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June 2, 2019 Pentecost and the meaning for Israel and the Christian Church

On June 9, Pentecost, the church celebrates the birthday of the Christian Church when the Holy Spirit came as tongues of fire to the assembled believers after the Ascension of Christ. The excellent enclosed article by Chance covers many of the details that are important for this date and I will cover some additional ones here.

The number 70 plays a very significant part in these additional observations as well as the feast of Pentecost which is tied to this number also.

The law was given to Moses on the day of Pentecost at Mount Sinai. The observance of a Sabbath year (Shemitah) every 7 years was part of the law as well as the observance of a Jubilee year every 50 years.

At the time of the Prophet Jeremiah the people of Israel had disobeyed God and ignored the Shemitah years 70 times for a total of 70 x 7 = 490 years. As punishment for this sin the nation of Israel was driven into exile by the Babylonians for 70 years ( ).

At the end of the 70 years of exile the prophet Daniel was asking God when the end of the exile was as he thought the seventy years were over and the Lord gave him a reply ( )  of a prophecy of seventy weeks of years for the complete restoration of Israel that would be the same amount of time (70×7 =490 years) to :

25“Know and understand this: From the time the word goes out to restore and rebuild Jerusalem until the Anointed One, f the ruler, comes, there will be seven ‘sevens,’ and sixty-two ‘sevens.’ It will be rebuilt with streets and a trench, but in times of trouble. 26After the sixty-two ‘sevens,’ the Anointed One will be put to death and will have nothing. g The people of the ruler who will come will destroy the city and the sanctuary. The end will come like a flood: War will continue until the end, and desolation’s have been decreed. 27He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven.’ h In the middle of the ‘seven’ i he will put an end to sacrifice and offering. And at the temple j he will set up an abomination that causes desolation, until the end that is decreed is poured out on him. kl.

This prophecy which gives a timeline for the complete restoration of Israel is the most profound and detail prophecy given to the Nation of Israel. The start and the end of the count are specifically given to the day, but it is also one of the most difficult to interpret.

The start was with the order of King Cirus of Medo-Persia issued the order to restore and rebuild Jerusalem exactly (7+62)x7=69×7= 483 years till the Anointed (Jesus) will be put to death at 3PM on Passover 30 AD, thus fulfilling to the second the first 69 weeks of years and leaving one week of years for the future fulfillment.

Forty years after the first part of this prophecy was fulfilled ( 40 years found extensively in the past history of Israel as judgements) and on the year 70 AD a second destruction of Jerusalem and a hundreds of years exile was ordained for this rebellious nation that had crucified their Messiah as the perfect sacrificial lamb on Passover 40 years earlier. This time the sin was exceedingly greater and the punishment suitable to the crime.

The final fulfillment of the prophecy a one week of years of 360 days or 2,520 days could start this feast of Pentecost (June 8-10) as well as the Rapture and Resurrection of the Christian Church.

This is the rationality for this conclusion:

After a long exile that started in 70 AD the Jewish nation was born again on May 14, 1948 (Isaiah 66:8) ( which fell that year on the feast of Shavuot or Pentecost.

Since that date there will have been exactly 70 Shavuot or Pentecost till next June 9 2019. To commemorate this fact the State of Israel has issued a coin a shekel with the face of King Cirus and President Trump on one side to compare the recognition of Jerusalem as the eternal capital of Israel by the US the equivalent ruler to the Medo-persians of old.

The end part of this prophecy has a very important start that is not the preceding interpretation and it is given as a ruler who will confirm a covenant of seven years (one week of years or the last week of the Daniel prophecy) which at the middle of the time he will break and stop the sacrifices offered at the Temple and defile it with an abomination which causes desolation. This man is what Christians refer as the Beast or the 666 or the Antichrist or the rider of the first white horse of the book of Revelation.

The totality of the church taken away God then reverts back to dealing with Israel as He did in the times before Jesus.

Can this ruler be Trump, can it be Obama, can it be someone else, can this be the time? I leave you with this thought to ponder. Included below is the link to the article by Chase.



The following video is from Prophecy Watchers and as it relates and complements the preceding article above I also include it here.


This excellent study by pastor FM Riley is also relating to the concepts and dates and scriptures in the above article and I am including it here.



July 1, 2018 A possible Rapture on July 7, this year?

A very interesting and well researched article. It is full of well thought, new and fresh observations of scripture.



Douglas Henney (1 July 2018)
Things might unfold a week sooner than what I was thinking

