Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Archive for November 2019

Nov 30, 2019 Old earth or new earth or both

The discussion of the beginning of earth and the future of earth is basic to the purpose and interpretation of the Bible.

The Bible starts with the creation of earth and ends with the ending and recreation of a new earth and heavens.

The interview of Steve Quayle by Gary Stearman takes us in a journey of discovery of the difficult passages in the Bible. Their discoveries and interpretation lays mute the theory of evolution and the use of time by the unbelievers to justify their false assumptions. It is as if time alone can have the power to create the present world by the use of the existing forces of nature. How many years in trillions and trillions would nature require to build a car, a watch a TV a Computer a high rise building or any of the things we see in our world without the existence of men?

This requires an answer, never. So if man has altered, not created, the things that were mentioned above it can be understood that he possesses something that is unique of men apart from all the other living organic beings sharing our planet. The most obvious answer is intelligence.

So if intelligence, cooperation and power are needed for us to alter the existing natural world and the natural world is incapable of doing it then we can formulate the question of what intelligence created men, and the argument of evolution that men evolved from a basic atomic cell and formed itself into the most complex organic machine known in our universe is as baseless as a watch being created in nature without men no matter how many trillions of years you throw at it.

The Bible reveals to us God as creating everything. His attributes are infinitive knowledge and power combined with the infinite attributes found in humans in small quantities as love, justice, mercy, compassion, sacrifice, art, recognition of beauty, laws and others.

He establishes the rules and laws to follow as He created and has the power, wisdom and all the other perfect attributes to enforce His will. It is to our well being and survival to know and align our lives to Him in love, obedience and understanding.

The video will present a reasonable and possible explanation for the difficult to understand passages of the Bible.

In a drawing I made a long time ago I tried to capture the theme of creation and the intelligence that is a must in the process of creation by God or alteration by men.

The creation by God of the hands of a human was first in the mind of God as He gave not only dimensions which are shown in the drawing but the materials needed to make it work. It created the man out of nothing as He first created the materials out of nothing with His power and Intelligence fulfiliing ths job.

Men use their intelligence to conceive a prestressed concrete bridge beam in their minds and assign dimensions and materials to the beam so that a contractor reading the drawing can build the beam that will go to a bridge and perform the use intended. We altered the elements to bring new form. A long way removed from the original creation of God that created men that then altered the created to form new things which we then use for our present enjoyment of live.



Nov 25, 2019 The main reason for Trump Impeachment is because he won the election of 2016

The harm that the Democratic party is doing to the United States of America is enormous. The excellent article below is precise and truthful. Mr Geri Ungurean is a frequent writer of Rapture Ready a Christian site.

It is important that Christians use spiritual discernment to discover the truth in these end times where the father of lies Satan rules the kingdoms of this world. Let us remember that God is in control of History and the advances of the enemy are well known by Him.

There is a great obfuscation of truth being used on the politics of impeachment and both sides can not be right. In this issue there is no middle ground.

Choose whom you should serve were the words of Joshua (24:15).


Reason for Impeachment: Because Trump Won :: By Geri Ungurean

Nov 20, 2019 Jonathan Cahn interview about the Oracle book

Avery interesting interview that reveals God and the Jubilee that controls out lives



Written by twelvebooks

November 20, 2019 at 5:27 pm

Nov 16, 2019 Cancer natural cures

The two links given are possible sources of cure


This Corbisin compound article was added on Nov 16, 2019

The compound that works with Corbisin in the article is given as H2O2 which is commonly referred as Hydrogen Peroxide. The addition of a few drops(7 +/- drops to 8 OZ glass of water per day) of food grade 35 % Hydrogen Peroxide to your daily diet should supplement the Oxigen treatment in Corbisin.


This Apex water product was added to this article on Nov 16, 2019



Written by twelvebooks

November 16, 2019 at 12:28 pm

Posted in Health issues

Tagged with

Nov 9, 2016 The Two Witnesses of the first half of the Tribulation

There are a lot of critical things to understand in the book of Revelation and one of the necessary one is the Two Witnesses.

In the book The Last Prophecies by Bill Salus he covers this subject very thoroughly and this book review by Pastor Gary Stearman and author Bill Salus cover the subject in a very deep and precise way.

I agree with their interpretation of the timing of their ministry and the identity of both with the observation that one is for sure Elijah and the other which is not as asserted in identity as Elijah can be Moses. I also see the possibility of the Apostle John being the second as described in pastor F.M. Riley’s posts in five doves site.

A very important observation to make about the timing of their coming or the beginning of the Tribulation is that it will occur in the feast of Passover of a future year. The Jews have long placed and extra place for Elijah in their Passover meal ritual which suggests the timing.

Also the prophecy of the seventy weeks of years in Daniel 9 has the prophecy stopped at the 69th week of years by the cutting off of Messiah (Jesus death at 3PM Passover 32 AD), so the start could also be at a Passover in a future year.

So many great observations in this short video, my thanks to Gary Stearman and Bill Salus.








Nov 5, 2019 Bible Numbers and their significance point to the Antichrist and the Tribulation

This interview by Pastor Gary Stearman of Prophecy Watchers of  Pastor Steve Cioccolanti is extremely interesting and instructive.

They cover how numbers in the Bible and in History all point to Jesus.

I have heard many sermons of Pastor Cioccolanti and I find him to be an excellent expositor of the Bible and all in for Jesus.

Among the subjects discussed is the # 666 as the Antichrist and they go into the gematria of the name of the Antichrist. He gives as an example of what is the wrong way to do it by mentioning that many Christians believed that Ronald Wilson Reagan was the Antichrist because each name had six letters. Without knowing who it was that said this it was me who started this line of reasoning back then.

I went to baby names books to study the origin of his names and found that Ronald meant mighty warrior and originated Germanic, Wilson means son of will and in Isaiah 14:12-14 Satan makes five I will statements against God so son of will could have meant son of Satan. Reagan is of Germanic origin also and means mighty king. He was born Feb 6 under the sign of Aquarius and hia friend gave him a house in Bel air (Baal of the air) and the house number was 666. He was mortally wounded by a bullet that barely missed his heart and survived the wound.

At the time I was counting 40 years from 1948 as the time for the end of the Tribulation and concluded that the beginning of the Tribulation had to be in 1980. I was then and still are convinced that the Antichrist must be a president of the US as it is the only power in the world that could control the whole world militarily, economically and politically.

I was wrong about Reagan but I am not wrong about Obama.

In the video at 16:32 minutes Pastor Cioccolanti talks about the Antichrist as wining the Nobel Peace price and coming back again.

I do think the pastor is exceptional in his knowledge and inspiration and a very close to Jesus Christian Pastor.

Finally I have been communicating with Jesus through numbers and know that He created the Universe and everything in it by the 22 letters in the Hebrew alphabet and the gematria numbers they represent.

At the end of the video the pastor gives a timeline of the beginning of the Tribulation that I think could be right in the money.

Thank you for this wonderful prophetic and inspirational video Prophecy Watchers.



Part 1



His election