Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Archive for September 2021

September 30, 2021 How to imagine a Trillion and Congress kicks the can down the road

I would have never imagined ten years ago what is happening in the world at large today,


Congress Kicks the Can

  • Congress kicks the can down the road…
  • More debt in one year than in the previous 200+ combined…
  • 913,242.24 years to retire the national debt…

Annapolis, Maryland
September 30, 2021

Brian MaherDear Fernando,

CNBC gives the news:

Congress was poised to prevent a government shutdown Thursday with hours to go before a midnight deadline.

The Senate and House both passed a short-term appropriations bill that would keep the government running through Dec. 3. The U.S. will avoid a lapse in funding once President Joe Biden signs it into law.

The Senate approved the legislation in a 65-35 vote, as 15 Republicans joined all 50 Democrats. The House passed the bill by a 254-175 margin as 34 GOP representatives and every Democrat supported it.

Barring delays, the House is expected to approve the plan and send it to President Joe Biden before funding lapses.

President Joe Biden will of course sign his name to the legislation.

We hazard many palms were greased… many backs were scratched… many arms were twisted.

Many horses were traded.

“Disaster” Avoided

And so federal workers essential to the Republic’s safety will remain on station — the customs official at Ketchikan, Alaska — for example.

The Transportation Security Administration will still defend the aerial ways against infants, their great-grandmothers, the crippled and related hellcats.

Social Security checks will still go through the mails.

In event of national invasion, the Marines will answer the bugle.

Of course, Congress would never permit an authentic government shutdown.

One fellow attempts to seize concessions from the other… to make him blink first.

The other pursues an identical strategy. But they come to terms by the fatal hour.

The political combat before us is thus reduced to spectacle, a professional wrestling bout with its false feuds, artificial blows and imitation blood.

The outcome is pre-decided.

And so today the soda can goes rolling down the roadway, kicked plenty hard.

You will be treated to the identical show in December, when the present arrangement terminates — depend on it.

Recommended Link

  America’s #1 Futurist George Gilder’s 2021 Prediction Will Stun You “We’re headed for a potential $16.8 trillion reboot,” he says. This “reboot” could create the largest wealth generation in decades. And it has nothing to do with politics, the coronavirus, or the Fed. Tap into this wealth revolution and learn how it could make you very… very… rich. Click Here To See How

The Case for Gridlock

At The Daily Reckoning, we are bitterly and ruthlessly antipartisan. That is, we denounce each party for its multiple atrocities (admittedly, some readers do not agree).

Yet if you’ll allow us this one partisan deviation:

It was our sincere wish that the Republican Party retained its Senate majority in 2020’s election.

That is, we were — and are — out for gridlock.

The Democratic Party is hot to “get things done.” Yet we do not want it to get things done.

That is because getting things done generally equates to massive raids upon our liberties, our logic centers… and our wallets.

When government gets things done for A, it must first do things to B.

And so B is knocked about by his own government for the benefit of A.

We find the entire business scandalous.

Our concept of progress grazes against the general grain. Our progress consists of dynamiting most existing government programs and policies.

Decade after decade of government doing for A and C and D and E and F have thrown the nation’s finances into ghastly disequilibrium.

Shocking but True

By some metrics, the United States presently takes on more debt in one year than it did in its first 200 years of existence.

It may astound you. It may flabbergast you. It may horrify you.

But the facts are the facts.

This was true — incidentally — even before the virus invaded its shores. Now all previous projections go into the hellbox, discarded and useless.

In 2018 — merely three years past — the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) projected the national debt would exceed $23 trillion by 2020. Exceed.

We suspect the 2018 forecast was intended to raise the hair, to sound a klaxon. Yet the year is presently 2021.

The nation staggers and groans under a $28.8 trillion debt… which counts higher with each swing of the clock arm.

Yet as we have argued before, large numbers dull the sober senses… as large bottles of wine dull the sober senses.

They glaze the eyes. They stupefy and gobsmack.

Let us therefore, again, reduce the airy abstract to hard concrete…

How to Imagine $1 Trillion

Let us begin by considering $1 trillion. The nonprofit Employment Policies Institute places one trillion into this perspective:

Let’s say someone told you to wait for something. If you waited 1,000 seconds, it’d only take about 17 minutes. If you waited 1 million seconds, you’d have to wait about 11.5 days… But if you waited 1 trillion seconds, you’d have to wait 31,688 years.

Imagine it if you can — 1 trillion seconds is 31,688 years.

But we are a financial newsletter. Money is our central concern. How much time is required to print $1 trillion?

Assume you are given command of the printing press. But you are limited to printing $1 bills.

But you are exceptionally energetic. And so you print one $1 bill each second of each day, midnight to midnight, 365 days of the 365.

How much time is required to print $1 trillion? Author Bill Bryson:

If you initialed $1 per second, you would make $1,000 every 17 minutes. After 12 days of nonstop effort you would acquire your first $1 million. Thus, it would take you 120 days to accumulate $10 million and 1,200 days — something over three years — to reach $100 million. After 31.7 years you would become a billionaire… But not until after 31,709.8 years would you count your trillionth dollar.

31,709.8 years! In the year 33,730, you may wipe the sweat from your brow… and sit down.

Assuming the Almighty grants you your threescore and 10 — 70 years — you will require 452.99 lifetimes to retire this debt.

Thus you may find your future… bleak.

Yet consider the alternative: Would you prefer to spend those 31,709.8 years roasting in hell?

The Bible is quite clear, after all. The unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God.

913,242.24 Years of Ceaseless Labor

Consider another enormity — the national debt — presently running, again, to $28.8 trillion.