On May 27th, I posted a four part email here on Fivedoves in which I expressed the possibility of us going home on, or about, July 14/15.
Recently, I came across some things that have me thinking it may end up happening a week earlier, on July 7/8.
Here are the links to the prior posts to reference since what I am presenting here still includes a lot of my thinking in these prior emails:
A main premise in my prior thinking was that even though the Jewish Sanhedrin currently have a calendar that is not Biblically accurate, that God will still fulfill a significant type/shadow event, namely a correctly counted Pentecost, on that calendar while at the same time fulfill the rapture’s type/shadow event on His Biblically accurate calendar, namely the 18th day of the 3rd month of when God came down at Mount Sinai during a long shofar blast.  Both of these fall on July 14/15 this year.  In other words, God will fulfill both types/shadows at the same time.
I was almost in a bit of a shock when I discovered a few weeks later that there is yet another date that does the very same thing of having a Pentecost and a “18th day of the 3rd month Sinai event” dovetail together.  This happens a week prior, on July 7/8.
I am now thinking that this July 7/8 ends up being a better fitting puzzle piece, and I will try to explain this.
The Sanhedrin’s correctly counted Pentecost (7 weeks plus 50 days) on July 14/15 is a week after the correctly counted Pentecost on the popular Jewish calendar on July 7/8.  The reason for this is how one determines the beginning of a month.
July 7/8 is the 18th day of the 3rd month on the constellation calendar.  This month is commonly referred to as Gemini (shows a union of a couple).  A number of “watching for Jesus” folks have received understanding/revelation from God to pay attention to Gemini.  This Gemini focus is actually referencing the constellation calendar.
For folks not familiar with this calendar, when Jesus died and resurrected, it was when the sun was in “the Lamb of God” constellation, commonly referred to as Aries.  Jesus’ death and resurrection established that constellation month as the first month.
At this time, these constellation months start and end on about the 21st of each of the Gregorian calendar months.
I lean towards the idea that since we, as the body and bride of Christ, have been blessed with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places per Eph 1:3, that our calendar would also be in the “heavenly places”, or using constellations as months verses referencing the moon. Keep in mind that the constellations (or stars) are part of what God determined as signs, though the evil one has hijacked the original meanings and purpose by fabricating horoscopes (which we are to stay clear from).
We were not given the calendar God gave to the children of Israel.  That one is theirs.  The chosen remnant within Israel-Judah, after the extreme refinement of the coming judgement years, will ultimately inherit God’s earth based kingdom.  The body of Christ, as new creations, will inherit God’s celestial places kingdom once we get new bodies. As the Righteousness of God in our union with Jesus, there is nothing in our core selves/natures that need any refining.  All we are waiting for is new bodies.  These two distinct kingdom realms each have their own unique calendars.
So, the timing of the prior posts is, I think, going to unfold a week earlier than I was thinking.  This also seems to fit better with other pieces coming up, and during the transition of God shifting to dealing with the 144,000 and the chosen remnant within Israel/Judah.
The Sept 23rd/24th Revelation 12 sign does point to a future birth(s).  However, like Pearl Kolibri (sp?) pointed out in one of her Youtube videos, births happen anywhere from 3 weeks prior to the due date, up to 2 weeks after the due date, with only about 4-5% happening on the due date itself.  In other words, the Rev 12 sign pointed to a future window of time wherein the birth will take place.  We are in that window.
So far, no birth happened yet!  Some watchers are already doing counts from June 23rd (9 months after the Rev 12 sign) in light of the purification timeframes described in Leviticus 12.  I think it is a little premature to do this calculation yet, though I believe they are on the right track as I will try to show in what follows.
Leviticus 12 points to periods of time when the birth mother (the focus is not on the baby) cannot come before God in the temple.  40 days if she had a boy.  80 days if she had a girl.
Again, the purification of the mother is the focus of Levitcus 12, not the newly born child.  This is key.  There is confusion in the watching community because folks are not making this distinction.
Now, firstly, a question is, “Who is the mother of the body of Christ, new creations brought into union with the very Godhead?”
Paul teaches in Galatians 4:26 that the Jerusalem above (heavenly places) is free and “she is our mother”.  As new creations, we are born out of a reality that transcends creation.  We are birthed out of or God Himself, yet into His Son, the Lord Jesus Christ.  God is our “mother”.   In other words, our “mother” who is “above”, does not need the 40 or 80 days of purification.  So, Leviticus 12 does not apply to the body of Christ.  Also, we are the ones about to be birthed out of the earth (so the Rev 12 sign still points to our timing window), yet we are not the mother that Leviticus 12 focuses upon.
However, there is another “mother” and another “baby” also about to be born.  The Chosen Remnant within the modern day children of Israel/Judah are about to give birth to the 144,000.  We are right on the cusp of this.  I am thinking this might happen on July 11-ish, at the midpoint of the rapture-gathering-week, after their three days of darkness similar to what Paul experienced on the road to Damacus.  This timing for the birth of the 144,000, I think, will happen just after we go home, three and a half days after, to be precise.
The Chosen Remnant of Israel/Judah is the “mother” about to give birth to the 144,000.  I believe that the Revelation 12 sign points to this mother (Although it could also be alluding to the timing of when the earth “births” the dead in Christ out of her at our homegoing.  If this is valid, I anticipate “the water breaking” just before we go home which might be a tsunami generated from the slumping off of land into the ocean off Hawaii’s main island).
Now, the question is, “Is the group of 144,000 considered male or female?”, thinking in terms of Levitcus 12 and how long they will experienceba purification before, in some way, being brought before God.
If male, then the 40 days from July 11 ends August 19th.  However, August 19 is one week early of Israel’s true Bibiblically accurate Pentecost per the “full moon starts the month” calendar (as I referenced in my prior posts).  In my original posts to Fivedoves, I was anticipating everything starting (including the rapture) on July 15, and not on July 8 like I am considering now.  In that prior scenario, the midweek point for the “birthing” of these 144,000 was July 18.  In that scenario, the adding of 40 days would have fallen on the true Pentecost.  It seemed to fit so well.  Yet, if events unfold starting a week earlier (on July 7/8) than what I originally anticipated, the 40 day purification count for the mother doesn’t fit.
This is when I noticed that Leviticus 12 focuses only on the mother. I had been lumping the mother and baby together. The Leviticus 12 purification timeframes do not apply to the 144,000.  They are the “baby”.  The 144,000 will still be sealed on the true Pentecost of August 26th.  Yet, what about their “mother”, and how does Leviticus 12 relate to this Chosen Remnant of Israel/Judah?
I had always assumed the 144,000 are considered a “male” child.  It was a premise I had to reconsider.
What if God sees them as a “female” child, even though the scriptures attach the idea of maleness to the group?  If this ends up being the case, then the remnant’s purification timeframe is 80 days after the birthing on July 11th.
I realized this is not a stretch as I consider maleness as compared to femaleness.  Think in terms that, in the natural realm (this does not apply to the members of the body of Christ wherein there is neither male nor female), the man is the head of the woman.  The description of the 144,000 in Revelation 14, after they raptured at the midpoint of the judgement years, is that they followed the lamb wherever He went (responding to Jesus’ headship) and that they are virgins, and that they are blameless.  This, to me, sounds female.
The group of 144,000 relate to Jesus as their Head, their source.  This is just like what the Bride of Christ does, even though we are made up of males and females.
