestial Gate’ on the Winter Solstice in tandem with Mars finally leaving Virgo. Mars remains still in Virgo until the 10th of December and completely out of the constellation precisely on the Winter Solstice of December 21, which is unique. It was the Golden Gate, also referred to as the Gate of God in Jerusalem that Jesus entered on that Palm Sabbath, not Sunday. According to the book of Zechariah, it will be also the Gate that Jesus will enter through at His 2nd coming. Jesus will come along with His Bride of Christ, the Saints of the entire Church Age having been raptured and glorified.

The Coming Inner-Ring War

The position of the various planets were also very interesting. The positioning of the planets perhaps might very well be linked as a cosmic Sign to the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 in more ways than one. There were basically 2 sets of planetary alignments that occurred, perhaps as a ‘Double Witness’. There was the Mas-Jupiter-Venus alignment and then there it was the Venus-Sun-Saturn-Mercury alignment. What was unique in both cases is that they both were in approximate phi ratio of distance amongst each other. This goes to show how that even the movements of the heavenly bodies are orchestrated in precise mathematical variables and pertinent to their speed.

Those who study the End Times are excited about this current development dealing with Jerusalem as a further prophetic step in the eventual construction of the 3rd Temple and reconciliation of Israel with their Savior, Jesus. It goes to show that indeed Biblical prophetic events like the recognition of Jerusalem being the capital of Israel by the most powerful nation on Earth, the USA is tied to celestial orchestration as well as being a prophetic step. Perhaps the backlash of the Muslims, the EU, Russia and the rest of the world will allow for a coordinated effort to attack Israel because of it.

This U.S. affirmation of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital scenario could be the catalyst for such a Biblical fulfillment per the Olivet Discourse Theory. It could be the case that the years of preparation of Hamas and Hezbollah aided by Iran, Saudi Arabia and Turkey will trigger the Inner-Ring War against Israel that could usher in the AntiChrist. The following are some unique day counts concerning the December 6, 2017 ratification of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995. 


Oct 23, 1995 to Dec 6, 2017 = 8080 days or 22 years, 1 month, 13 days


Jun 7, 1967 to Dec 6, 2017 = 18,445 days or 50 years, 5 months, 29 days


May 14, 1948 to Dec 6, 2017 = 25,408 days or 69 years, 6 months, 22 days


Sep 23, 2017 to Dec 6, 2017 = 74 days or 2 months, 13 days 

= 1776 hours

This same 1776 hour factor occurs in 2018 that will mark the 70th anniversary of the

‘Fig Tree’ being ‘born’. From Israel’s independence to the Central Bull’s Eye Blood Moon on July 27, 2018 also echoes the ‘Year of Light’ year 5776. Oddly enough, the same hours occur from Israel’s Independence Day to the Central Blood Moon in 2018.

May 14, 2018 to July 27, 2018

= 1776 hours

The Prophetic Crucible
The Psalm 83 War is believed by some to be when the immediate Muslim countries surrounding Israel militarily will attack Israel in hopes of ‘wiping Israel off the map’ and acquiring the land and Jerusalem as their possession. It is the long sought-out

‘Birthright’ of Ishmael to do so. Some Christians believe that this Inner-Ring of Muslim nations will indeed be the Psalm 83 War. It will be the case in which it will allow for the victory of Israel over such Muslims to the point of a demoralization that most likely will also involve the layer of the Isaiah 17 nuclear attack on Damascus. As it is, the Iranian military base set up approximately 30 miles from the Israeli border just south of Damascus will not be tolerated by Israel. Prime Minister Netanyahu has already alerted Putin of Russia, Iran and Syria’s Assad that it is a ‘Red Line’ for Israel.


Putin’s assertion that Iran has the legal right to have a military presence near Israel has not helped the situation. With such rhetoric, military strikes have already been carried out by Israel against the Iranian base in which some Iranian serviceman have been reported to have been killed. This corresponding agitation by Israel against Iran who now has a military and common alliance with Turkey and Russian will foment the subsequent Outer-Ring of Muslim nations led by God-Magog or the Russian Federation against Israel per Ezekiel 38. This very serious scenario lends a dire credence to the Isaiah 17 total destruction of Damascus. Many believe that at some point, Israel will feel so threatened by Iran’s nuclear capability that it will preemptively nuke the city that is already virtually uninhabitable and desolate.