You are committed to frugality in government. Each dollar you print you therefore consecrate to retiring the nation’s debt.

Thus we multiply 31,709.8 years by 28.8. Here is what we learn:

Reducing today’s $28.8 trillion debt to $0… would require 913,242.24 years of ceaseless labor — 13,046.31 lifetimes.

Commence today and the job is done in the year of our Lord 915,263.

And we are not factoring interest on this debt. We will spare you the calculations for fear of your sanity.

The business seems beyond all human agency, beyond all control.

‘What can I do?’ a fellow wonders. His shoulders he shrugs. His head he bows.

He may cluck-cluck his opposition to it all — and what sane man does not?

The Modern Monetary Theory zanies may be for it. They argue that greater and greater debt is the great elixir, the granite foundation of wealth everlasting, the goose that is golden.

But our normal man, he is no zany. He has good, hard sense in him. He is sturdy, he is sound.

He is also powerless. He is a man resigned…


Brian Maher

Brian Maher
Managing Editor, The Daily Reckoning

Editor’s note: We would urge you not to despair over today’s article. We know it sounds like doom and gloom, but you can protect your wealth in the times ahead by adding gold and silver to your portfolio.

But it has to be physical gold and silver, not some ETF.

If you haven’t had a chance to check it out yet, our business partners (we like them so much we bought a stake) at Hard Assets Alliance have a great platform to buy and sell the physical metal, whether you want it sent to your home or stored safely in a vault, including an overseas vault to protect it from you know who..

We highly recommend you click HERE to check it out today…

Written by twelvebooks

September 30, 2021 at 8:57 pm

September 22, 2021 Discovering the fallen ones as we approach the end

Discovering the fallen ones as we approach the end

The footprints and works of the fallen ones are documented by L.A. Marzulli in his seven DVD’s.

Great and insightful interview.


Written by twelvebooks

September 22, 2021 at 10:05 pm

September 9, 2021 Is Socialism a utopia or a nightmare?

Is Socialism a utopia or a nightmare?

At the age of sixteen I witness the birth of the most destructive and evil force seen in the modern day world in the Americas take hold.

As a seductive siren calling unsuspecting sailors into the rocks that would break their ships and lill them, this siren call was heard by the Cuban people in the first of January of 1959 as Batista left Cuba and Fidel took over.

Not a month had passed when the firing squads were assembled, and the hypnotized nation saw the murder of hundreds in a roman circus atmosphere where the spectators clamored for more blood.

The nation and the whole continent have seen the spread of this evik as a cancer that invades a body till it kills it.

The lethal ideology has infested The Caribbean, Central America, South America and now it is germinating here in the USA.

The following video looks at this political cancer from the Christian perspective and ties it to the prophecies of the end times and the return of Jesus Christ.


Written by twelvebooks

September 19, 2021 at 7:35 pm

September 19, 2021 Letters, numbers, geometry, math, the Bible, Jesus Christ, and the Antichrist are all tide down together in this unbelievable article by John Tng

Letters, numbers, geometry, math, the Bible, Jesus Christ, and the Antichrist are all tide down together in this unbelievable article by John Tng

When most people hear or read about the Bible they think about what is written. Not in the wildest dreams do they think about the mathematical, geometric, and prophetic tapestry that is in the book.

Here the author of this article as well as other similar ones he wrote before John Tng uncovers the infinite mind of God in His geometric and mathematical construct of the Word (Bible). We stand in awe at God’s power and wisdom to encode what is revealed below.


John Tng (19 Sep 2021)
“The Pyramid Stone that Reveals”

Dear Doves,

I am not writing about the Great Pyramid of Giza. I first observed something unusual about the Creation scripture, “In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth.” (Gen 1:1) Its Hebrew gematria value, 2701, when regarded as stones, may be used to construct a two-dimensional pyramid; in effect, a triangle. Let us call it the Genesis Pyramid.

I discovered secret passageways in the Genesis Pyramid not unlike those found in the Great Pyramid of Giza. These passageways point to our calendar years with uncanny precision. Furthermore, buried in the stones of the Genesis Pyramid lies a huge secret that has been hidden for a few thousand years since the Book of Genesis was written. The stones hold the key to the 666 beast scripture, Rev 13:18, “Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six.”

The Stone that Reveals

The day after I posted my latest Antichrist discovery on 5 Sep 2021 (see link), the Lord led me to one stone out of the 2701 stones of the Genesis Pyramid. It absolutely blew me away! This is the Revelation Stone. It validates my Antichrist discovery more than I can ever hope for!

I believe the timing of this find speaks to the nearness of the rapture. Ever since I found the Genesis Pyramid 12 years ago, I have been searching amongst its stones for end-time clues. Digging for eschatological treasures rather than archaeological ones, I think I left no stone unturned. Yet, the Revelation Stone has been there all along sitting right under my nose undiscovered. In part, my knowledge was somewhat incomplete and fragmented. With greater clarity now, all the numbers fall into place in that one stone.

Counting & Color Coding the Stones

To fully appreciate the Revelation Stone, you need to know how the stones are counted and color-coded. We can count the stones from the base up towards the apex of the Pyramid or the other way round. I numbered the stones starting from the leftmost corner at the base, counting from left to right row-wise as I moved up each of the 73 layers of stones. Bob Ware counted from the top at the apex towards the base, counting from right to left row-wise as he descended towards the base of the Pyramid at layer 1.

For ease of reference, Bob’s stones are colored red and mine blue. Blue stone 1 is red stone 2701 and vice versa.

