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Archive for the ‘Sextet of blood moons 2014’ Category

July 23, 2017 More signs in the heavens and the pyramid of Giza pointing to September 21-23

Another good article


Sharon Gilbert (23 July 2017)
September 2017 Pyramid alignments and timeframes from blood moon tetrad

Below are links that show the Great Pyramid astrological Alignments that occur around Rosh Hashanah 2017:

Have a look at the interesting numbers in the time frames connected with the blood moon tetrad and 2017 pyramid astrological alignment 
at link below:

The number 3 according to this link 
means "Divine Fullness, Perfection - Gimel is a camel in Hebrew. It signifies to be lifted up. Pride is its negative side; being glorified or 
elevated to a position of authority is its positive side.  The number three is the number of divine fullness, completeness, or perfection."  
According to the above link on time frames, there would be 3,333 days between the date of the last red moon in the tetrad and the end 
of the tribulation if the tribulation started at the Jupiter/Virgo astrological line up after Rosh Hashanah.

The number 1260 is equal to 3 1/2 prophetic years or half the time of the seven year tribulation period  It is 3 x 360 days plus 180 days.
It is interesting that that number of days stretches from the beginning of the blood moon tetrad to the Jupiter/Virgo lineup with the Great
Pyramid after Rosh Hoshanah.

Here is a final link that shows another astronomical line up (unrelated to the Great Pyramid) that occurs in 2024 when the Tribulation
would end if it began in 2017.

"While perusing through Jupiter’s position among the stars, there was something else that presented itself. On the 9th of Av 2024, Jupiter will 
be in the sign of Taurus. It will be between the horns. The common Hebrew name for Taurus is Shur, which can mean both coming and ruling 
or in other words, the coming judge. In short, Taurus represents the coming governor, Jesus Christ, with his congregation (meaning of Pleiades). 
On the day known for Jewish sorrow due to the number of calamities that have fallen on this day, Mars comes into conjunction with Jupiter 
between the horns. Mars, in Hebrew Ma’adim, meaning the Adam, the Red One or the Son of Man. On this day it is believed there will be 60 
days left of the Tribulation. This sign looks to speak of that time when Jesus will shortly return to end the Tribulation with the Church 
accompanying him. 

 No other signs or conjunctions after this at this time come into view. "

The majority of this post comes from Daniel Matson's work, an author who also posts here at fivedoves.  I have been fishing it off the internet 
and been so astonished by it, especially since I am also a long time watcher and only discovered these findings this summer.  It does seem
like we are "short-timers" now as far as the rapture is concerned.  We shall soon see.

Nando end

July 22, 2017 The X marks the spot. Total solar eclipse on August 21, 2017 portends coming judgment

In this blog you will find ample evidence of signs God has been giving to this nation to make a turn from their sins and evil ways. Luis Vega has written an article with great illustration charts linking the two coming eclipses to the warnings of god.


Luis Vega (16 July 2017)
“THE GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSES – Divided States of America”



by Luis B. Vega for online PDF illustration in Chart section

Nando end

JUNE 26, 2016 Number seven and its relationship to the Brexit and the fall of the markets

For some of you readers the number 7 being God’s number and the way He deals with the nations, humans and the economy is well known. The past posts were linked to Mr. Jonathan Cahn who has discovered anew the hand of God acting on Shemitah and Jubilee cycles of seven years.

The article below was forwarded by a close and very good friend of mine and it is fascinating. God is dealing heavily with humanity in this Jubilee year of 2015/2016.



The Dollar Vigilante
Post can be found on HERE
Saturday, June 25, 2016
The Magic Number 7 - Brexit Collapse Falls Exactly on Shemitah Date

In 2014, Christine Lagarde gave a speech on “the magic number 7.”  It, along with work by Jonathan Cahn, led us to the Shemitah seven-year cycle and the Jubilee year, which the globalist elites are well aware of.

What we’ve discovered since is that there is even more to the “magic number 7” than just years… it appears to correlate right down to months, weeks and days.

The last major market crash occurred on September 29, 2008.  On that day, the Dow Jones fell 777 points, of all numbers…. its biggest one day point drop ever.

On Friday, in the aftermath of Brexit, the Dow fell over 600 points.  What’s interesting about Friday’s date?

