Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

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Jim Bramlett (26 July 2010) “Azusa Street revival + 100 years”

Another track of thinking for the Rapture today or in the next few short days.


Jim Bramlett (26 July 2010)
Azusa Street revival + 100 years

Below is more from young Corey (unedited):

I was thinking of the Azusa street prophecy. Well, the greatest outpouring of God ever witnessed was the Azusa street anointing that began in 1906 and ended in 1910.

The leader of this revival was William Seymour. At the end of the entire revival in 1910, he prophesied that in 100 years, the a greater revival, far greater than Azusa street will occur.

The year would be 2010!! The post rapture outpouring of God’s spirit!!!!

Well, I got to thinking, when did the Azusa street revival break out?

Well, I looked it up and it began on…

April 14th, 1906! I went, I best this was Passover. Well, I went to FULL MOON times of 1906, and I came to see that April 9th, 1906 was the FULL MOON in APRIL!

April 9th, 1906 was Nissan 14..Passover!!!!

The actual revival began on April 14th, 1906…the day of Christ resurrection and…

The beginning of the barley harvest!! The Azusa street revival began on the exact day of the barley harvest on FIRST FRUITS…WOW

God orchestrated this event, this great outpouring to be on his holy festival and beginning of his harvest season!!

Well, I think the Lord will execute this 100 year prophecy to 2010 of a the greatest revival in history at the beginning of a harvest season as well, on a festival….

Tu’B’AV…the BEGINNING of the grape harvest!

Azusa street outpouring – First day of Barley harvest during his festival…

100 years later 2010 prophecy of next great outpouring after the rapture….

First day of Grape harvest on his festival…Tu’B’AV…

The two outpourings would begin on exact day of a harvest season on a festival!!!

The post rapture outpouring will begin the redemption of Israel…..The FRUIT HARVEST…on fist day of FRUIT HARVEST….wowowowow

Amazing coincidence??? Sure!


Why would this outpouring being on an average day…the first one wasn’t!!!!

Azusa street revival broke out on anniversary of the resurrection of CHRIST!

It’s counter-part prophesied revival 100 years later (200) will break out on the resurrection of the CHURCH!!!

Written by twelvebooks

July 26, 2010 at 10:03 pm

July 26, 2010 Rapture Day?

Today is Tu’B’AV  or the summer harvest in Israel, it is a possible Rapture date and we shall see what happens. The article about Ruth is a good comparison to the church and its marriage to Jesus.

For those of us that have been waiting for the Rapture for many years it is another feast to look at with anticipation and joy. Let us rejoice for our Lord is coming soon for His Bride.

Today in Cuba it is the anniversary of the revolution and this date is a day of infamy for a Cuban like me. What a blessing it will be if this day of sorrow is transformed to a day of joy.


Jim Bramlett (26 July 2010)



by Lucky Dowling

Ruth and Naomi first arrived in Bethlehem at the time of Passover at “the beginning of the barley harvest “( Ruth 1:22), towards the end of April.

So she kept fast by the maidens of Boaz to glean unto the end of barley harvest and of wheat harvest; and dwelt with her mother in law” (Ruth 2:23).

At the end of both of these harvests, Ruth stopped living with Naomi her mother-in-law! Why? Because she then got married to Boaz! When was that? In ancient Israel intermarriage may only happen one-day-a-year on Tu’B’AV––the wedding day! It was a Levirate Marriage. See Deuteronomy 25:5-10 & Matthew 22:24-32 for more details. Ruth married Boaz on Tu’B’AV at the end of the wheat harvest! What is the significance of all this in Bible prophecy? Every beginning and ending of a harvest time falls on a Jewish feast day. ALL PROPHETIC EVENTS FOR ISRAEL foretold in Scripture were fulfilled on Jewish feast days at the beginnings and endings of harvest seasons! Please note that these were not Christian holidays and NO PROPHETIC EVENT for the New Testament church such as it’s beginning or ending , or even it’s very existence was foreseen in any Old Testament prophecy beforehand! It was all a HIDDEN MYSTERY (Ephesians 3:1-5) until it was first revealed unto the Apostle Paul! Therefore there are no REVEALED prophetic dates for any event for the New Testament church directly seen in Old Testament Scripture. Indirect references based upon New Testament foresight may help us to insinuate certain events. Allegories such as this do not directly teach doctrine, but they can confirm it! The Apostle Paul said in 1 Corinthians 10:11, “Now all these things happened unto them for ensamples [types]: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.” And again in Romans 15:4, “For whatsoever things were written aforetime were written for our learning…” All Scripture is indeed written for us but not to us. Allegories in Scripture are for us to understand the Plan of God correctly. This reveals and shows us the prophetic semblance in the book of Ruth. It was a living illustrated
message for us. Our Lord Jesus often taught using parables which illustrated truths along side stories from real
life for His disciples to learn from.