I am beginning to understand that any chosen people or group of God, when they live before God in righteousness and holiness, do so only as they look to God as their Source, or Head.  In other words, these groups relate to God as “female”.
So, thinking in terms of the 144,000 being a female baby, then their “mother”, the chosen remnant of Israel/Judah, cannot “appear” before God for a total of 80 days.
I added 80 days to July 11th and it lands me smack dab in the middle of the Feast of Tanernacles on the popular Jewish calendar.
(As an aside, I believe God will continue to use their faulty calendar, while also using His true calendar, at least until the witnesses show up to set them straight.)
Now recall from Deut. 9:9, 9:18 and 10:10, that Moses went up and down three times at Mount Sinai for 40 days each time.  Which time did Moses come down “glowing”. It was after the third time!  Why didn’t he come down “glowing” the other two times?  I believe it is because God is showing us when Moses will come back down to Israel in the near future, when he will be arriving in a glowing, glorified body.  So, when might this happen?
On prior years, when I calculated when Moses would have come down that third time “glowing”,  I discovered that he would have arrived in the very middle of the Feast of Tabernacles, the same time Jesus, who was present yet in secret, started to teach Israel openly.  I anticipate that Moses will arrive to the Chosen Remnant in the middle of this coming Feast of Tabernacles.
So, after the 144,000’s “mother” has undergone her 80 days of purification this summer, this timeframe will end at the very same timing of when Moses will return back down to Israel in a glorified body, with a second set of tablets in his hands.  After her 80 days of purification, “the mother who just had a female baby” will be truly ready to hear from God.  Moses will be, to the Chosen Remnant of Israel/Judah, a representative of God Himself.  This is on/about September 27/28.
All that I have presented here in this new post is consistent with the idea that the constellation calendar is for the body of Christ, which has the 18th day of the 3rd month on July 7/8, the very same day Pentecost should have been calculated on the popular jewish calendar by adding 50 days to the end of a count of 7 weeks after the Passover’s Feast of Firstfruits.
This means I have July 7/8 as a very high watch date for when we go home, a week earlier than my last set of posts.
Now, I am thinking that Moses, once he comes back down, will be on earth all the way to Jesus’ second coming.  (I am thinking that per Zechariah 1:18-21 that there are a total of four witness : Moses, John, Elijah, and Enoch, two of which will be killed and resurrected/raptured middle of the judgement years).
Moses, due to disobedience, had his original mission of leading Israel into the promised land cut off.  Basicallly, God is going to let Moses finish his assignment during the coming judgement years.  This will include a bit of a rerun for Moses.
Just like his first time (but this next time will be at mid-judgement) Moses will lead the chosen remnant out of a latter days “Egypt” (Rev 11:8 refers to Jerusalem with this term), likely also on the 15th day of the 1st month like Moses did in Exodus 12, and into the wilderness (to Petra for 40 months?)  This remnant will receive their daily bread of manna like Jesus instructed them in the “Lord’s prayer” in order to survive until their promised land is established at Jesus’ second coming.  Moses will finally lead the remnant “into” their promised land, fulfilling his original destiny.
Moses had Joshua with him the first time around.  I think John will fill this role the second time.  Recall what Jesus told Peter about John.  “If I want him to remain til I come . . ,”  Jesus did not mean that John would live for a couple thousand years but that John would not be killed during the judgement years but be present on earth (remain) and be present at Jesus’ second coming.  This means he shows up before Jesus’ second coming.
(As an aside, John’s epistles, in part, are directed to the remnant who will survive the judgement years.  Peter’s epistles are directed, in part, to those who will be be killed for Jesus (like he was) during the judgement years.  Also, Jesus’ teachings, like the sermon on the mount, before His death and resurrection took place, were also directed, in part, to this chosen remnant in the wilderness during the judgement years, who will, at that time, not yet “be saved in one day” until their crucified and resurrected Messiah is revealed at His second coming.
I speculate that Elijah and Enoch will show up in Israel before Moses and John  I am thinking these two will be involved in teaching the 144,000 this summer, and then sealing them, as described in Revelation, and this likely taking place this August 26-ish, or Pentecost on God’s accurate calendar for Israel.  This true Pentecost might be when Enoch returns, for this is the same timing of when he was raptured per Jewish tradition.
Again, I am thinking the Body of Christ was not given the calendar that God gave the children of Israel in the scriptures.  Israel was.  Paul tells us to let no man judge us in terms of feasts, new moons and sabbaths because the substance of those types/shadows is Jesus, in Whom we are made complete.  Our inheritance is not of the earth but is of celestial places.  At the war of Michael against the evil one mentioned in Revelation, where Satan is cast to earth out of celestial dimensions (I am thinking at mid-judgement years), one reason expressed for the “casting down” is that there is “no more room” for Satan and his minions.  Why?  I am thinking that a portion of the body of Christ are going to finally take up our positions in that realm.  This is not to say we will not in some ways be actively involved in doing things on earth during the 1000 year “day of rest”.
However, Paul also explains that the feasts, new moons, sabbaths, and ultimately Israel’s calendar tied to these, are a “shadow of things to come”.  This is the basis for this presentation of my current thinking and anticipations.
Out of all of the above, what do I personally anticipate in the coming days?
As expressed in my prior posts, I am thinking judgement will start on the “end of the church age Babylon” the night of July 4, the end of our 70th “anniversary year” since Israel became a nation.  I think that Jesus gave the nations, and this Babylon in particular, an extra 50 days of grace by referencing our “anniversary years” instead of starting Babylon’s last 70 years right when Israel became a nation.  There are 50 days between May 14, 1948 and July 4, 1948.
July 4/5 the moon is also in the constellation Aquarius and its associated constellations Pegasus and Cygnus.  Per 2 Timothy 4:6-8, Paul gave clues that pointed to this constellation group as he also knew his departure was nigh, or right on the cusp.  Being “poured out as a drink offering” points to Aquarius as the picture of a man pouring out a vessel’s contents onto the ground.  Pegasus, a winged horse, points to a depature like Elijah experienced.  Cygnus has stars whose meanings include “judge”, “he who returns”, and “bringing of rewards”.  All of these are alluded to by Paul in 2 Timothy 4:6-8.  So, from this, I have speculated that whenever we go home in some future month, that the moon would have just been in Aquarius.  July 4th/5th, when the moon is in Aquarius, is just prior to the high watch day of July 7/8 that I am considering for when we might go home.
The night of July 4th might also be the 15th day of the 3rd month in Israel, yet still being on the constellation calendar.  Recall that it was on the 15th day of the 3rd month in Exodus 19 that Israel was gathered at the foot of Sinai, also echoing what the Swedish boy saw in his dream.  I am now wondering if on the night of July 4, if judgement does start on Babylon, if some of us at that very time will have it miraculously revealed to us that we have three days to let others in the body know that they are to get ready before Jesus comes on Sunday.  This would be consistent with what God did with Moses in Exodus 19.
I, for one, really feel like I need to know from God, in no uncertain terms, when Jesus is truly coming before I can give other folks the heads-up.  Even though I believe I am now seeing how a number of pieces are fitting together, I am still not 100% certain.  Being incorrect so many times prior has a way of making a person a bit gun-shy of proclaiming anything.  Perhaps, in God’s plan, and because He is Love and Grace to us, He may just give us a truly miraculous heads-up, just like He did through Moses for Israel, essentially telling us to get ready for Jesus is coming down on the third day during a loud trumpet blast.  This is actually the very thing the Swedish boy saw in his dream.
Douglas Henney

