Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Archive for the ‘UFO’ Category

May 3, 2020 Human-animal Hybrids genetic manipulation and the days of Noah return

We are at a turning point in the history of mankind when the whole world is griped by a rapidly spreading virus that some speculate or believe it was genetically created.

The interview shown here goes into the present day advances in science that make it possible to alter DNA of living organisms. Men and demons want to change, improve or alter that created by God and in doing that they are ushering the the present into prophetic times as described in the Bible. The perfect balance of creation is being destroyed by arrogant, foolish and perishing humans as they actively join the renks of the rebellion of Lucifer or Satan .

It is time to choose whom you will serve, God or Satan, the choice you make will determine where you will spend eternity.


Feb 20, 2020 The coming great deception and the 7 years of Tribulation

The world is accelerating its march with destruction and people sense it but can not put their finger on it.

If a person is not a Christian and has no knowledge of the Bible the coming events will seam horrible and a subject of nightmares.

The world will be divided by force into those who will follow evil and those who follow the God that created the Universe and all that is in it.

The link to this video will give the viewer an inkling of what is to come. In this blog you can find a link to Bibles in many alnguages under Biblos and multi.



Nov 30, 2019 Old earth or new earth or both

The discussion of the beginning of earth and the future of earth is basic to the purpose and interpretation of the Bible.

The Bible starts with the creation of earth and ends with the ending and recreation of a new earth and heavens.

The interview of Steve Quayle by Gary Stearman takes us in a journey of discovery of the difficult passages in the Bible. Their discoveries and interpretation lays mute the theory of evolution and the use of time by the unbelievers to justify their false assumptions. It is as if time alone can have the power to create the present world by the use of the existing forces of nature. How many years in trillions and trillions would nature require to build a car, a watch a TV a Computer a high rise building or any of the things we see in our world without the existence of men?

This requires an answer, never. So if man has altered, not created, the things that were mentioned above it can be understood that he possesses something that is unique of men apart from all the other living organic beings sharing our planet. The most obvious answer is intelligence.

So if intelligence, cooperation and power are needed for us to alter the existing natural world and the natural world is incapable of doing it then we can formulate the question of what intelligence created men, and the argument of evolution that men evolved from a basic atomic cell and formed itself into the most complex organic machine known in our universe is as baseless as a watch being created in nature without men no matter how many trillions of years you throw at it.

The Bible reveals to us God as creating everything. His attributes are infinitive knowledge and power combined with the infinite attributes found in humans in small quantities as love, justice, mercy, compassion, sacrifice, art, recognition of beauty, laws and others.

He establishes the rules and laws to follow as He created and has the power, wisdom and all the other perfect attributes to enforce His will. It is to our well being and survival to know and align our lives to Him in love, obedience and understanding.

The video will present a reasonable and possible explanation for the difficult to understand passages of the Bible.

In a drawing I made a long time ago I tried to capture the theme of creation and the intelligence that is a must in the process of creation by God or alteration by men.

The creation by God of the hands of a human was first in the mind of God as He gave not only dimensions which are shown in the drawing but the materials needed to make it work. It created the man out of nothing as He first created the materials out of nothing with His power and Intelligence fulfiliing ths job.

Men use their intelligence to conceive a prestressed concrete bridge beam in their minds and assign dimensions and materials to the beam so that a contractor reading the drawing can build the beam that will go to a bridge and perform the use intended. We altered the elements to bring new form. A long way removed from the original creation of God that created men that then altered the created to form new things which we then use for our present enjoyment of live.



October 20, 2019 Giants in the Grand Canyon

The subject of Nephillin in the Bible is not a common subject. Until recently with the advances in technology we are casting light into this obscured by the world subject that is of vital importance to our present time.

At long ago times before the flood there were fallen angels that went much further than rebelling against God and dared do what God had warned them would bring much more sever punishment for doing. They took the daughters of men as their wife’s and farther children that were halve human and halve angel called Nephilin and Giants as recorded in Genesis 6.

As we approach the time of the Tribulation or the last week of years (7 years) of Daniel 9 we will see the resurgence of the evil conditions present at the time of Noah.

We see these beings in the pictures and writings of the Greeks, the Egyptians the Sumerians the Hindus the Indian cultures of North and South America and other places and we ignore their reality and attribute them to mythology or legends.

The truth is that they are not a figment of men’s imagination but an accurate rendition of those old painters and writers of the reality present at their time.

Thanks to men like Steve Quayle and modern day photography we can discover the truth that evil men are hiding,

Jesus is coming soon!



Aug 26, 2016 Will 2016 and 2017 bring the USA physical and economic disasters?

Bible prophecy has a lot to say about the times we are living in now. Almost everyday there are news and events that can be linked to a specific Bible prophecy finding fulfillment in historical events around the world.

In the video linked below Paul McGuire and Gary Stearman discuss the latest book by Paul McGuire. In the talk it is mentioned by Paul the plan of the globalists to bring the one world government to control every human being alive today.

You will find that McGuire’s research of the book has been extensive and that his call to do the homework should be taken by every person who cares about himself and his family.

Paul mentions an economic collapse that will be forced into the present economic system to bring about a reboot of the economy and the introduction of a electronically based monetary system that the Bible talks about as the mark of the Beast in Rev:13.

The whole world appears to be in the cusp of madness and destruction but if you know Jesus Christ and His power there can be nothing but calm and trust that everything will turn for the good to those that put their trust in Him.


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June 6, 2016 Part 2 of the Giants post by Rob Skiba

Rob Skiba keeps introducing us to well researched occultist trends in the modern counterculture of music and entertainment.

Little pieces at a time the cumulative Christian values that took generations to build up are being eroded by the evil forces bent on the destruction and enslavement of humanity.

Thank God for the Bible prophetic literature that exposes Satan’s plan for the very near future and allows us to counteract with the help of the Holy Spirit. The Restrainer is working extra hard to keep the flood waters in check.


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June 4, 2016 Giants 450 foot tall(pre-flood) and 35 foot tall after the flood

In this linked video lecture Rob Skiba takes you on a journey of Biblical discovery that is fascinating.

That the days of Noah are now happening as they did then will shock many viewers.

Rob Sliba is right on the cutting edge of Biblical research.


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June 4, 2016 The world before the flood and the reason for God’s Judgment.

As the prophet Daniel stated, at the end time knowledge will be increased enormously. Today with the advent of the advances in science, technology and engineering we can understand and have easy access to vast sources of information and writings.

This has made the possible compilation of this wonderful presentation about the world described in Genesis so possibly true.

The same world is taking place now and during the coming Tribulation the supernatural world mingling with the natural will be the normal.


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June 4, 2016 The upcoming Bible Prophecy Conference in Colorado Springs, video announcement

This prophecy conference looks like a real good one to see through live streaming video.


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May 18, 2016 Giants, Alien angels the Vatican all connected in Nefarious ways

The documentary and the information that is coming out is indicative of the nearest of the Rapture and the Tribulation.

Very evil things will intrude into the human race in a formidable way and humans that are nor saved by the blood of Jesus Christ will fall under their trap or spell.\Very good series explaining things that are difficult to believe and understand if you have not been introduced to them before.


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