The Three Prophetic Seasons of the Jewish year:

1. Spring Feasts = Christ and ‘those that slept.’

The barley harvest lasted from Passover to Pentecost.
wheat harvest lasted from Pentecost to Tu’B’AV.

These Spring harvests and feasts represented prophetic events (the resurrection of Christ and ‘those that slept’ –Matthew 27:52) that were completed and fulfilled during the period of the First Coming of Christ. These were all accomplished before or up until the time that the New Testament Church Age began on the Day of Pentecost.

2. Summer Time = The Bride and Body of Christ.

After the New Testament Church Age is finished and completed, the Fall harvests and feasts remaining yet to be completed and fulfilled will occur during the period of the Second Coming of Christ, and beyond. This leaves only one SEASON left without any prophetic semblance being revealed or seen to be fulfilled… SUMMER! This represents the HIDDEN MYSTERY group of those that make up the “church, which is His Body” (Ephesians 1:22-23). Ruth, the Gentile bride, represents this group that marries Boaz, a type of Christ. What can be known about the events to come from these happenings? The wheat harvest ends the Spring festivals. Notice that Summer Time ‘group’ is not mentioned but yet follows! We, the MYSTERY group, were not seen yet we still exist! This MYSTERY shall not be understood by national Israel until after the Fall festival season begins! Their BLINDNESS then ends (Romans 11:25). Once the Tribulation period begins all can and will be known regarding the rest of these events for Israel!!! Separate the things that differ.

3. Fall Feasts = The Judgments of the Sheep and Goat nations, and Israel.

Tu’B’AV is considered by some as prefiguring the Fall harvests or feasts.
grape season was from Tu’B’AV to the Day of Atonement.

The Day of Atonement represents the Second Advent of Christ. That will be when the redemption and restitution of the nation of Israel is finally accomplished (Acts 3:21; 15:14-16 ) and their age-long apostasy and unbelief will then be over. The Fall spiritual harvest will be the redemption of the nation of Israel and judgment of those nations that treated Israel wrongly (Sheep and Goats – Matthew 25:31-45). This is the GRAPE (GOATS) and OLIVE (ISRAEL) harvest time periods. This will leave Tabernacles as the only feast left to be fulfilled during the coming Millennial Kingdom. God’s Plan for Israel was all foreseen and revealed in the feasts of ancient Israel.

This year Tu’B’AV is on: Monday July 26, 2010. Mean anything? We will wait and see what it brings. As long as we are still here it will bring nothing for us. After the New Testament church age is completed and is over with the Fall feasts begins as Israel’s prophetic program resumes and runs unto it’s completion. Maranatha. <><

– Lucky Dowling E-mail: Updated: 7-22-10.

Written by twelvebooks

July 26, 2010 at 9:49 pm

Posted in Biblical Prophecy, eschatology, Rapture

Tagged with

Anne (24 July 2010) “Prophecy News Sites”

Good source for news.


Anne (24 July 2010)
Prophecy News Sites

Dear Doves,

While I watch the mainstream news, I also enjoy keeping up with news articles that tie into prophecy and the closeness of the rapture.  Here are some I would like to share with you.

Written by twelvebooks

July 25, 2010 at 3:23 pm

Jcal (22 July 2010) “The belly of the antichrist system is found here!!!!!!!!!!!!”

The following article is long and as I am posting it here I have not read it yet. It seems to be an expose of a society of very rich and powerful people which compromise the satanic power behind the Antichrist.