April 18, 2016 A research timeline study for the Rapture on May 17/18 and the Tribulation on May 27/28 by Judith

To my readers I am recommending that you take this study close to heart as there are gold nuggets in the discoveries Judith has presented.

As any timeline derived from studies and prophetic types it could be wrong, but if she is you gain everything by preparing to meet the Lord next month even if He delays His coming, but hope is kindle and encouragement is given with the anticipation of the final glory for our bodies manifested.

Thanks Judith!


Judith (17 Apr 2016)
First Trump & Last Trump Study



As shown in the 2520 year study – (see March 27, 2016 Five

Doves Letters) the Exodus ocurred in the 2520th year from

Adam. Passover ocurred on March 14 and the Exodus to the

Promise Land was the next day on the 15th – (see Ex. 12:41).


They arrived Mt. Sinai “on the very day” meaning on the same

date (14th) in the third month (May 14/15) – (see Ex. 19:1-2).

In Ex. 19:10 – 11 the Lord tells Moses to “consecrate the people

today and tomorrow and have them wash their clothes and be

ready by the third day (May 17/18), because on that day

the Lord will come down on Mount Sinai in the sight of all

the people”.


The FIRST TRUMP then ocurred on May 17/18 – (see Ex. 19: 16)….

“On the morning of the third day there was thunder and lightning,

with a thick cloud over the mountain, and a VERY LOUD TRUMPET




Before we can continue with the LAST TRUMP part of the study

there is one other date which has relevance to this study. That

date is October 11/12 and can be found in “God’s Calendar Study” –

(see March 27, 2016 Five Doves Letters). In that study the date

for the Crucifixion found on the 365.25/day calendar was March

14/15. That date corresponded to Aug. 27/28 on the 360/day.

From the Crucifixion to the Resurrection = March 17/18 (Aug. 30/

Sept. 1 on 360/day). Then the ASCENSION ocurred on April

26/27 OCTOBER 11/12 on the 360/day). 

Now we can continue with the next portion of this study…….


THE LAST TRUMP – & Possible Rapture Date

IF, the Rapture were to occur on MAY 17/18, 2016 then the

corresponding 360/day would be OCTOBER 11/12, 2045. So,

what is remarkable is the LAST TRUMP would be on the same

date as the FIRST TRUMP. Also, the corresponding date of

OCTOBER 11/12, 2045 would occur on the ASCENSION date –

the same date Jesus ascended into heaven.



By adding 10 days to the above calculations, another possible

date for the Tribulation could be OCTOBER 21/22, 2045 or

MAY 27/28, 2016.

The OCTOBER 21/22 date was the date for PENTECOST on the

360/day calendar – (see God’s Calendar Study). It is also the

initial date for the BALFOUR DECLARATION OCTOBER 22

which would complete 100 years or two JUBILEE cycles.

MAY 27/28 was the date for the first PASSOVER when the

Israelites first arrived in the PROMISE LAND – GILGAL – (see

God’s Calendar Study).


In conclusion I’d like to offer some perspective as to why I have

continued with these date speculations.

God has pre-ordained a special day for the Rapture. What that

date is we cannot know with any absolute certainty, but what

we can know is when the time is approaching and the nearness

of the hour. We have been given so much in bible prophecy that

offers encouragement and incentive to watch, and be faithful in

all we do. That alone is enough evidence to keep us alert and

joyful while awaiting His soon return. However, there is more

and that includes the specific dates that is provided in scripture

that seems to have or might have some significance as to when

the Blessed Hope will finally arrive. Those dates include major

events such as the flood; feast days; the Exodus timeline; not to exclude the Babylonian Captivity and the Birth of Jesus and the

special dates that follow.

It appears that God was specific with certain dates and gave

enough information with them possibly for us to formulate

certain patterns and cycles as many have done throughout the

intervening years.

I repeat, while we may not know the exact day or hour of His

return, we can ascertain through prophecy and various timelines

the approximate time – especially as we see the day approaching,

and what is gained by our continued examination of when that

day could possibly be is a blessing for those of us who are watching

and waiting.   Also, it serves as a reminder for those who would

scorn our efforts and may even cause an interest and return to holy

living as a certain awakening may occur by our continued per-

severance in sounding the alarm. So, I offer no apologies for

all that I’ve submitted in the past and will continue to offer when

new information can be shared.

Finally, many of us know the joy we share together as we remain

faithful in our watchfulness – not to mention the fun we have with

the challenge of being effective in our cause – which is to proclaim

His Holy Name and Blessed Hope……….our going home.

So whether we are to be awakened to rise or remain alive at His

soon return, we have a strong sense of expectancy which is a joy

unspeakable and full of glory – something the world cannot


May our efforts be productive and fruitful is my prayer.




Nando end

Nov 28, 2015 Gary Stearman Bible prophecy and the Iran War games to capture the Temple mount


Nando end

May 23, 2015 The Church of Christ Birthday is Tomorrow May 24-25 Pentecost (Shavu’ot))

There are many times for the Christian to celebrate a day of the year like the birth of Jesus Christ, resurrection in Easter, but few of us give the Feast of Pentecost a second thought. In the video below Gary Stearman ties together the many important events in the history of Israel that occurred in the 6th of Sivan the feast of Shavu’ot. The church is the bride of Christ and in the Jewish traditions the wedding contract implied the taking of the bride to the father of the groom’s house where a place for the couple was ready. May the bride be taken this year to meet the Lord in the air and be with him forever.


