Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

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Archive for June 15th, 2024

June 15, 2024 The four tests that chosen ones must have and pass

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As I enter the age of Moses when he was delivering Israel I look back and ask myself if God is planning to use me apart from this blog and my personal constant ministering to family and friends.

I have seen the intervention of God throughout my life as well and Satan’s tempting and destructive hand also. Having reached an old age in good health it is in itself a blessing and something I give God thanks for.

Keeping a humble disposition in view of God’s fingerprints in your life is an absolute necessity as a proud heart was the fall of Satan and his preferred weapon of choice always. You are not born humble it is a constant fight that any believer must wield daily and the fight never stops. The world is just the opposite and humbleness is frown upon and considered a weakness, something undesirable to have.

The most powerful and all perfect the Lord Jesus Christ became a servant in humility, came to serve and to suffer and die in a perfect state of humbleness and submission so that He became the perfect offering for the redemption of humanity. His humble and meek demeanor was a downfall to Satan who was constantly in doubt as to the role Jesus was living which ran opposite to his nature and knowledge of God he had with dealing with Jesus in the courts of heaven. God’s plan was completely hidden in the person of Jesus Christ the man-God. The plan that Jesus was to be the lamb offered in sacrifice for the sins of the world was hidden in plain site and with His pride and arrogance his true colors of evil and a murderer overcame him to incite the killing of Jesus that with it he destroyed himself.


Written by twelvebooks

June 15, 2024 at 9:46 pm

June 15, 2024 The chosen ones of God and the things they see happen

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In this video you see how God acted in the lives of those He chose for His purposes. This is not confined to the heroes of the old testament but is actively present in believers all over the world now and specially those who find themselves in dangerous places where God is hated and believers persecuted.

In a collective way the nation of Israel has been chosen by God to be the place where He will place His throne when He comes in His Second Coming. This tiny nation is experiencing unimaginable evil from all over the world and yet they persevere and triumph as God is with them.

The nation still has to go through a lot and the individuals that make this nation have not yet experienced the blessings and protection that many of their ancestors experienced personally. But the time is fast approaching that this condition will change dramatically.


Written by twelvebooks

June 15, 2024 at 8:16 pm

June 15, 2024 Hi Stakes economic game that will usher in the New World Order and the rule of the Antichrist

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As the G-7 nations maneuver to freeze the interest from Russia’s Treasury bonds the interview with Tom Luongo shows the complexity of the moves involved and the danger that unforeseen events can make the whole system disintegrate are high. One of those unforeseen events is the reaction of big nations that see the danger of holding Treasury bonds when what is done to Russia can be done to them also. This may cause a cascade of selling by central banks of their Treasury bond holdings. The dollar is going to be affected and gold as well as silver may shoot up at a fast pace. We may see this starting next week gradually and accelerating in the months of July and August.


Written by twelvebooks

June 15, 2024 at 4:59 pm

June 15, 2024 We pray for the coming harvest of souls in Pentecost(Shavuot) By Jonathan Cahn

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As the church started in Pentecost could it happen that it is taken out in Pentecost?