It was 7 years, 7 months, 7 weeks and 7 days since September 29, 2008.

Magic Number Seven - The Dollar Vigilante

And what a day Friday, June 24th was!

The Japan Nikkei fell more than 7% and was closed, the London FTSE exchange lost £100 billion in value and fell as much as 8.7% and the Dow fell 600 points.

And. the British pound fell 10% to a 31 year low.

This is exactly the type of Super Shemitah/Jubilee volatility we’ve warned about: clinical, catastrophic, methodical.

While we were unsure if Brexit would succeed or not, we told subscribers to stick with their positions that were long in gold, gold stocks, bitcoin and short the US stock market.

It turned out to be another fantastic call, as gold soared nearly $100 on Friday, as did bitcoin. Our gold stock positions also skyrocketed.


Having had a day to think about all that has transpired, it appears to us that Brexit could actually be part of the Jubilee year plan for maximum chaos.

We were surprised to see Brexit win… after all, any past vote of this type has been stymied either through propaganda, vote rigging or other manipulations.

But, in retrospect, this makes perfect sense.

We’ll be talking about this more deeply in our upcoming newsletter going out to subscribers just after this weekend… but here are a few things to chew on.

First, David Cameron was elected upon his promise to hold a Brexit vote in 2017.  He changed that, shocking many, to June 23rd of this year… just a day before the 7th year, 7th month, 7th week and 7th day after the last major financial crisis.  Why would he do such a thing?  Take such a risk?  He could have waited another 1-2 years to take that risk.

Lost in the headlines was that on Friday, Bank of England Governor, Mark Carney, committed to printing up 250 billion pounds ($345.93 billion USD) to “support financial markets.”

No one has mentioned that or even seems to know about it.  So, within hours, the banks in the UK appear to have received a massive 2008 style bailout… but without anyone noticing.

And, who profited?  People like George Soros, who moved into gold as his biggest position and shorted the markets just in the last few weeks.

Given this, I think it is safe to say that this was planned.

Again, I’ll go into this far deeper to our subscribers early next week, but it appears the demolition of the EU is part of the plan to create massive chaos in order to bring in a New Order.

Also, note that David Cameron has resigned but won’t actually step down until October, which is just after the end of the Jubilee Year.  Also note that the Brexit vote isn’t actually legally binding and has to be ratified by Parliament, which will not happen until at least October.

Within hours of the Brexit vote, as I said would happen, massive movements to leave the EU have erupted in France, Sweden, Denmark, Holland and Italy.  And, just prior to Brexit, Switzerland withdrew its long standing application to join the EU.

Soon we will likely see – aside from Brexit – a… Grexit. Departugal. Italeave. Fruckoff. Czechout. Oustria. Finish. Slovakout. Latervia and Byegium amongst others.

This, if allowed to happen, will entail crisis after crisis… just as we said to expect by October of this year.


On the bright side, people are waking up.  Brexit showed this.  Many are realizing that being ruled by technocrats whose names you don’t even know in far off places is miserable.

The elites are aware of this awakening and they don’t quite know how to stop it.  As John Kerry said, “this little thing called the internet is making it hard to govern.”  Govern is a synonym for control.

And so, we hope, more and more people will wake up and not only want to “Brexit” but also want to get rid of the UK government as well, and the US federal government, and eventually all governments… and the central banks.

This is what is happening.

The elites know this so they have decided not to fight that rising tide. They’re going to allow it to happen but create so much chaos in the process that almost everyone will be impoverished and will beg for a new, global ruler.

This is what is going on and there is no way to know how it will turn out.

In the meantime, our investments in precious metals and bitcoin will continue to prosper, and our other advice will help to keep you safe.

We are now getting into very interesting times!  We’ve profited massively already and it is just beginning.

Subscribe to the TDV newsletter (subscribe here) to get the best insights, analysis and recommendations for how to not only survive but prosper through The End Of The Monetary System As We Know It (TEOTMSAWKI).

We warned to be prepared for massive chaos this year and Brexit appears to be the linch pin that sets off the fireworks.  Hold on to your hats as we enter into the final quarter of this Jubilee Year!