Nando end

March 14, 2014 Tribulation starts on Passover (4/14-15/14), Rapture on First Fruits(4/20/14)

There is so much information on the article below that it must be studied carefully and thoroughly. It is a very possible timeline of the Apocalypse, the Rapture and all the major events coming next month in conjunction with the start of the blood moon tetrad.

With all the things that are due to take place it will be hard to imagine that they are not signaling the start of the Apocalypse and the Rapture of the church.

Many Christians hold to the conclusion that the Rapture will happen before the start of the 70th week of Daniel 9 but I have always thought of the possibility that it will happen between the opening of the first and second seal. In the article below Miriam Howard proposes just that.

It is a very exiting and probable timeline the one she presents in her well researched article. thanks to David Blackman for this compilation of thoughts.


David Blackman (14 Mar 2014)
Reply to Taylor “2014 to 2017”

Hi Taylor and all doves,
I have read your article several times and you brought up a couple things that I was not aware of.  First was the use of astronomy software for finding all four conditions of Rev 12.  I have been more interested in the stars and astronomy since I read “The Gospel in the stars – The Mazzaroth by JR Church”.  Thanks for pointing this out.  The second was that according to that Passover 2014 is the first month of the Jewish spiritual year 6000.  I like your “theory”!
I would just like to add also that the end of the nine months that Kerry proclaimed for a peace agreement also ends in April 2014; and I had read a link from another Dove that posted about Israel has signed a peace deal with the palestinians recently.
The next item I like, points to April 2014 is an article that was written by Miriam Howard and posted to Fivedoves by Jim Bramlett  which I have included at the bottom of this post.
I am sure there are more that could be added but these were on my heart to add to your article!
Something that has happened to me that is kinda weird is that in Oct 2010 I lost a very good job that I had for 24 years and thought that the rapture would be very soon because of the “Judah Ben Samuel” and the 2017 time frame.  Here 3 and a half years later I find myself with weird things happening at work and they seem to be trying to make a case against me to remove me.  I was unemployed for one year and worked in this position (which is two half time jobs) for near two and a half years.  The timing of this happening is strange.  I have been applying and looking for a single job to finish my career here.  I wrote a couple weeks back and asked for prayer and things have settled down a little but I am still very apprehensive about what is going on and would like to have a new job.  Please pray for me to get the right job, I have applied for one that is a perfect fit and would like to have.  The timing of this just seems to weird.
Thanks Taylor,
David Blackman,

Tribulation: 2014-2021, Rapture This Year (THEORY)


Honestly, of everything I’ve seen and heard, this is the most persuasive timeline I’ve seen yet. It doesn’t rely on minute details, but big things we’ve been seeing come to pass (THIS IS A THEORY):1. This is the big one for me. Rosh Hashanah, September 23rd, 2017 and Revelation 12. I and others have scoured over hundreds of different dates using astronomy software and this is the first and only date for any year that fits ALL FOUR CONDITIONS of the sign in Revelation 12: Woman clothed with the sun. CHECK. Moon at her feet. CHECK. Giving birth to a single male child (the king planet Jupiter) right between the constellation’s legs. CHECK. Crown of 12 stars. CHECK. I have seen several close dates, such as Rosh Hashanah 2011, where 2 or 3 of the four conditions were met, but 2017 is the only date that meets all four conditions. THIS IS HUGE. Revelation 12 is a mid-trib sign, indicating the beginning of the last 3.5 years. Please also note: Jupiter, the king planet, was identified as THE Star of Bethlehem in the now famous Bethlehem Star documentary. It is the only object in the sky that meets ALL NINE of the conditions the Gospels mentioned of the Star of Bethlehem.

2. A LOT of external support for 2017 as a significant year: A. exactly 1 Jubliee after the 1967 re-capture of Jerusalem, which was exactly 1 Jubilee after the Balfour declaration. B. Judah Ben Samuel. C. Judah Ben Samuel rejected Christ, thus his “messiah” coming in 2017 is the antichrist, not THE Christ, which further points to the mid-trib. D. The Pyramid of Giza points to 2017. E. EXACTLY 1260 days before Rosh Hashanah 2017 is Passover 2014. F. EXACTLY 1290 days after each of the days of Rosh Hashanah 2017 is Passover, Unleavened Bread, AND First Fruits/Easter. G. Exactly 1335 days after Rosh Hashanah 2017 is Hayom-Yom 2021, the day the world needs purification. It also happens to be 2-3 days before Pentecost 2021.

3. As mentioned in point #2, Passover 2014 happens to be 1260 days before the sign/Rosh Hashanah in 2017. Passover 2014 also happens to be THE FIRST BLOOD MOON in the 2014-2015 tetrad! Of the four, it is the VERY FIRST. The timing is beyond incredible. Just think about it.

4. Here is where it starts to get even more chilling (in a good way): according to, Passover 2014, which is 1260 days before Rosh Hashanah 2017, happens to be MONTH 1 of JEWISH SPIRITUAL YEAR 6000. It is the first month of the 6,000th year!!!

So, When Is The Rapture?”

by Miriam Howard

Recently, I was asked when I thought the Rapture would occur.  My answer follows below:

I truly believe the Lord is finally going to come for us this coming Spring on the Feast of Firstfruits, on April 20 /Nisan 20 , 2014.

Beginning on April 1/Nisan 1 thru May 29/Iyar 29, 2014, the Gregorian calendar days and the Jewish calendar days will fall on the same number and the same day of the week.

The whole prophetic plan of God is overlaid upon Israel’s agricultural year from start to finish, beginning in the Spring, “at the appointed time,” “at the time of life”(Gen 18) for the season of resurrection when “the new shoots” burst out of the ground, at the opening of God’s Sacred Year, which opens on Nisan 1, near the beginning of the first harvest – the Barley – as the first grain and the first crop to be harvested in Israel. Christ is called… “But every man in his own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterward they that are Christ’s at his coming.” 1 Corinthians 15:23.