This copy of a part shows the gist of the article,

The name of the society shall be The Pilgrims.” This is
what they call themselves—The Pilgrims. They may also be referred to
as The Pilgrims Society; Pilgrim Society; Pilgrims of America; Pilgrims
U.S.; Pilgrims of United States; Pilgrims of Great Britain; Pilgrims
(London); Pilgrims (New York) or other slight variants such as Pilgrims
(NYC). The name doesn’t exactly sound menacing, does it? Probably less
so than Skull & Bones Society (Yale University), which has had some

The Skull & Bones is the Masonic chapter for black masons, Obama is a member.

The article looks very good and I am looking foward to reading it.


Jcal (22 July 2010)
The belly of the antichrist system is found here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dont let the title in the URL fool you,this is the beast system and the belly of the beast.

This is quite long but will truly open your eyes as to what we are up against.


The battle is the Lords.

the Lamb will overcome them because He is Lord of Lords and King of Kings!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Written by twelvebooks

July 22, 2010 at 11:44 pm

July 22, 2010 Obama’s connection to Satan and his throne

This article is about Satan his throne and Obama. There have been many related discoveries by many christians about the satanic connections of Obama. Pastor J.R. Church of has covered them in past episodes and their magazine.


Mike Curtiss (22 July 2010)
Hussein’s End Game Finally Comes Into Focus

Dear Doves,

Do you remember all the excitement I shared with you about discovering that Hussein’s passage of the health care power grab legislation on March 23rd 2010 was not unique? It’s an almost exact legislational replica to laws passed by Adolph Hitler early in his rule. Exactly, 77 years to the day after Hitler’s Enabling Acts were passed by the German Parliament in1933, Hussein successfully took control of domestic life here in the United States? 1)

