Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Archive for the ‘Bible spring of emanating oil’ Category

Aug 10, 2020 Angels, God’s servants exist in many forms, power and angelic ranks

a very good discussion about the angels that are center stage during the Tribulation.


Oil coming out of a Bible continuously for more than a year in gallons!

With this act that breaks the existing LAWS OF PHYSICS by creating something out of nothing visibly God is intruding in our world big time and pointing to the source of power, healing, another dimension , reality that is incomprehensible by unsaved humans and to the Bible where His words and presence is manifested.

This is not about the oil only but the unlimited power of His word as recorded in the Bible.

At the times of the end the existence of God as Jesus Christ, the Holy Spirit and God the Father will be accepted by all humanity, but not obeyed and fought by billions on their path to eternal damnation and separation from God in the Lake of fire called Hell. The choice will be clear, chose whom you will love and obey as for me and my family we will chose to serve Jesus as chosen by the triune God to lead the kingdom to come.

Remember that there is a link here to find a Bible in any language and going to multi as well as a link to a translator to any language of the articles found here.

May you be part of the coming kingdom and of my brothers and sisters who by the billions in number will worship together our great God. The article below was preceded by one from Charles Holler

Charles H
Doctor’s diagnosis say I only have weeks to live


Jim Bramlett (30 Sep 2018)
God has oil coming out of a Bible!!!

You have to check this out!  God has oil coming out of a Bible.  Really!

It is happening in Dalton, Georgia, a small town in north Georgia just outside of Chattanooga, Tennessee, where I was born and grew up.  I believe this is an end-time sign.

THIS IS A MIRACLE!!!  Check it out.