There is a third way of counting the stones, vertically from the base up starting from the leftmost corner of the base. The counting is done column-wise from the left columns towards the right. I colored these stones black.

Hence, each stone has 3 colors; for example, blue stone 1 is also red stone 2701 and black stone 1.

Counting the Revelation Stone

The Revelation Stone is black stone 1318 (Rev 13:18 beast scripture), blue stone 2251, and red stone 451.

These numbers stunned me!

First, the two grand totals of the truncatable triangular number (TTN) are absolutely there! (see link for more information on TTNs) This is proof positive that I truncated the Right- and Left-TTNs exactly the same way the Holy Spirit did!

I stumbled upon a piece of divine math!

The black stone 1318 is the grand total of the 10 Right-TTNs including their order numbers (shown below).

104 11    
155 11    
368 32    
6611 632   
10514 104 11 
15317 155 11 
6663686611 632

The sum of black stone 1318 and red stone 451 is the grand total of the 10 Left-TTNs including their order numbers (1318+451 = 1769)!!!!!

2163 211    
368  63 2   
6611  632   
9113  11   
13616  368 632
406287 63 2632
666368 6611 632

This is really amazing!

The two TTN grand totals (1318 & 1769) are totally legit numbers as evidenced by the Revelation Stone!

Such special groups of numbers don’t just happen to be found in one place by chance. If I hadn’t discovered the Left-TTN (I didn’t even know it existed!), the red stone 451 would have meant nothing to me. And I might not have discovered the Revelation Stone.

So they are not a figment of my imagination. Both numbers are etched into the Revelation Stone in the Great Pyramid of Genesis a few thousand years ago (strictly speaking from Creation).

By divine guidance, I actually discovered the exact same way God counted the truncatable triangular number totals!

But we really hit pay dirt with blue stone 2251.

Blue stone 2251 is the sum of the English gematria of 793 (Barack Hussein Obama) and 1458 (Barry Soetoro) !!!!!!

This is also the Wall Street number!

Furthermore, the blue stone 2251 (793+1458) is also the sum of the last two rows of the two TTN tables (R-TTNs and L-TTNs) !!!!!!

L-TTN:   406+28+7+6+3+2+6+3+2
                666+36+8+66+11+6+3+2      <=>  793 (Barack Hussein Obama)
R-TTN:   153+17+15+5+1+1                <=>  1458 (Barry Soetoro)

There you have it.

The Revelation Stone (or the Stone) proves beyond a shadow of a doubt that the Right- and Left-truncatable triangular numbers exist and that they are deeply connected to the 666 beast of Rev 13:18.

But more astoundingly, the identity of the Antichrist is hidden in the Stone.

Secret Passageways

The secret passageways in the Great Pyramid of Genesis contain intriguing timing clues to end-time events. The first important calendar year that caught my attention is the year 2008 when Obama won the historic US Presidential election on Nov 5th. He was the first African-American president of the United States since the founding of America in 1776.

Something very unusual happened the day after the 2008 election day when counting was concluded; coincidentally, the Illinois pick 3 lottery drawn was 666 that evening (Obama was U.S. Senator from Illinois). There were four 666 pick 3 winnings in 2008, an unusually high frequency (see table below). The last 666 winning number came out in the evening draw on Nov 5, 2008, several hours after Obama won the election in the early hours on the same day.


The year 2008 is a watershed year prophetically. It was the year that the Antichrist rose to become the most powerful man on earth. Satan moved his key man in position on the chessboard and fired the end-time opening salvo.

Intriguingly, the year 2008 appears in a secret passageway shown in the Genesis Pyramid below.

Jesus Christ (Greek gematria 2368), the Creator of all things, signed off His signature at the 666 beast scripture, Rev 13:18. The ending phrase, “and his number is Six hundred threescore and six” has a Greek gematria value of 2368, the signature of Jesus Christ.

In my previous post (see link), I have shown that the signature of Jesus Christ is concealed in the Antichrist 793 triangle.

The Antichrist 793

66 11
666 36 8

The Revelation Stone number, 1318, wraps around the number 6 forming a small triangle; it splits the big Antichrist 793 triangle into two smaller triangles.

66        11
666      368

The signature of Jesus Christ is seen in the 1318 triangle when the two ones at its apex are added (1+1=2), and joined with the three digits at the base (368) to give 2368 (Jesus Christ).

It appears that Jesus Christ, the Author of the Bible, goes out of His way to single out the Revelation Stone number, 1318, for special attention.

This fact underscores the significance of the above secret passageway. It shows that Jesus Christ (blue stone 2368) is pointing to a historic end-time event that took place in the year 2008 (blue stone 2008) and the key person involved is the man with the 666 mark of the beast (black stone 1318).

In the secret passageway, the Revelation Stone (black stone 1318) is located exactly at the 0.666 position !!!!!!


A black line drawn at the centre row (row 37) of the Pyramid is where blue stone 2008 sits. (The black line does not appear to occupy the mid height position of the Pyramid due to optical illusion.) If you exclude the 37 stones in this middle layer (row 37), the triangle above it has 666 stones! The trapezium below layer 37 is composed of 666+666+666 stones!!!!!!

Consider layer 37 as layer 1 at the bottom of the secret passageway that begins with blue stone 2008. The passageway ends at blue stone 2368 at the upper end at layer 12. The Revelation Stone (black stone 1318) is located at layer 8, exactly two thirds of the way up the secret passageway; that is, 0.666!