The Bride of Christ is called “His Body” and believers are referred to as “a type of firstfruits” in James 1:18. The Body of Christ must represent the same agricultural product and harvest as Christ-Himself, which is Barley.  It would be totally out of agricultural order to assign the firstfruits of the Body of Christ to a different agricultural product than that of Christ Himself!

Revelation 14, which is a parenthetical chapter, in verses 14-16, portrays the Jewish ’Son of Man’ sitting on a cloud with a sickle in His Hand. An angel tells Him that the “the harvest of the earth is now ripe.” The Greek word “ripe” there is the Greek word for dry and is a clue for the beginning of the grain harvest – as that is the only crop in Israel that is harvested when dry! The Lord is the Husbandman – a farmer – and like any farmer any where in the world, He always begins His harvest season IN ORDER, with the FIRST crop that is ripe for harvest!

Two verses later, an angel comes out with a sharp sickle to harvest “the vine of the earth”which is ripe.”   But this time, the Greek word there for ripe is an antonym – an opposite – to the  first ripe above it and means wet,” which reveals the grapes are “full of the blood of the grapes,” which describes them fit and ready to be thrown into the “winepress of God’s wrath.”

That is the reason that Springtime, during the Barley harvest, on the day of presentation of the Feast of Firstfruits – which is always Resurrection Day – is the ONLY day in the whole year for the BODY of Christ to also “rise from the grave” and be presented to the Father, by the Son, as the Law commands in Deuteronomy 26:10 forever !

The Wheat harvest follows some 50 days later, which begins with “the firstfruits of God and the Lamb”during the Tribulation which the Bible clearly represents as the conversion and sealing of the Jewish 144,000, in Revelation 14:4 . I believe their sealing will take place on the first Pentecost of the Tribulation.

The wheat harvest continues throughout to the end of summer which represents the Jews and the Gentiles in the first 3 1Ž2 years, as well as the harvest of “the summer fruits”(Amos 8:1-2, about which the Bible says this: The end is come upon my people of Israel; I will not again pass by them any more.)  Jeremiah 24:2-5  describes “good figs and bad figs  i.e. good (saved) Jews and Gentiles and bad (unsaved) Jews and Gentiles. In Israel, the first ripe fig appears very near the Feast of Harvest, which is Pentecost. (In Scripture, all mention of ‘wheat’ is a symbol for the nation of Israel and the Gentiles).

The Grape harvest follows at the end of summer/beginning of Fall which symbolizes the utterly wicked- both Jews and Gentiles- throughout the entire last half of the Tribulation, beginning in the middle of it.
The Earth’s seasons reflect God’s Plan- as
the Spring in the “time of Light” at “the end of the latter rain,” at the beginning of God’s Sacred Year– starting on Nisan 1.

The Fall is “the dark time” of the year with the death of Earth’s vegetation
evidenced by the browning of the vegetation and the ultimate drop-off of leaves.  This is symbolized by the Grape Harvest which is a type of the beginning of the death of the utterly wicked, beginning in the middle of the Tribulation and continuing on throughout the whole last half of the Tribulation, culminating with the battle of Armageddon in the Spring upon the return of Yeshua, the Messiah, Who brings the final death to all the remaining wicked.

Israel, the end of the levitical year (Exodus 34:22) culminates with “the Feast of Ingathering” (Tabernacles) which symbolizes the previously harvested crops that are gathered into “my barn” (Matthew 13:30, which is a symbol for the righteous Jews and Gentiles, at the beginning of the Messianic Kingdom on Earth during the Feast of Tabernacles.”

Following this is the preparation of the fields by plowing up the old residue in order to make the ground ready for the sowing the new seed  (a type of the redeemed remnant of both Israel and the Gentiles), and the arrival of the former, early rain, the gentle rain, in order for new growth to begin which continues throughout the winter months with the fall of the heavy, winter rains, through to the Spring, which ends with the last rain, the latter rain of the year- usually falling no later than in “the first month” (Joel 2:23), in preparation for the first harvests of barley and flax. (Flax was the most important fiber in the Bible because it was used to make fine linen. We see Jesus clothed in linen, fine and white, throughout Scripture. Also, Revelation 19:8 describes the Body of Christ, the Bride, who has been made ready for “the Marriage Supper of the Lamb”…this way:  “And to her was granted that she should be arrayed in fine linen, clean and white: for the fine linen is the righteousness of saints.”  This scene willtake placein perfectseasonal order, after the close of “the latter rain,” as flax becomes ‘ripe’ for harvest along with the barley, for the return of Christ with His Bride.

Like last year of 2013- the same pattern presents again- when the last day of Unleavened Bread opens upon the close of Firstfruits- on April 20/21- Nisan 20/21.  I wrote about last year how I believed Revelation 5 depicts a holy convocation” with us- the Bride – casting our golden crowns before the Lord on His Throne.  I wrote how the Greek word “general assembly” in Hebrews 12:23 is definitely “ a convoking” i.e. “holy convocation” to which we are brought!  I wrote how John entered into “the spirit on the Lord’s day” in Revelation chapter 1, which I believe was the Feast of Firstfruits which always on ‘the Lord’s Day,’ and I believe that is our rapture right there, though not said by John. I wrote that John is called to Heaven in chapter 4:1, however, the first thing he saw is the 24 elders who represent the Body of Christ, ALREADY with crowns on their heads, indicating that the Bema judgment has already taken place!  So, somewhere between chapter 1 and  4:1, the Bema has already occurred, whether John saw it and just did not write of it or did not view it, we do not know.  But, the saints already have their crowns in chapter 4, which I believe is now the close of Nisan 20/the opening of Nisan 21, the last day of Unleavened Bread. I wrote that again, I believe chapter 5 is showing our holy convocation (Nisan 21), before the Lord.

Leviticus 23
tells us that both the first day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 15) and the last day of the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Nisan 21) are both holy convocations before the Lord. As such, they are deemed “a sabbath of rest in which no servile work may be done” in Leviticus 23:7-8.

Something of great interest in the spring of 2014 is this:  A complete lunar eclipse will occur on April 15/Nisan 15 on the holy convocation at the opening of the Feast of Unleavened Bread!
  “The first eclipse of the year is well placed for observers throughout the Western Hemisphere. The eclipse occurs at the lunar orbit’s ascending node in Virgo (Virgo is the symbol of the woman of Israel).  None of the eclipse is visible from north/east Europe, eastern Africa, in the Middle East or Central Asia.”