Then I discovered that both Mohamed and Hitler were born on April 20th.2) I’ve amassed records of dozens of disastrous events occurring on April 20th. Most of these tragic disasters involve the Gentile nations. Most recently, the Deepwater Horizon drilling platform exploded and sank in flames on April 20th claiming the lives of 18 men. The significant details of how these men died was not immediately apparent to me.
However, a study of the occult calender and sabbaths shows us that during the period from April 19th-May 1st, followers of the occult are called upon to make sacrifices to ‘The Beast’ 3) The Beast is a term almost uniquely ascribed to the Antichrist of the Holy Bible. 4) Over the last fifty-five years, thousands of cattle mutilations have been reported worldwide. Roughly 85% of these animals have been killed between April 19th and May 1st. These surgically precise animal vivisections always involve removal of the animal’s sex organs and the complete removal of all the animals bood. 5)
Remarkably, I also discovered that during this annual period of sacrifices to ‘The Beast’, followers of ‘The Beast’ that are seeking to experience his ultimate power are called upon to make their sacrifices on April 20th! That sacrifice must take place ‘by fiery conflagration’ This was exactly what happened to the poor crewmen aboard the Deepwater Horizon last April 20th! 6)
Evil men anxious to obtain the favor of satan by providing sacrifices to ‘The Beast’ should act between April 19th and May 1st, however those men eager to obtain absolute power are required to make human sacrifices by fire on April 20th.Their efforts are focused upon providing human sacrifice, just the way satan likes it. Raw, bloody cooked up in a firey conflagrationtion. Remember, how the victims of the Deepwater Horizon explosion died. This explosion was brought about by the activities of men in order to placate, please and worship satan. In return, they will be elevated to positions of unlimited earthly power. I believe the men that will benefit the most will be Hussein and the CEO of BP.7) As early as Febuary, the Deepwater Horizon well was known to be a runaway time bomb. By continuing to operate the leaking well, BP signed the death warrants of 18 men. BP has long been a partner in Hussein’s Cap and Tax wealth redisribution plan. They stand to benefit handsomely when Hussein succeeds in passing the new American Energy policy later this week. Gas prices will quickly pass 8 dollars per gallon.8)
I’ve also discovered strong historical links between every significant human dictator, human sacrificial acts and blood festivals held on the 20th of April. By these particularly barbarous human sacrifice’s, Antichrists both great and small appear to have obtained their power by appealing to satan.(9
When I recalled the strange foreign pilgrimage Hussein made to Berlin while a candidate for the Democratic Presidential Nomination. I had a strong feeling there’s much more than a coincidental link between the public health politics of Hussein and the euthanasia and abortion policies of Adolph Hitler. It wasn’t until I read about the magnificent Pergamon Museum, which Obama used along with the Victory Column and the Brandenburg Gate as a backdrop for his Berlin Speech that I suspected a connection. After all, what would be the wisdom of delivering a campaign speech in front of a military Victory Column celebrating Germany’s past victories over France and Russia?10)
After, I read about the sensational discovery of the Throne Room of Zeus, that I knew there was more to the story. That breakthrough came when I discovered the link between the earthbound alter of Zeus and satan. Consulting my Bible, I soon realized that this Zeus of Pergamon was in reality our ancient enemy, ‘the accuser of the Brethren’ and chief of all the ‘the fallen angels’. Curiously, this was also how the location of Throne Room of Zeus was revealed to 19th Century German archeologist’s. Following the clues left in the scriptures, a linguist and a modern map of Turkey German adventurers discovered, painstakingly removed and restored the enormous artifact taken from the ruins of Pergamon Turkey. Eventually put on magnificent display in a museum built specifically for it, the Alter of Satan still draws one million visitors to Berlin each year.
Over the last 120 years, Berlin has been the epi-center for the planning and conduct of both great World Wars. Almost without respite, East and West squared off against each other across Berlin. Once again, the fate of Europe and perhaps the entire world was at stake. For seventy years, it was the Berlin Wall, Checkpoint Charlie and the City of Berlin constantly at the center of the world’s new fear. For the first time the nightmarish prospect of war carried with it the possibility of human extinction from the use of thermonuclear bombs. It’s Berlin where all the wars of the 20th Century either began, or ended. We must consider the possibility that the presence of the Throne of Satan in Berlin has somehow influenced the behavior that made these threats possible.
Kaiser Wilhelm II, the Emperor of Germany during ‘The Great War’ has publicly stated that the greatest triumph of his 40 year reign was the construction of the Pergamon Museum and the public display of the Throne Room of Satan. Hitler’s connection to the occult and dark powers cannot be understated. The Fuhrer, was obsessed by the collection and intense study of all things satanic. From his years of service in the Catholic Church in Linz, Hitler served as a choir boy. To say that Hitler was obsessed by the occult doesn’t really do him justice.
Recently, it was discovered that after the capture of Berlin, Stalin ordered the Throne Room of satan removed to Moscow. In it’s presence, Stalin ordered new purges of popular wartime leaders, onerous 5 year production plans and the subjugation of the remainder of eastern Europe. He grew more autocratic, paranoid and isolated. The murder of the Jewish Poets apparently whetted his appetite for more. He ordered a detailed organizational plan for a second Holocaust to murder Europe’s remaining Jews. He retreated to his dacha outside Moscow for the weekend, ‘the final Jewish pogrom’ was scheduled for a rubber-stamp vote of the Politburo on Tuesday. When Stalin failed to awaken from an alcohol fueled binge the next morning, his associates noted Stalin was still breathing so they failed to summon the physician’s detailed to care for him.
The alter, which first served Attalus, the King of Pergamon is adorned with amazing sculptures and statues of the fallen angels at war with ancient giants.This war is chronicled in the Bible in the Book of Genesis.
Relocated to the Biblical city of Pergamon, the Mystery Religion Babylon fled to Pergamon after being ejected by Cyrus the Great; a messianic Christ like hero to the Jews. The prince’s and priest’s of Babylon passed down their ancient traditions to King Attalus, who in turn surrendered them to a growing Rome Republic after a brief battle.
Along with the counterfeit religion of Babylon, the signs, symbols and titles once unique to Babylon became part of the official title of the leaders of Rome. The influence of Babylon was soon felt in Rome, the title of Caesar was born. The absolutist rule once used to terrorize the world by King Nebecadezzer was reborn with the Dictatorship of Julius Caesar was born. The ‘cult of emperor worship’ transformed forever a noble republic into an absolute totalitarian state. In the process, the well known Roman virtues became vices. Under Augustus, the Roman Senate was rendered a ceremonial body and irrelevant to the conduct of the state’s business. We are witnessing exactly the same criminality at the hands of Hussein.
We have witnessed unprecidented imperial behavior designed to circumvent the Judiciary and legislative branches. Over the last 18 months, Barrack Hussein Obama has installed 37 czars to run his enormously expanded government. These executive appointments of czars are designed to avoid background checks and investigation of criminal backgrounds. While embarking upon spending programs to destroy the financial, moral and religious strength of this nation. Below, enjoy the latest proof that Hussein is without doubt antichrist.
2) Occult Holidays and Sabbats
3) New King James Bible Revelation of Jesus Christ
4) History of Animal Mutilations Friedman M
5) New York Times A1 April 21st 2010
6) Glenn Beck Program
7) Wikipedia Human Sacrifices
8) Obama Youtube video
9) ibid, Occult Holidays and Sabbats
10) Wikipedia