A strange parallel is also observed in chapter 793 (Barack Hussein Obama) of the Bible; it is at the 0.666 position as well! (see link)

In a nutshell, the hidden prophecy in the secret passageway of the Genesis Pyramid is this: Jesus Christ (blue stone 2368) foretold the year (blue stone 2008) in which the Antichrist (black stone 1318) was elected into the highest office of the United States, the world’s superpower.

The beast was propelled onto the world stage for the first time ever in year 2008.

Passage of Escape?

The year 2008 is revealed in the extended secret passageway connected by blue stone 2368 and black stone 1318.

What happens when black stone 2368 is connected to black stone 1318?

Another secret passageway is formed. This time it reveals the current calendar time window we are in!

The second secret passageway in black passes through blue stones 2021 and 2022, the current calendar period we are in!

If the accuracy of the first secret passageway (in blue) is anything to go by, should we be holding our breath another historic end-time event is going to take place in the 2021-2022 time window?

Will it be the re-emergence of the Antichrist?

This should get everyone super excited not because the Antichrist is about to show up; but because the real Christ will beat him to it.

The Final Passageway

I was curious to see what happens when blue stone 2368 is connected to blue stone 1318. My curiosity led me to the third secret passageway; it passes through blue stone 2028!

Doves, it does look like the 7-year tribulation is in view here between 2021 and 2028. But I am not sure. I am not saying the rapture will happen in 2021 or 2022. Neither am I saying Christ will come at the Second Coming in 2028.

The middle layer (row 37) of stones attracts powerful dark energies; 666 stones above it and 666+666+666 stones below. The middle layer begins with the year 1999 (blue stone 1999) and ends in year 2035 (blue stone 2035). From the start of the middle layer until now, twenty two years later in 2021, the world is gripped by the pandemic. Will humanity survive by the time we reach year 2035, the last blue stone of the middle layer?

It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to see that the world is on the cusp of a reset never before seen and that world changing events are bound to happen this decade.

Every religious or spiritual group is expecting a cataclysmic end to the old world as we know it and the rebirth of a new one. Each has their own take on how things will pan out and when these things will happen.

The Revelation Stone and secret passageways hint at something BIG happening in the current time window we are in!

Let us hope that this is it!

The Numberer of Secrets

Jesus Christ is the Numberer of Secrets (see link). Some secrets of the Lord concerning the Antichrist are privy only to John. From John’s numbers, the two names of the Antichrist came out very strongly: 793 (Barack Hussein Obama) and 1458 (Barry Soetoro).

Both names are hidden in blue stone 2251 (793+1458), i.e. the Revelation Stone.

But Jesus Christ (Greek gematria 2368) also hides the two names in blue stone 2368 !!!!!!

The Lord Jesus is trying to tell us multiple times the identity of the Antichrist!

Red stone 334 (blue stone 2368) is the sum of 163 (ordinal value of Barack Hussein Obama) and 171 (ordinal value of Barry Soetoro) !!!!!!

[Note: Ordinal values of the 26 English letters are A=1, B=2, … , Y=25, Z=26.]

John double confirms the red stone 334 (163 BHO + 171 BS) in his Fish, Beast, and Judas scriptures !!!!!!

First, the total number of chapters between the Fish scripture, John 21:11, and the Beast scripture, Rev 13:18, is 163 chapters (between ch 1018 and ch 1180 inclusive). Second, the total number of chapters between the Judas scripture, John 13:18, and the Beast scripture, Rev 13:18, is 171 chapters (between ch 1010 and ch 1180 inclusive).

This is another instance when the Lord Jesus is giving hints to John concerning the Antichrist, not unlike the secret sign of dipping the sop He shared with John.

Jesus Christ (2368) further conceals a surprise in the key numbers given to John:

1318    (R-TTN total; John 13:18; Rev 13:18; the Revelation Stone number)
1769    (L-TTN total) 
793      (Standard English gematria of Barack Hussein Obama)
163      (Ordinal value of Barack Hussein Obama)
1458    (Standard English gematria of Barry Soetoro)
171      (Ordinal value of Barry Soetoro)

The Fingerprints of the Numberer of Secrets can be seen in these six numbers !!!!!!

2368 (Jesus Christ)
= (1769-1318) + (793-163) + (1458-171)     !!!!!!

Our Lord Jesus is amazing!

He truly is Palmoni, the Wonderful Numberer!

Come, Lord Jesus!


Written by twelvebooks

September 19, 2021 at 1:06 pm

September 16, 2021 China, Semiconductors, War and the 793 again

China, Semiconductors, War and the 793 again

This video is about the similarities between Japan in the 1945 and China of today, and the war then .

At the end of the video the author asked to give a thumps up rating and when I did I was the “”””# 793 ranker for thumbs up””””> Did God confirm again the identity of Obama as the Antichrist?


China May Risk World War Over…Semiconductors? | George Calhoun On Taiwan, Evergrande & Xi Jinping

Written by twelvebooks

September 16, 2021 at 12:43 pm

September 13, 2021 The Antichrist, his identity and what has been discovered already as of September 2021

The Bible has many things that are as deep to understand as the human mind is capable of peeking into the mind of God.

One of the least understood of all the things in the Bible are the prophecies that it contains. Each of these prophecies was given by God to humans concerning the future that only He knew.

These prophecies reveal what is going to happen in the future and God’s planning and purpose for his kingdom, as well as His enemy’s plan against Him. Not only do we know what He will do, but we know what Satan will also do against Him.

God revealed that one of the most important periods of time in this epic battle will take place in a period of seven years of 360 days each, or 2,520 days or two half’s of 1,260 days.

he Satan is shown to have two humans that he will give control of the battle he will launch using the human race as his tools for the battle during the seven years. This man is called the first beast in Rev 13:18 and is also known as the antichrist.