Jeff Berwick

Anarcho-Capitalist.  Libertarian.  Freedom fighter against mankind’s two biggest enemies, the State and the Central Banks.  Jeff Berwick is the founder of The Dollar Vigilante and host of the popular video podcast, Anarchast.  Jeff is a prominent speaker at many of the world’s freedom, investment and gold conferences including his own, the world’s largest anarcho-capitalist conference, Anarchapulco, as well as regularly in the media including CNBC, CNN and Fox Business.

Nando end

June 26, 2016 Sept 11 foretold few weeks before. Warning of Judgment in this Jubilee year

This morning I read these very good articles written by Cal Werner and I am posting them now at 8.30 AM. Last night at a wedding I attended I met a man whose name was Cal that sat at the table with me. I talked about my blog and introduced him to the prophecies of the end times. Before we left I felt compelled to tell him that the Lord will confirm the validity and truthfulness of what we spoke. The confirmation for me came with the name Cal on this two articles I am posting here, and he will see when he visits the site today.


Cal Werner (26 June 2016)
Sept 11, 2001 – Jonathan Cahn

Dear Doves,
The Spirit forewarned a number of unrelated individuals to the events in New York city on Sept. 11, 2001.  As an example, in advance of the events, and in print, the last trumpet newsletter released their August 2001 edition with a warning from the Lord.  Archived digital copy can be found at:
Why would the Lord forewarn of this particular event?  There are seemingly, from a human perspective,much greater tragedies in the world with much higher death tolls.
Understanding was extended from the Lord and questions answered through Jonathan Cahn’s works –  The Isaiah 9:10 judgement, the harbingers, and the shemittah.



Cal Werner (26 June 2016)
Putting it together

Dear Doves,
The following makes reference to earlier posts by many on 5 doves.  Pulling together various threads to produce a composite.

1. September 11, 2001 new york.  As explained by Jonathan Cahn, an event the Spirit of the Lord used as a major warning sign.
the shemitah count that Jonathan gives puts us now close to a shemitah/Jubilee

2. Strawberry Moon June 2016 last seen in1967.

3. Blood red Moons – Mark Biltz discovery and timing to events surrounding geographical Israel, particularily 1967 and 1948.

4. 2300 years from Daniel 8.  333 BC to 1967 AD when Jerusalem came under full Jewish control.  A banner event from the Lord that he wants us to pay attention to.

5. the 1968 prophecy from the Norwegian Lady – 4th wave fulfilled.  WW3 and Jesus return next.

6. Nathan, the Israeli lad, and his experience.  Fall 2015 already saw WW3 beginning in process.

7. June 7, 2016 saw the 49th anniversary of the regaining of earthly Jerusalem.  June 8th, 2016 is the beginning of the 50th year.

Is this a Jubilee and the Year of Restoration?  I pray it is.

Nando end

May 15, 2016 Rapture on May 15, 2016 today or June 12, 2016 Shavuot?

Rapture on May 15, 2016 today or June 12, 2016 Shavuot?


In January 30, 2016 I posted the article linked below with a date of June 30, 2016 and it was a comment to an excellent article written by Mr. Greg Wilson on the probability of the Rapture on Pentecost. May 15, 2016 today is the day set by the Christian churches for the celebration of Pentecost. The Jews celebrate this festival which they know as Shavuot on June 12 following the calendar used at present not the sacred calendar prescribed by Moses.

Today Mr. Greg Wilson posted another excellent article on the Rapture on Pentecost May 15, 2016 linked below.


Greg Wilson (15 May 2016)
“Six Blood Moons”

Six Blood Moons.pdf


The link below is to the post of January 30, 2016.


On the link below I posted another excellent article by Judith that puts the Rapture on May 17/18, 2016 which is also a very strong possibility if today comes completely with no Rapture.


On the link below is an article I posted on the six blood moon eclipses.


Finally the signs and numbers all point to this year from today to mid June. Will the Rapture and the Tribulation both occur within this period of time?

If you do not know Jesus Christ or heard of Him He is the incarnate son of God that came to the world to die for our sins and redeem us from sin and death. He proved His power against death by His resurrection three days after His death.

All that believe in these truths will be saved and enter into His eternal kingdom of pure joy and happiness.

Please read the Bible to grow in your new faith and get closer to Him. In my blog I have a link to Bibles in different languages and a translator for many other languages, please use them to reach others!


Nando end

March 24, 2016 Why today is the true Passover this year and not on April 23!