This scenario is now based on real live events, even prophetically. Iran now has a military base within striking distance of Israel. There is now a Triple Alliance of Russia-Turkey-Iran. Now the U.S. Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995 – 1322 officially recognized Jerusalem as being Israel’s capital. These geo-political factors are now a game-changer but foremost, they are a Biblical and prophetic game-changer. In terms of the Jerusalem Embassy Act of 1995, the ratification legally allows the USA to move its Embassy to Jerusalem. What is the big deal in that? It legitimizes Israel’s claim to its ancient capital that King David ruled for 33 years in and in which King Solomon built the Temple of YHVH as a House of Prayer for all the Nations, etc. This scenario will predispose the coming of the AntiChrist and the building of the 3rd Temple in the estimation of this study.

Other Christian historians however, believe that the Psalm 83 War of the Inner-Ring of Muslim nations that attack Israel was already been fulfilled in ancient Biblical times and in more modern times, it occurred during the War of Independence. It has been true that Jerusalem has been attacked and destroyed numerous times throughout its ancient history. However, at no time in its ancient past had all its neighbors attacked Israel, all at the same time. For example, it was either only Egypt, Assyria, or Babylon aside from the nagging Philistines of the Gaza coast. Others may argue then that the 1948 War of Independence was perhaps the Psalm 83 War. Although it was true that in that case, 7 armies of the Muslim nations immediately surrounding Israel did attack her, all at once. The whole world did not see or feel Jerusalem as a ‘Burdensome Stone’ nor was Israel hated of all the nations as it is now.

These 7 Muslim armies were armed to the teeth in Soviet military hardware, the best at the time. The miracle of Israel, only having a mockup army of irregulars, barely an air force of a few outdated World War 2 airplanes and army tanks is that it managed to defeat this mighty orchestrated Muslim onslaught. It was much like Herod trying to kill baby Jesus, Haman trying to commit genocide against Esther’s people, etc. As noted, the major difference is that then, not all the world was against Israel. In fact, the whole world was cheering on and helping out Israel. Many peoples from all nations even went to volunteer to help Israel fight and after the war helped in building-up the infrastructure of the new-born nation, etc. The reason why this researcher believes this present time is different is because it is the total opposite of 1948.

In the present political environment concerning the Middle East and the question of the Palestinians, the whole world now is against Israel, just as Zechariah 12 foretold would be the case in the End of Days. Sadly, even the USA at some point, very soon will also be indifferent to Israel. As the U.S. populace is growing disenchanted with President Trump and his support for the conservative Judeo-Christian voter base, the nation will distance itself ever farther away from such a religious association and support as it sees it being ‘racist, bigoted, Islamophobic’, etc. This U.S. Presidential recognition of Jerusalem as Israel’s capital is perhaps then the building-up of the catalyst that will ignite the rage and war with the Muslims against Israel at some time in the near future. Already Erdogan of Turkey stated, ‘Trump pulled the pin out of the bomb’ and the Muslims should know something about pulling pins from bombs.

He also called for an emergency meeting of the Muslim nations as he also declared that this decision for Jerusalem was ‘a red line for Muslims’. No doubt this will and has energized more the Muslims to rage against Israel having Jerusalem as the recognized capital city where YHVH has only put His name on Earth. It will nonetheless serve to energize the ‘sons of disobedience’ more, both Muslim and non-Muslim saboteurs. Why so much vitriol against Jerusalem? It is because it is the City of the King, King Jesus. It is because Lucifer rages against the plans Jesus has for it. Lucifer and his minions of death cult Secret Societies recognize that it is going to thwart their Great Work. In the meanwhile, the Bible states of such, ‘according to the Ruler of the Kingdom of the Air, the Ruler of the Spirit that is now energizing the Sons of Disobedience’ are Satanically preparing and ‘energizing’ themselves for the coming Inner-Ring Muslim war in the Middle East against Israel.


Main Sources


Nando end






Dec 24, 2017 Merry Christmas

We are a day away from the 25 of December and the celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ.

I want to thank God for the salvation of our body, soul and spirit with the substitute sacrifice in our behave by the incarnate member of the triune God, Jesus Christ.



For the very nice Swede group eating at Versalles Restaurant tonight I hope you enjoy this blog and you met the author Nando. If you like the blog please pass it around to your friends and leave comments.

Written by twelvebooks

December 24, 2017 at 12:25 am

Posted in Jesus

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