This great battle is for the control of the Universe and the human race that God created with the purpose of making them their adopted sons and daughters.

The war is taking place now and it started with humans involved more than 6,000 years ago as it will be also in the future. It will be divided in two spheres, the physical, visible and material and the invisible, and spiritual.

The identity of the Antichrist was encoded in the text of the Bible with a time and mathematical lock that needed to be unlocked to decipher. The time lock part was unlocked on May 14, 1948 when in one day Israel became the nation it is today.

Since that lock was opened we can now use the other clues to try to pin point the coming seven year period and the identity of the AC.

The link below is the last of many articles written by John Tng about the Antichrist. These discoveries as well as the preceding ones show a mathematical proof that reaches a number of one divided by infinity of not being correct.

I Agree 100 % with John”s conclusion that Obama is the Antichrist and have done so before he became president for the first time. In this blog under the category of Obama, Obama Antichrist proof and others you will find many other discoveries of John Tng

Today when picking my grandson from school a license plate DAL 7793 was beside my car. Dal is in spanish give so it said give 7793,


Written by twelvebooks

September 14, 2021 at 10:51 pm

September 10, 2021 Case in point, Jesus was betrayed for 30 silver coins

As the very good article below points out silver used as money goes back thousands of years, and silver and gold are referred in the Bible from beginning to end. God was betrayed by Judas in exchange for 30 silver coins and the streets of the New Jerusalen will be paved in gold. Nebuchadnezzar built a statue of Gold and the Israelis build a golden calf idol to worship.

Satan knowing and using the importance of this metal has used it to create false idols that men worship. How come no idols were made of horse or cow manure?

The metals of gold, silver and copper have all been used as coins for trade for millennia. Pearls and salt were also of great value and will always be of great value.


f Silver Could Talk – What She Told Me When I Wrote to Her By Jeff Clark, Senior Analyst, Hard Assets Alliance     
I wrote to silver last week—yes, the physical metal herself, the one we trust and convert our paper dollars to. And as luck would have it, she wrote me back.

I’d like to share our correspondence with you…   Dear Silver,
I’m a big fan. Your industrial uses in our modern society are exploding, and you’ve been money for as long as records have been kept. It’s hard to imagine your monetary value losing stature, especially when I look at the relentless destruction of our currency by central bankers and politicians today.

I’m incredibly excited that I get the opportunity to acquire you at half the price from the near record high of 10 years ago, especially when all the reasons I’ve been buying you are even more important today. I fully understand the explosive potential you hold, but I have to admit, the wait can sometimes be frustrating for me and my friends.

Is your price weakness almost over, or is it here to stay?

Jeff Clark, devoted silver investor
Silver’s Polite Response Dear Mr. Clark, 
I understand your frustration. The past 10 years have not been fun.

But I have good news for you and your fellow investors. Things will soon change—and when they do I can assure you that you will be very happy with me.

Here are five things I want you and your friends to know… #1: I Am MONEY, No Matter What I know many of your friends are aware of this, but physical forms of me give you benefits almost no other asset can offer. This is especially critical when I look at the finances of your world today. I have no counterparty or default risk. If you hold the real me, you don’t need a paper contract to make you whole, or a middleman to make good on what someone else owes. I am a financial asset that is not simultaneously some other entity’s liability. I don’t require the backing of any bank or government. In the big picture, this gives you a tremendous edge.   I am a tangible hedge against all forms of hacking and cybercrime. You can’t erase or hack a silver Eagle.
I can’t be created out of thin air (and thus depreciated) like paper currency.
I am private and discreet. You have to pay taxes on any gain, of course, but if you want some privacy or confidentiality I can provide that. I am also more practical than gold. I am more affordable to buy for investment purposes. I also make gift-giving more affordable.  I am more practical to sell. If you have a small financial need, just sell a few ounces of me instead of gold, since I come in smaller denominations.
My premiums might be higher than gold, but if you sell when my price is soaring, you’re likely to get that extra premium back, maybe even more than what you paid. And let’s not forget that monetary history equates me with money. I have been used in coinage more often than gold.  The historical association between “silver” and “money” is still found in some languages today. The French word for silver is argent, the same word is used for money. The Romans used the word “argentarius” to mean banker, or silver trader.
I appear in the Bible 331 times. As Biblical scholar Iustin Rosioara points out, “silver” and “money” are many times the same word in both original Biblical languages (Old Testament Hebrew and New Testament Greek).
Everyone talks about a gold standard, but the original standard in the United States was actually a bi-metallic one that included me. You automatically get all these advantages with me, many of which could be critical in the next crisis. And as you pointed out, you currently get them half off than you could a decade ago. #2: I Am Dirt Cheap, With Life-Changing Upside I am the most undervalued asset you can buy today. 
Here’s proof. First, in relation to the stock market, I am actually cheaper to buy now, relative to the S&P 500, than I was during the depths of the Great Recession. Silver/S&P500 Ratio: Near All Time Lows To simply match my price relative to the stock market in 2011, the ratio would have to trade nearly eight times higher than it does today. It would have to rise a whopping 89 times to match the 1980 peak. 
I am also the only asset that has never returned to its 1980 high. This makes me perhaps the most undervalued investment that can be bought today.

Last, my ratio to the gold price today is twice what it was in 2011, meaning I would have to double gold’s advance just to match that level. And as many fans know, the gold/silver ratio hit 17 in 1980, what would amount to me gaining over four times more than gold.