Written by twelvebooks

July 22, 2010 at 10:33 pm

Tony P (20 July 2010) “Tsunami Alert Gulf July 23”

The following article has information that is very interesting. It refers to a possible volcanic eruption in the Gulf of Mexico as a consequence of the Horizon oil well disaster. What is interesting is the source of the information and the degree of accuracy that the interpretation was given.

The first link will lead you to the information source and there are two possibilities for the origin. One that it comes from angles sent by God the second that it comes from demonic fallen angels.

That the info is from supernatural sources seem to be beyond doubt.


Tony P (20 July 2010)
Tsunami Alert Gulf  July 23

Quote: “This page is meant for everybody who is willing to open his eyes for the truth about the Mexican Gulf oil spill. It contains a huge amount of information that clarifies that on July 23, 2010 an explosion as a result of volcanic activity, followed by a tsunami threatens the lives of a large amount of people.”

Bruce Baber/Lisa Taylor’s postings regarding Rapture Tu B’Av (July 25th, 2010).

Could this Tsunami be God’s final warning?

I believe it is.


Tony Patch

Written by twelvebooks

July 20, 2010 at 5:03 pm

July 18, 2010 The New World Order

A good link to find about the New World Order and the Occult. Renee Moses gave this link in


Written by twelvebooks

July 18, 2010 at 8:55 pm

Jim Bramlett (16 July 2010) “Has the rapture date actually been revealed?”

I have posted this before but Jim Posted it again.


Jim Bramlett (16 July 2010)
Has the rapture date actually been revealed?

Dear friends:

This newsletter began about 15 years ago with the main purpose of declaring the soon return of our Lord Jesus Christ and the rapture.  We have been true to that calling, and have added occasional commentary on other subjects of interest.

Not being a prophet, I have refrained from ever dogmatically declaring a specific rapture date, although I have forwarded or linked readers to what I considered reasonable biblical efforts at doing so.  Of course, none have been correct so far.  However, I have documented several Scripture passages that tell us such a date, or approximate date, is knowable in our day.  I believe that.  Past failures do not mean future failures.

If you are interested, a fascinating post on the “Rapture in the Air” Web site by someone named “CJ” makes a strong case for a new rapture date, and it is very near term. It is at .

The writer’s biblical reasoning is worth a read, especially when we consider all that is going on in the world and how the world and even our own country is collapsing into unprecedented evil.

A related post is at

I shall not destroy your fun and reveal that date to you.  You can enjoy finding out!  Seek and ye shall find!

Someone recently asked if God was going to reveal the rapture date why would He not choose someone like Billy Graham or other major leader to reveal it to.  My answer was that God typically chooses very unlikely vessels for His purposes.  That is His M.O., and He seems to enjoy it.  When Jesus first came, it was revealed to shepherds and not religious leaders.  For His disciples, He chose uneducated men, like fishermen, and not trained religious people.

Let us hope “CJ” is correct about the Blessed Hope.


Written by twelvebooks

July 16, 2010 at 6:32 pm

Posted in Biblical Prophecy, Rapture

Tagged with

July14, 2010 Aliens, UFO or Demons and Fallen Angels Which Are They?

The interview whose link is given here is with Gary Stearman and Tom Horn and L.A. Marzulli and the topic is a fascinating one with three brilliant minds discussing a topic foreign to most people in the world.

A must see video less than 30 minutes long


Written by twelvebooks

July 15, 2010 at 12:18 am

July 14,2010 The Antichrist and the Tribulations

This is the third letter of Renee Moses and it is very good. His conclusion that BHO is the Antichrist is correct, but that the seven year covenant was in October 29, 2008 is a possible interpretation. There are many other links and things that seem to be very good.