I personally believe this particular lunar eclipse, with the Moon representing both the nation of Israel and the Body of Christ, will be a signal and a portent which will herald the coming in 6 days thereafter of the “disappearance of folks all over the world” and the immediate opening of the Day of the Lord and
the beginning of the Tribulation with the shock and awe of “the sudden destruction” from Heaven, beginning in the spring.

Immediately AFTER the Bema when Jesus takes His seat on the Throne and opens “the scroll”  which is written on both sides, and is the same scroll that Ezekiel saw which contained the words
“lamentations, mourning and woe”in Ezekiel 2:10, the Day of the Lord will begin.

Another truly big reason I believe this Spring will BEGIN HIS DAY – besides everything we are seeing happening at this very moment-in all the world, but especially in Israel and the Middle East, with way more to come to past before next Spring, is that Israel’s next sabbatical cycle of 7 years will open on Tishri 1 of 2014, Jewish year 5775.  THAT will allow the Lord to end the Tribulation in the Spring of 2021, return to Israel in time to “build and cleanse the altar” and the whole levitical system, called “the law of the house” in Ezekiel 43:11-12. This will all begin on Nisan 1,of 2021, with the fulfilling of the ordinances that the Law commands to be carried out throughout Eternity, beginning with the first Mosaic feast cycle with “all” the redeemed of Israel (Romans 11:26). “The Branch” (Zech 6) will lay the foundation and begin to build the Third Temple “in the second month” of Iyar/Zif (1 Kings 6:1) and (Ezra 3:8) when the foundations of the two prior Temples were laid, but this time- it will be laid on top of Mt. Zion which will be “high and lifted up higher than any other mountain on Earth” (Psalm 2:2; Isaiah 8:18; Isaiah 10:12; Micah 4:7), then “the Branch” will continue building the Temple through the summer months with people all around coming to help Him, which will then be completed by that Fall, when Tishri 1, 5782, 2021, will again open another Sabbatical cycle, and then on Tishri 10, Yeshua will declare that day to open the first Jubilee year of Eternity- as Lev 25 commands, when He will award the 12 Tribes their eternal inheritances, along with those of the priests of Zadok, the Levites, the city, the Temple and to the Prince Himself, as Ezekiel 48 says, and then at the ‘feast of Ingathering at the end of the year” (Tabernacles), the Messianic Kingdom of David will have officially opened on Earth.

Also, it is important to know that Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks” prophecy began on Nisan 1, as Ezra 7:6-9 says.  It can be proved that Tishri 1, Julian year 458 B.C. opened Israel’s Sabbatical year of 3304.  458 B.C. can be proved to be “the seventh year of Artaxerxes.”  The “seventy weeks began in the Spring of 457 B.C., Jewish year 3304, when Ezra left Babylon for Jerusalem.  [From the opening of Jewish year 3304, on Tishri 1, 458 B.C., to the opening of Jewish year 3787, on Tishri 1, 26 A.D.  equals 483 years, or “sixty nine weeks” of years, fromsabbatical year to sabbatical year!”  (All Jewish sabbatical years divide equally by 7). Yeshua, the Messiah, “the anointed one” came to Israel …after“seven weeks” and “threescore and two weeks” (Daniel 9:25-26).

Not only did Jewish year 3304, 458 B.C. open a Sabbatical year on Tishri 1, but it can be proved by Scripture to have also been a Jubilee year.  By an archaeological finding, “the Assyrian” king Sennacherib, dated 2 Kings 18/19 when came down against Judah and King Hezekiah, etching the date into a granite stele.  This took place in the spring of the Julian year 702 B.C., which was Jewish year 3059. Hezekiah prayed to the Lord about what he should do about this invasion and Isaiah came back to him with this answer from the Lord, in 2 Kings 19:29-31:

And this shall be a sign unto thee, Ye shall eat this year such things as grow of themselves, and in the second year that which springeth of the same; and in the third year sow ye, and reap, and plant vineyards, and eat the fruits thereof. And the remnant that is escaped of the house of Judah shall yet again take root downward, and bear fruit upward. For out of Jerusalem shall go forth a remnant, and they that escape out of mount Zion: the zeal of the Lord of hosts shall do this.”

This year was the 7th year; in the second yearwas the 8th year; in the third year was the 9th year.

This “sign” that the Lord gave was not only  telescoping prophecy down to the beginning of the Kingdom, as an eternal, ongoing command,  but it also proves that that year of Sennacherib’s  invasion, Jewish year 3059 , was a not only a Sabbatical year, but also a Jubilee year, just as the first year of the Kingdom will be, 5782 .  The Lord gave king Hezekiah instructions straight out of Leviticus 25:21-22, which states the Lord’s original command from the Year of Jubilee. (Don’t forget ALL Jewish 7th years can be equally divided by 7.)

Jewish year 3059 (702 B.C.) to 3304 (457 B.C.) =  245 years.  245/49 = 5 Jubilee cycles.

The 70th week of Daniel began in Jewish year 3787 , which opened on Tishri 1, 26 A.D.

[* It bears remembering that when the Children of Israel crossed over into the Promised Land the first time, the manna immediately stopped on Nisan 16, and the Children began eating “of the fruit of the land” that was already available and waiting for them (Joshua 5:26). The same great blessing will be available to the remnant their first and second years in the Land, which will give them time to plant in the 8th year and reap and partake in the 9th year!  Praise God for His wonderful Law of the Jubilee Year!]

Yeshua fulfilled the first half of Daniel’s 70th week.  From Tishri 1, 26 A.D. to Nisan 1, 30 A.D. is 3 1Ž2 years, the first half of Daniel’s 70th Week!

Yeshua was anointed at His Baptism, at the beginning of His ministry, NOT at the Cross, at the end of His ministry.

Yeshua was cut off 3 1Ž2 years after His anointing, as Daniel 9:26 clearly states.

3 1Ž2 years after the Cross in Nisan of 3790, 30 A.D. was Tishri 1, 3794, 33 A.D.