This is all to say that… • If you own me, you are set up perfectly for the next wealth transfer. My advice to you and your friends is to continue accumulating me while I’m still cheap. Someday, I promise you, I won’t be. 
There are three more things I want you to know…
“It’s Smooth Sailing From Here Boys!”Whatever happens, inflation, deflation, a new COVID variant… you’re gonna need a proven safe haven that’s protected investors time and time again no matter what. Save yourself the time and headache of listening to “experts” and pick up history’s best wealth protector!Click here to discover the safest, and easiest way to invest in precious metals
#3: The Next Spike is Inevitable As you and your friends know, my price tends to spike a lot. And not just a little. 
Here’s all my spikes since the 1970s and how much they gained. Gains of All Major Silver Spikes The average gain is 150.4%. Heck, even the median gain is 89.7%. 
Believe it or not, these spikes all lasted one year or less. This means investors have to own me before the next one kicks in. The burst is so sudden and violent that if you’re not already invested it’ll be too late. And once you own a meaningful amount of me, just wait till the next spike.

Don’t argue against history or put your faith in the current monetary system. The case for owning me will be obvious to everyone when the next crisis kicks in.
#4: Manipulations Don’t – Can’t – Last Forever There are some who say my price is artificially suppressed. But there’s something important you should know about this. History unequivocally shows that: • Manipulations NEVER last. They always fail, regardless of the asset, time period, or suspects. They end for different reasons, depending on the nature of the manipulations at the time, and there are a couple specific reasons they’ll end this time around, too. 
First, even though conspirators today use fraudulent paper forms of me to carry out their manipulations, some physical metal is always required to put on these trades. And at some point in the not too distant future, there won’t be enough of me to go around. My uses for industry are exploding and crimping supply—and this will diminish the number, and effect, of the manipulations that can take place.

Second, while the manipulators can exert some control today, the next crisis will overwhelm them. Based on all the bubbles that surround you, my next run will be epic, and they won’t be able to control it—they’ll actually become victims. And consider that there will be millions more investors and trillions more currency units chasing after me than there were in the 1970s.

Not only will everybody want a piece of me, there will be many entities that could overwhelm my market, just like in the past.

In other words, the manipulators will run out of physical silver to play their games, and the effects of the next crisis will overrun them, especially once every one realizes inflation isn’t “transitory.” Everything changes at that point, and anyone trying to manipulate my price will be destroyed. Remember, I’ve been around a lot longer than them.

In all honesty, it will be quite fun to watch. And highly profitable for you and your friends. #5: I’m on the Launch Pad and Ready to Ignite There are numerous catalysts that can and will ignite my price. But I saw the title of your Monday presentation at the Silver Symposium later this month, and I think you’re exactly right: my price will go from boring to boom. 
The tiny size of my market will cause my price to explode—as you know, it doesn’t take much cash flooding in to send it through the roof. Consider the hundreds of hedge funds, thousands of institutions, billions of investors, and trillions of currency units all wanting a piece of me—the sudden rise in my price from all this demand will take your breath away.

All you have to do is hold on, and make sure you own enough of me beforehand. When investment demand skyrockets again like it has in the past, I will trade at much higher levels. My history shows this. Don’t Worry, Keep Stacking My advice is to not fret about my current hibernation. Once the next catalyst sets in, regardless of what it is… • I will someday sell at multiples of my price today. In fact, I offered to bet my cousin gold that I’ll outperform him before this cycle is over. He declined, because he knows what my price can do in the right kind of environment… the very kind we’ll see ahead. 
The clock is ticking. Don’t set yourself up for regret when my price leaves the $20 range in the dust. Make sure you own enough of me to weather the coming storm as well as book massive profits. Sooner or later, it’s coming.

Your friend,


Written by twelvebooks

September 10, 2021 at 3:42 pm

September 9, 2021 The Fed is saying Inflation is transitory, are they saying the truth?

The Fed is saying Inflation is transitory, are they saying the truth?

The following video explains very well what is happening in inflation and debunks the Fed’s narrative that it is transitory and that they have everything under control. This narrative is probably done in many central banks around the world as they try to hide the destructive financial policies that most governments have copied from the US FED.

The FED goes much more deeply into controlling the markets than just with narrative. On the subject of gold and silver price suppression they have the Comex and London banks selling shorts in great quantities to do the job.

The BIS or Bank of International settlements has issued Basel 3 regulations to prevent these derivative manipulations in order to protect the banks from creating a worldwide economic collapse, but so far the manipulation is still going on in London and the Comex, where they have one onz of metal and they sell hundreds of onz in derivatives.                           

This illegal intervention is supported by the government regulatory agencies as they are the ones The BIS behind the swindle. They not only defraud the gold and silver investors, but they are robbing the miners of the metals blindly. In the case of silver and copper, nickel, and many other industrial metals the big corporations and their cronies in government are also in the fix. Who (Corporation) wants to pay more for an indispensable metal in your manufactured gadget or processed food?

When the government is in the fix there is very little hope that the situation is going to be resolved in a matter that is gradual. There will probably need to be a collapse of the bubbles in assets and an explosion of prices up in the metals that have been suppressed for years. IT is time to pay the piper!


I am including a link to a commodities index and please watch it.

After you see the above, here is the link to the video referred at the start above.

Why Is the Rising Tide of Inflation Not Lifting Gold’s Boat | Peter Schiff

Written by twelvebooks

September 9, 2021 at 3:40 pm

September 6, 2021 Amir Tsarfati Update, Taliban, Russia, Turkey, China, North Korea, and Iran. Big News!


Written by twelvebooks

September 6, 2021 at 10:33 pm

September 4, 2021 Economic danger ahead, be careful!