The fallowing article explains very well the reason why the year started in March 9 at night so Nissan 1 fell on March 9-10 and Passover on March 23-24 today.

Last night there was a blood moon eclipse making it another consecutive year where the eclipses have fallen on Passover and Sukkot which makes a sextet of blood moons falling in sacred Holidays of our Lord.

This makes this year also a year of Perfect Order which means that the feasts of the Lord fall on the exact days that they were instructed to Moses and the same dates occurring at Jesus crucifixion.

I see also the possibility of the Rapture to be on Pentecost as well as next Sunday on Easter. Thanks Greg for your wise words.


Greg Wilson (20 Mar 2016)
Did God Intend a Sextet of Blood Moons ?

Did God Intend a Sextet of Blood Moons ?

The 2016 Jewish Calendar is Wrong

How does God reckon the seasons ?

Genesis 1:14 says “Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days and years:”   Therefore, the sun and the moon are used to measure time for seasons, days and years.

When God prepared Israel to move out of Egypt,  he began His teaching in preparation of the first Passover.  This was to be Israel’s first month for calendar reckoning. (Exodus 12:2)    In the tenth day of this month each family was to choose a lamb.  On the fourteenth day, the Lamb would be killed and the blood applied to the door lintels of each family’s home.  This was the preparation for the Lord’s Passover, the night the first born of Egypt would be killed as a judgment against all gods of Egypt.  All those covered by the blood of the Lamb would be “passed over” and saved from the angel of death.

Following Passover, God established the Feast of Unleavened Bread, a seven day feast, where all leaven would be purged from each home.  Leaven represented sin.  The first day and last day of this feast was to be an holy convocation.  This is an everlasting ordinance for Israel.  The month Israel came out of Egypt was Abib, or Nisan. (Exodus 13:4)

The Feast of Unleavened Bread was for a sign upon Israel’s hand and a memorial between their eyes, that the Lord’s law may be in their mouths because it was with God’s mighty hand that He brought Israel out of Egypt. (Exodus 13:9)

Israel was commanded to keep this ordinance (the Feast of Unleavened Bread) in his season from year to year.  This ordinance was emphasized again in Numbers 9:2 where the “children of Israel were commanded to keep the Passover at the appointed season.

The Scriptures do not provide for a “leap year” alteration of the seasons.  When Israel came into the land which God gave them, these feasts to the Lord were aligned with the agricultural seasons.  We see this in the Feast of First Fruits.  This feast celebrated the barley harvest which generally occurred after the Spring Equinox in the first month.  This is our month of March.

Following the feast of First Fruits was the Feast of Weeks or Shauvot  which was celebrated 50 days later.  This was in accordance with the wheat harvest.  Any change in the seasons, particularly by a month, would necessarily interfere with the stages of growth of the barley and wheat harvests.   Both of these are highly significant for the First Fruits “wave sheaf offering” (Leviticus 23:10-11) and the Shauvot “two loaf wave offering” (Leviticus 23:16-17).  The grains which were used ceremonially in Temple practices would be past harvest if delayed an additional month.

The Jewish tradition of adding a thirteenth month of Adar II to account for a leap year, as they have done in 2016,  is without biblical support.  Adding a leap year to the Jewish lunar calendar is an attempt to align their lunar calendar with the solar calendar.   The application of the traditions of men over the literal teaching of Scripture produces error.

Therefore, the Scriptures teach that the first month is associated with the Spring Equinox in spite of the Jewish leap year tradition.  In Year 2016, the new moon signaling the first month of Abib or Nisan appeared on March 9.

The Spring Equinox falls on March 20 or Nisan 10.  Passover falls on Nisan 14 which is March 23/24, 2016.

Jewish reckoning of the Leviticus 23 feasts in 2016 will result in each holy day being celebrated one month late.  Relying on Israel for any prophetic insight is unwarranted.  God says they have a spirit of slumber such that they should not see and should not hear. (Romans 11:8)

Why is this important ?   It is important because the seven feasts are prophetic.  God’s plan follows the prophetic pattern and teaching of these seven feasts.  If we know the correct feast day, we can be wise watchers.

Did God intend a sextet of Blood Moons rather than the tetrad of 2014/15 ?   Are we missing some materially important prophetic message ?   Torah Calendar has Nisan in March, unlike the Jews who place it in April this year.

