Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

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Archive for May 30th, 2024

May 30, 2024 The Rapture happened and you are looking for answers. To my family, friends and readers that are here and were not taken.

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This video by Rock Island books is addressed to the billions of people that saw the simultaneous disappearance of hundreds of millions of people who the thing they had in common was their believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and savior or as it is said were born again.

I have turned blue on my face telling you, my family, friends and readers of this event and few have listen to my words. If I am not yet gone it means that this warning has been heard before the Rapture and you still can change to secure your trip in it. The two witnesses start on day 1 of the Tribulation and end in day 1,260 after.

The video has the message that salvation is still possible and what you must do and not do to obtain it.