The article below is very good and it uses an analogy of parents with their children and the Fed with the economy and markets. It is great and follow his link to chapter 6 of his book also.


Gold Is A Better Way <>

This week we explore:

     While our foundation erodes, our greatest foe is shoring up for long term prosperity

    China’s new video game restrictions on minors could be a far more calculated move than meets the eye, and on a much bigger stage than China itself

    How China’s biggest advantage has them gaining on the US, and it has nothing to do with financials or economics

“You cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.​”

  Abraham Lincoln

One of the main focuses for new parents should be the idea of foundation.

 When a child has a solid foundation, their opportunities for success in life, in their future education, future social connections, and feelings about themselves and awareness and respect of others, are greatly enhanced.

In Chapter 6, of The Great Devaluation, titled Parenthood, I made the analogy that the Federal Reserve is akin to a parent whose number one purpose is to look after and support the long term health of their “child,” the US Dollar.

The chapter had particular meaning to me. I wrote it while my wife was 5 months pregnant with our first child. Like so many expecting parents do, we were diving headfirst into every piece of parental education we could find related to child-rearing in order that we could best prepare for parenthood.

As I was preparing the final draft of the manuscript I became alarmed at the irresponsibility taking place at the Federal Reserve. Since then I have continued to buy as much physical gold as possible.

The Federal Reserve’s actions since the book was submitted have only further validated the concern. I believe they are intentionally devaluing the dollar, and ultimately why the book was titled, The Great Devaluation. I’ve since made it my mission to make as many as I can aware that the Federal Reserve is being an irresponsible parent and are actively building upon a broken foundation.

Unfortunately, while the Fed continues to kick the can of responsibility down the road, other countries, particularly China, have taken a more long term approach.

According to Webster’s Dictionary, the word foundation is defined as: a load-bearing part of a building or structure, the word also means: an underlying basis or principle.

In the simplest sense, foundations support something else.

We often hear about the structural foundations of buildings, but foundations can be so much more. A “good idea,” for example, can also be the foundation for a new business. “Faith” is the foundation of religion.

As an investor and the Editor and Chief at Brentwood Research, I am often most focused on one foundation which supports the world economy and monetary system – the US Dollar.

Because the dollar is actually supported mostly by faith, it’s essential for us to be cognizant of the ongoing strength or weakness of the world’s belief system. When belief in the monetary system is strong, the global structure has more support.

Unfortunately, today’s structure is standing upon the weakest foundation in modern history.

“Faith” as the foundation has been the way for the last 50 years. It was not always this way. Assets, Liabilities and Equity at one time mattered to the underlying strength of the currency. Before Nixon closed the gold window in 1971, one didn’t need faith.

Back then the dollar was backed by physical gold.

The original basis upon which the monetary system was built required that the central bank was required to hold $40 in physical gold behind every $100 of new credit created. $60 in liabilities divided by $40 in equity meant the Fed needed to maintain a leverage ratio of 1.5X. It was this support of gold that would ultimately be the reason why the Fed became the central bank of the global money system.

The foundation was designed by J.P Morgan, a man intimately aware of history and the ways that too much credit in a banking system can distort value. Too much leverage was the primary reason for the deep financial panics of 1893 and 1907, and J.P. Morgan was hell bent on not making the same mistakes with the new central bank he was designing. It’s why he insisted that the Federal Reserve bank would never become overleveraged.

Quite simply, since Morgan’s bank “owned” nearly everything, he wanted to be sure that should any defaults occur, he would be paid in the one true currency, gold.

For the wealthiest man in the world, gold was the only form of money that was to be trusted. Because gold has been currency for 5000 years, and because of its static nature with limited natural supplies, gold would keep central bankers honest, and prevent them from providing too much credit to the economy.

The Great Devaluation tells the story of what’s happened since.

As it pertains to our leverage ratio, the Federal Reserve has never been more leveraged than today. While the liabilities on the Fed’s Balance Sheet were never meant to exceed their equity by more than 1.5X, today the leverage ratio (when we include the actual value of gold) is over 16X. This is the highest it’s been in modern history.

Our Special Report due mid-month will cover in depth the story of the leverage that currently sits on the balance sheet of the Fed. Our report will explain how our leverage creates unbelievable risk. It’s a risk that can ultimately only be transferred away. It’s a near certainty that this risk will continue to be transferred to the masses – through inflation and devaluation.

But for this Friday note, and wearing the hat of a parent who now has a thriving two-year-old child, the focus today is on the recent news out of China regarding their new nationwide ruling regarding children and video games.

This past week it was announced that China’s state government has officially banned minors under the age of 18 from playing video games Monday through Thursday, and limits them to one hour on weekends and public holidays.

And knowing China, we must ask ourselves, is this a case of totalitarian government overreach? Or is China stepping up as a strict parent taking away the iPad to help nurture a strong child who is then far more likely to succeed in life?

This ruling, perhaps more than any other in China’s recent history, coupled with last week’s news about the true levels of China’s gold reserves, indicate their determination.

China is playing the long game.

Our Big Picture explains why their approach, at a time when the United States is focused much more short term, could upend the balance of global power.

The BIG Picture

There’s a saying that goes, “well sown is half grown.” According to this wisdom, the way we start is half the battle. How we start, or begin, matters.

If the foundation lacks support, the entire structure is at risk of collapse.

As to how this applies to raising our daughter, my wife and I are very aware of the studies surrounding screen time – phones… iPads… time in front of the television…

This is why we limit her screen time to – at most – 30 minutes of screen time per day. We also make sure that what she is permitted to watch is educational.

Why are my wife and I such sticklers about this?