Tishri 1, 26 A.D. to Tishri 1, 33 A.D. = 7 years.

If the nation of Israel had accepted Jesus as their Yeshua Messiah and turned from their sin, they would have entered the Kingdom of David in the fall of 33 A.D. the opening of the new Sabbatical year, which would have been the final 490th year of Daniel’s prophecy. (490 years  = 10 Jubilee cycles). Tishri 10, of Jewish year, 33 A.D, Jewish year 3394 , would have opened that first holy Jubilee year at the beginning of the Kingdom.

>From the Fall of702 B.C. to the Fall of 33 A.D. = 735 years / 49 = 15 Jubilee cycles.

[It is only the wicked Jews and the wicked Gentiles who will be subject to the last half of Daniel’s 70th weekThe first half of the Tribulation is called “the travail of the woman” in the Bible.]

[Daniel’s “Seventy Weeks” began in the spring on Nisan 1, 3304, and it will end in the spring on Nisan 1, 5782.  5782-3304 = 2478 years/7 = 354 overall Sabbatical cycles from start to finish.]

If the Lord chooses this next coming 7 year cycle- beginning in Nisan of 2014,  with the Sabbatical opening in the ensuing Fall on Tishri 1, 5775, 7 years later at the opening of another Sabbatical cycle, which will open on Tishri 1, 2021, Jewish year 5782, He will proclaim Tishri 10, the Day of Atonement as the beginning of a whole, new, holy Jubilee cycle, the first one of Eternity.

[If one begins counting by 49 years, from 33 A.D., the last Jubilee would have fallen in the fall of 1993, which of course was not a Jubilee to the Lord, and the next one would be in the fall of 2042.  Of course that is too ‘far out’ and is completely out of the question! That is why He has chosen a whole new, holy Jubilee year cycle of years to begin. The Lord cut off Israel’s Jubilee cycle at the Cross because of the unbelief of national Israel.]
For all the above reasons, I fully expect that the Lord WILL NOT bypass this coming Sabbatical cycle for the redeemed, nation of Israel!

Also, here is something also interesting to consider:

Psalm 102:24
“I said, O my God,
take me not away in the midst of my days : thy years are throughout all generations.”

In Hab 3:2, the prophet entreated the Lord:

“O Lord, I have heard thy speech, and was afraid: O Lord, revive thy work in the midst of the years, in the midst of the years make known; in wrath remember mercy.”

The Psalmist is pleading with the Lord NOT to take him away IN THE MIDST OF HIS DAYS, and Habakkuk is praying that THE LORD REVIVE HIS WORK IN THE MIDST OF MY
DAYS…” IN THE MIDST OF YEARS MAKE KNOWN”….”in wrath remember mercy!”

The word “midst” in the KJV means MIDDLE most of the time
Mid Trib will fall in the MIDDLE of the Sabbatical cycle – with the opening of Jewish year 5778 beginning in the fall of 2017The Lord WILL REVIVE HIS WORK whenAll the remnant will be brought “to safety” in THE MIDST OF YEARS WHEN THE LORD MAKES KNOWN HIS WORK of MIGHTY GRACE AND MERCY for the remnant – protecting them from the ‘Great and Terrible Day of the Lord in the last 3.5 years filled with God’s full, unrestrained wrath upon the utterly wicked, which is the last half of Daniel’s 70th week!  The Lord will NOT “take away” or “cut off” the righteous of Israel in the mist of their days/years” at Midtrib, but instead will preserve them in order for them to be able to go alive into the Kingdom! Yeshua promised Daniel that “all thy people”– referring to the righteous remnant (of all Israel)will come to rest” by the 1,335th day of the Tribulation (45 days after the 1290th day when the abomination that makes desolate”) in Daniel 12:12.  In His wrath, God will surely remember mercy for the sake of the future remnant, as God’s wrath and fury BEGINS at the BEGINNING of the Tribulation, starting with the Seal Judgments!

Psalm 90 promises the nation of Israel ’70 years.’  (Jesus was “cut off” in the MIDDLE of His years at the Cross.)  1947/48 (5708) to 2017/18 (5778)  = 70 years!   Remember God’s prophecy in Jeremiah 29:10-14, which is a Kingdom prophecy and can ONLY be completely fulfilled AFTER Israel repents and turns from her sin, becomes reconciled to the Lord and is restored… The “70 years” BEGINS in the middle of the Tribulation, but AFTER 70 years” willfulfill the prophecy when“All” Israel (the remnant only Romans 9:6/11:26), will be appointed for salvation in the first 3 1Ž2 years of the Tribulation, as no one comes come to faith in Christ in the last 3 1Ž2 years, and will receive a new heart and the water of the Holy Spirit is poured out upon them, as Ezekiel 37 says, at the end of the Tribulation.

ALL the pieces fit this time, THIS TIME HE WILL FULFILL HIS PLAN!  I believe as we approach the DAY- events, signs and signals will be such THAT WE WILL DEFINITELY KNOW FOR SURE THIS TIME…THAT THIS WILL INDEED BE THE RIGHT TIME….

“And they waited for me as for the rain; and they opened their mouth wide as for the latter rain.”Job 29:23

“Be patient therefore, brethren, unto the coming of the Lord. Behold, the husbandman waiteth for the precious fruit of the earth, and hath long patience for it, until he receive the early and latter rain.”James 5:7

[The ‘latter’ rain is the last rain!  It is another clue for the proper season for our gathering unto Him!]

Miriam Howard

September, 2013

David Blackman

Nando end

Jimmy (6 Apr 2011) “AWESOME The real Mt Sinai discovered”

It gives me great pleasure to write this short introduction to this post. Jimmy has given us a link to a series of 8 short (14 min+ -) videos of an interview with a young couple that Jesus guided into an archeological discovery of monumental significance for the prophetic times we live in.

Do not miss the whole episodes you will be glad you saw them and increase your knowledge of the world of Moses and other Bible characters as they come alive with the discoveries of Jim and Penny Caldwell.


Jimmy (6 Apr 2011)
“AWESOME The real Mt Sinai discovered”

A series of 8 videos,called out by a vision from the Lord that led to the real
Mt Sinai.

Written by twelvebooks

April 6, 2011 at 11:15 pm