There are two lunar eclipses in 2016 occurring again on Passover and Tabernacles when we follow the Scriptures command to keep the feasts in their respective seasons.   These 2016 blood moons, together with the tetrad of blood moons for 2014 and 2015  are unique.  Now the six feast day blood moons of 2014, 2015 and 2016 become a Sextet of Blood Moons.   This may have profoundly significant prophetic implications.

Additionally, the 2016 Feast of Pentecost commences on the evening celebration of Israel’s day of national independence, May 14, 2016.

As for me, I am watching Pentecost 2016 as a potential “rapture” window for the Church.  The weekend of May 14/15, 2016 is a watch date.

As I have written in the past, a Jewish Independence Day/Jewish Holy Day removal of “Christ’s Own” (1 Corinthians 15:20-28) could be the event which, in part, fulfills Romans 11:11.  Could it be the Day of Provocation to Jewish jealousy ?

Nando end

March 22, 2016 Gary Stearman and Avi Lipkin discuss today’s attacks in Brussels

The day started with bloodshed and terror at the heart of the European center of power. A multi-pronged attack at the seat of power to inflict terror to those who govern Europe.

In previous posts this month I talked about the significance of the number 322 in the occult and speculated if the evil globalist elite had this day marked for the start of their plan to take over the world and bring the population of earth to a controllable 500,000,000 by killing 7 billion people.

The Bible talks about this event as the Apocalypse and times it at the end of the rule of the gentiles before Jesus Christ comes to establish His Kingdom of 1,000 years.

Gary and Avi have a very enlightening conversation about the events that happened today and how the USA and Europe can modify their security to prevent further attacks from succeeding.

A reminder that Thursday the 24 of March is Passover and there will be a blood moon eclipse the night  before on the 23 that is considered on Passover.


Nando end

March 17, 2016 The first Sextet of blood moons falling in Passover and Sukkot in history (2014,2015,2016)

Much attention was given to the Tetrad of blood moons that ended in September of 2015, but hidden from us and in plain site is the sextet that will happen with the blood moons in Passover March 23-24 and Sukkot September 15-16 of 2016.

If the tetrad was consider an enormous sign which it was, what about a sextet ?

The prophecy of Daniel 9 of the seventy weeks of years ended in Passover with the cut-off of Messiah at the cross. Will the last week of years start on this Passover with the blood moon eclipse heralding it?, or will it start in Sukkot’s blood moon further into the year 2016?

Unbelievable signs for God’s people and the whole world!

I Have included links to Nasa web site and to the Torah calendar web site.

The one next week will be seen in Jerusalem next week. Please watch the solar eclipse also.

Thanks to Steve Mullin for bring this to our attention.

Steve Mullin (13 Mar 2016)
2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad actually the 1st Sextet in History!!

There have been 8 blood moon tetrads in the last 2000 years that have fallen on Passover and Tabernacles. Was disappointed when the most recent one concluded in September 2015 with nothing happening. Turns out that not only was it a tetrad, but it’s the first sextet (six) in history! It also lines up in conjunction with this Jubilee year, a type of the rapture. Could this be THE sign? Here is a portion of the article describing it:


When Mark Biltz discovered the Blood Moon Tetrad for 2014 and 2015, he failed to notice that they would continue through this Jubilee year, 2016, making them a SEXTET and the first Blood Moon Sextet IN HISTORY on Yahweh’s Holy Feast Days!

Because Biltz was using the secular Jewish calendar, he stopped the Blood Moon phenomenon after the Tetrad but what we actually see this year is a continuation of the Blood Moons on Holy Feast Days making them a SEXTET…THE FIRST BLOOD MOON SEXTET IN HISTORY

IF the Barley is found to be ripe by this March 9th (Wednesday) and all indications say it will be!!!!! There is even a Total Solar Eclipse on this day (March 9th) to indicate significance that would make the next New Moon (beginning the evening of March 9) the start of this New Spiritual Year and Passover would then be MARCH 23 (Not April 23 as noted on the secular Jewish calendar)…with a TOTAL BLOOD MOON ECLIPSE visible over North and South America!

If the folks who pay attention to Scripture are right, this once-in-human history chain of events, signals the beginning of “the End Times” as prophesied in the Book of Revelation in the Bible.