Because screen time is proven to have a negative impact on cognitive development in children and adverse effects on adults.

A National Institutes of Health (NIH) study that began in 2018 indicates that children who spent more than two hours a day on screen-time activities scored lower on language and thinking tests, and some children with more than seven hours a day of screen time experienced thinning of the brain’s cortex, the area of the brain related to critical thinking and reasoning. Data also suggests extended screen time is shown to negatively affect sleep quality, attention span, and stress levels.

This should concern all parents individually.

However, on a macro level, this screen reliance from such an early age could hinder our country’s long term future economic growth – especially when we consider that nearly half of all children 8 and under have their own tablet device and that American children spend an average of five to eight hours a day in front of a screen.

Our future generations are at risk of being less developed on a grand scale, which is why the latest news from China should concern all Americans as the cold war between the world’s two largest superpowers moves front and center on the global stage.

These new restrictions are a continuation of Beijing’s recent emphasis on “cultivating morality in its youth.”

Some may simply view this as incidental government overreach based on emotion rather than logic, but we would say that nothing China does is reactionary, and that the logic behind the move goes far beyond what can be seen on the surface.

According to China’s state-run Xinhua News Agency, the government is seeking to “effectively protect the physical and mental health of minors,” but if we look far enough ahead on the timeline, China could in fact be “leveling up” their kids to dominate the global economy over the next half century and beyond.

Meanwhile, Americans continue to head the opposite direction by sticking an iPad in our children’s hands and letting the screens and endless supply of streaming options act as the child’s babysitter.

This is ingrained in Americans to the point where it is not only tolerated but in some ways culturally supported and expected.

A screaming child is not fun for anyone. Neither the parents, the child, nor anyone around the temper tantrum enjoys what’s going on.

Naturally, we as parents (who love our children more than we do ourselves) look to do everything we can to soothe them and ease their pain. Oftentimes, we end up giving in to the demands of these pintsized powerhouses to avoid causing a scene and to spare the child any further pain.

More and more often today it seems that these tantrums revolve around screen time for kids – this is especially true following the pandemic.

According to a survey conducted by Digital Wellness Labs at Boston Children’s Hospital, families have noticed an increase not just in screen time but also in arguments about access to screens and devices.

    59% of parents said that their children were watching more television

    65% said that their children were watching videos on cell phones

    57% said that their children were playing more video games due to the pandemic.

    33% of parents report arguing with their children about screen time EVERY day.

    20% of parents said there was MORE than one argument a day.

But as parents we must be aware that short term actions have long term consequences. Which group of children would you bet on to be more successful and effective 20 years from now, those spending the majority of their days watching tv, or a group who’s actively limited from such activity?

The job of a parent is to look out for the long-term health and well-being of our children regardless of how they feel about it. And the more we give in to their tantrums, the more we encourage that behavior.

The child ultimately learns the breaking point of the parent. After time, should the parents allow this habit to persist, it becomes more and more difficult for a parent to mitigate these occurrences, and the child will completely control the situation. Both the boy and his parents know this, which is why consistency and discipline are key.

Again, this is a societal issue, not just an in-home problem.

How does this apply to investing? The worst example of this is the Federal Reserve. I believe their role as the custodian of the dollar has gone far further than a simple lack of responsibility. I believe the Fed is guilty of child endangerment. They are taking actions that they know to be against the interests of the long term health of the dollar. They are doing so because they are now a slave to the tantrums of the market.

But I believe their culpability is far deeper than that. The Fed’s actions have made them complicit in the erosion taking place in the mindset of Americans. They’ve turned us all into gamblers, focused on the moment, and at the very worst time politically.

China seems to be taking the opposite approach. They are investing in their children, their natural resources and yes, even their overall gold holdings. While the Fed has downplayed the significance of physical gold, China is now reporting dramatically higher levels than previously revealed.

According to, the official state-owned China Gold Association, it was announced this past week that China officially owns and controls 14,727 tonnes of gold.

In last Friday’s Notes from the Inside, on we covered in detail the math around China and their gold. We believe it’s critical reading for the chess players looking to gain perspective on the long term story.

We do not believe China is unbeatable. In fact, their Marxist and confused government and politics, coupled with their mostly closed economy are one of the core reasons why the world economic system has been hesitant to trust the Chinese.

However, China is doing something we in America are not. China is playing chess, not checkers. They are preparing themselves for the ultimate checkmate position in the long game, aided by what was revealed in the last week to be as much as eight times the amount of physical gold previously reported, and now the simple act of restricting video game usage on a national level.

Strong youth, supported by a strong gold-backed currency?

Sounds like the makings of a much stronger foe, aiming its sights on our country while we are distracted with the tantrums of the moment.

It’s our move.

For those wishing to read chapter 6, Parenthood, from the book, The Great Devaluation, I have included the full chapter below.


Adam Baratta


Brentwood Research

The Great Devaluation was submitted to the publisher on February 14th, 2020, before the coronavirus pandemic. The book turned out to be so prophetic that the publisher allowed the author to add addendums titled, 28 Days Later to each chapter.

As you read Chapter 6, Parenthood, please be aware that the Federal Balance balance sheet expansion, which at the time of final print was at $6.7 trillion, has since ballooned to $8.4 trillion today. This balance sheet expansion is currently flowing at a steady $120 billion per month.

Additionally, the price of gold at the time the manuscript was submitted to the publisher was $1505. Today, just 18 months later, the price of gold closed at $1831

Click Here to Read Chapter 6 – Parenthood

(Original Manuscript)

Written by twelvebooks

September 4, 2021 at 6:29 pm