I think that BHO will confirm the covenant 2520 days before the day of atonement of 2017. The book of Jubilees has 2017 as the 120th Jubilee year.


Renee M (14 July 2010)

Over the last several days, the posts I have written have clearly shown that Jesus should return to the earth within the next decade because of the 6000 year plan of God, and that Jesus’ return should take place during the Fall Feasts in Israel. There are THREE MAJOR things that the Bible teaches us to watch for that will lead us to know when Jesus is returning to the earth.


Over the last 2 days, we have looked at the first two of these three signs. Today we will look at the third sign.


Have we entered the final 7 years before the return of Christ to the earth?

The Scriptures give us an outline for what will take place in the beginning, in the middle and at the end of the final 7 years. The end of the 7 years must take place during the fall, to fulfill the 3 Jewish festivals that point to the Messiah’s return to earth to set up His Kingdom. So, what we need to ask is, what does the Bible teach is the start of the final 7 years?

The only thing that the Bible says is the start of this final 7-year period is found in Daniel 9: “He will confirm a covenant with many for one ‘seven’.” It does not mention who this person is or even what this covenant is about. It does mention that it will be “confirmed”, which in the original language it was written in means “to be strengthened.” The word covenant is a promise. So what we need to be watching for as the start of the final 7-year period is not the “rapture”, rather we simply need to look for someone to confirm a covenant with many (or strengthen a promise made to many people).

The Identifying Trait of the Antichrist

An Exposition of Daniel 9:27

“And he shall confirm the covenant with many for one week:…”

There are two critical terms that we need to understand are conveyed to us in English by the translated words “confirm” and “covenant.” We’ll look at the original Hebrew words themselves for a deeper understanding of what was originally meant.

The very first Hebrew word in verse 27 is the Hebrew word “gabar.” It is pronounced as “gaw-bar.”

The primitive root term “gabar” carries a wide range of meaning particularly in the Hebrew Qal stem. “To bind. The primary power is that of binding anything broken. To bind anything. To make firm. This signification is applied to power and strength. i.e. to be or make strong and or to strengthen (what already exists). One could also state it as “binding” an agreement as in giving it strength or even the idea of reinforcing it or giving new strength to an already existing agreement.

What we can say about “gabar” in Daniel 9 and verse 27 is that “he” – meaning the Prince that shall come – shall compel or force, in an overbearing manner or through “arm-twisting” cause something to happen. Let’s look further now and determine what that “something” is all about.

The next Hebrew term we want to identify is the KJV word “covenant.” The Hebrew term is the word – bariyth. The Strong’s code number is #1285. It is a rather straight forward term meaning: “covenant,” “alliance,” “pledge,” “treaty,” “league,” “agreement.”

Many commentators “assume” these Hebrew terms indicate a “peace treaty.” Perhaps this is what Daniel is conveying, but then that may be a false assumption. Why? There is nothing expressly stated in the text involving “peace.” Commentators assume this to be the case. The Hebrew terms here in this verse are quite simple and open-ended just as I’ve noted.

Daniel’s wording in this verse strongly suggests that this “Prince that shall come,” this person we call “the Antichrist” will be someone who “arm twists” or compels an agreement. The agreement may be a “treaty,” or an alliance but it may also merely be a “pledge” or an “agreement” – perhaps an “agreement in principle”.  The original Hebrew text never states the agreement is with Israel. Yes, you read correctly.

The Hebrew text uses the word, “rab” – Strong’s Code # 7227 . This Hebrew word “rab” means: “much,” “many,” “abounding in,” “more numerous than,” “abundant” “enough”.

The word itself is not accompanied by any indication of a particular nation or any organized group. Again, most commentators take the word to mean “many” or a large number of people and then assume it is a reference to Israel.  While this may well be the case, the text itself is not specific. This is a fact that is very important for prophecy watchers to keep in mind.

I have come to understand that many of the patented opinions of prophecy authors and commentators seem to have a habit of making specific assumptions about prophetic passages which are non-specific. This verse is but one prime example.