Steve M


This next news confirms the start of the new year Nissan 1 by two witnesses testimony to the Sanhedrin in Jerusalem. So following God’s procedure for the start of the year was done to the letter. It is very important to observe that this becomes a perfect order year where Passover falls on a Thursday. Check this article linked by Jim Bramlet on the year of perfect order ( ). An important observation to make is that if you use the Rosetta calendar it will not show March 24 as Nissan 15 because this date was set as new by the sanhedrin below using the prescribed Leviticus two witnesses procedure to determine the new year. The Jews have Passover of this year on April 22-23 of 2016

Sanhedrin Performs Rare Biblical Commandment Not Seen For 2,000 Years

“This month shall be unto you the beginning of months; it shall be the first month of the year to you.” Exodus 12:2 (The Israel Bible™)

Last Thursday, a Biblical commandment that hasn’t been seen in 2,000 years was fulfilled. In the Cardo neighborhood of the Old City of Jerusalem, two witnesses stood before the Sanhedrin and gave testimony that established the beginning of the new month.

Setting the new month by witnesses is considered by Rashi, a prominent commentator on the Bible, to be the first mitzvah (Biblical commandment) the Nation of Israel received after leaving Egypt. With great spiritual meaning, establishing the calendar is far more than a convenience. It is so important that it takes precedence over the Sabbath. In Biblical times, witnesses were permitted to break the Sabbath in order to arrive in Jerusalem and stand before the Sanhedrin.

Professor Hillel Weiss, spokesman and secretary of the Sanhedrin, explained the significance to Breaking Israel News.

“On a simple level, without this mitzvah, we are saying that God does not exist in nature or the passage of time, that nature runs like mechanical clockwork,” Professor Weiss said.

On a technical level, the event was a step in the process of correcting the Hebrew calendar. By Biblical law, the new month for the Hebrew calendar was established by reliable witnesses appearing before the Sanhedrin. Hillel II, president of the Sanhedrin in the fourth century, established a written calendar based on astronomical calculations. This calendar, still in use, standardized the length of months and the addition of months in leap years over the course of a 19-year cycle, so that the lunar calendar realigns with the solar years.

In the times of the Temple, the new month would be established by both calculation and by witnesses appearing before the Sanhedrin. When the Temple was destroyed and the Sanhedrin disbanded, the Hebrew calendar was figured solely according to the astrological calculations and the template established by Hillel II.

Read "Catch the Jew" - A True Laugh Out Loud Look Inside Israel

It is remarkable that Hillel II’s calculations stood for as long as they did. However, 1,700 years later, there are discrepancies between his calendar and the astronomical reality. This is a serious problem the Sanhedrin is taking steps to gradually fix.

“Though we have received witnesses in the past, this is the first time we have done so publicly, which is an essential part of the mitzvah,” Professor Weiss explained.

“The only thing lacking is for all of Israel to agree on one central authority for this,” he continued. “This is just one of many mitzvot we neglect merely because we haven’t done them for so long. There is no other reason not to do this and raise Judaism.”

Professor Weiss expanded on the idea. “For 2,000 years we practiced Judaism a certain way. Even though we are in Israel, the Torah and mitzvot are still in galut (diaspora). There are many practical things we could do, and in truth, should do, to make Judaism richer and more like it was in the times of the Temple.”

Joshua Wander, a resident of the Mount of Olives who attended, thought the event was clearly  necessary. “Things come up when you actually do these things, dilemmas that you could never anticipate from just sitting in Yeshiva and learning from a book.

“For example, the witnesses were questioned by the Sanhedrin. They were asked where in the sky it was, what direction the moon was facing, what time it was exactly. It seemed that the witnesses were not prepared for this level of questioning, which is dictated by the Talmud. One of them asked if he could look at a photo from his cell phone. After consultation, the Sanhedrin ruled that it was permissible.”

The Sanhedrin’s declaration of the new month was preceded by a ceremony recreating the Temple service. The ceremony, intended for instructional and not religious purposes, did not include slaughtering an animal, though in many other respects it was absolutely authentic. The musical instruments, and vessels, provided by the Temple Institute, were made to Biblical specifications. The priests were kohanim, members of the Jewish priestly class. Dressed in holy garments, they performed the priestly blessing.  A small scale model of the altar was also set up, and a grain offering was burnt on it.


Nando end