In the Bible, a prophetic year is 360 days (time, times, and a half time is calculated as 1260 days or 360 days per year). If you study the Feast days of Israel and Daniel 9, you will see that the date we need to count back 7 years of 360 days each is from the Day of Atonement. Daniel 9:24: “Seventy weeks have been decreed for your people and your holy city, to finish the transgression, to make an end of sin, to make atonement for iniquity, to bring in everlasting righteousness, to seal up vision and prophecy and to anoint the most holy.”

If we count back 2520 days from September 23, 2015 (Day of Atonement), we reach October 29, 2008. This was the exact date that Mr. Obama aired his 30-minute infomercial to the world on nearly every TV channel, strengthening his campaign promises to many people, asking the American people to make him the next leader of the free world.

< !–[if !vml]–>

After a thorough Word study of Daniel 9:27, using Strong’s Concordance, here is what happened on the day of Oct. 29, 2008, to fulfill that verse. For months, Obama had been setting forth his platform, his promises, his agreement, his pledge, his COVENANT, and the CHANGES he was going to make when he became President.  On Oct. 29, 2008, He chose to CONFIRM, or strengthen, or make stronger, or summarize his platform, his promises, HIS COVENANT, and his CHANGES.  He promised to not only make great CHANGES to the U.S., but also promised to CHANGE THE WORLD, thereby fulfilling other Scriptures at the same time.  He did this in front of vast multitudes of people.  Yes, many millions on TV, as he bought time on several major TV stations, and many millions more on news telecasts and broadcasts, and on the internet, have viewed this historic moment in history.

I believe that most Christians are unaware that we have already entered the last 7 years before the return of Christ because the majority of Christians believe that the Rapture must take place before the final 7 years begins; therefore, they do not believe this was the confirming of the covenant (strengthening of promises to many) that is mentioned in Daniel 9. Also, we have too many of our own interpretations about how things will play out in the last days that it has caused the Church to not realize the exciting time in which we live. Most people have been taught that the Antichrist will be involved in the signing of a 7-year peace treaty between Israel and the Palestinians. While this could be one possible interpretation, it certainly isn’t the only possible fulfillment of the prophecy. We must keep our minds and eyes open or we will miss the fulfillment of the Scriptures, just as the Jewish leaders in Jesus’ day who were anxiously awaiting and looking for their Messiah. He came, fulfilled the prophecies concerning His first coming, and left and they never even saw it and still to this day most of them do not see it!

Barak Hussein Obama…Man of Lawlessness

The personality cult that has grown around Obama to nearly “worship” has triggered in me a “red” alert; particularly since he became President by an act of “lawlessness.” The law of the land requires the Presidential candidate produce his birth certificate as undeniable proof that he is American born, a native of the United States.

Yet Obama refused to produce his original birth certificate while, at the same time, the governor of Hawaii prevented citizens, courts and media from viewing this document, thus underscoring this lawlessness. Never would I have believed that the entire nation – with few exceptions – could be so utterly blind and follow after this man like children after the Pied Piper. However, we do already have the troubling example of Germans saying to Adlolf Hitler – that little, mediocre Austrian artist of questionable background – “Fuehre, wir folgen” / “Lead, we will follow!”

For everyone with eyes to see and ears to hear, having a basic knowledge of history and Scriptures, and a certain understanding, the following pictures of Obama’s acceptance speech(the Democratic National Convention 2008) in the Denver Broncos’ Mile High Football Stadium will be rather disturbing, to say the least.

The altar of Zeus at Pergamum was famous for its elaborate frieze, which is now located in Berlin.

In Revelation 2:12-13, the city of Pergamum, rather than a subterranean region, is identified as the location of Satan’s throne. Why then, I wonder, was the model of this altar chosen to create a replica of it as backdrop for Obama’s acceptance speech?

Replica of Pergamon Altar in the Denver Broncos’ Mile High Football Stadium at the DNC2008, with the pulpit up front in the middle, and Obama’s image projected on both sides of the Altar.

—        The choices Obama and his team have made for his public appearances and speeches are most significant, delivering an unspoken but clear message to the people, most of whom fail to realize that they are being manipulated into viewing Obama as the victorious, triumphant bringer of “change and peace”.

—        The “Victory Column” was Hitler’s favorite place in Berlin for his Nazi rally speeches. The sight of Obama standing, arm outstretched, in an all too familiar gesture in front of this monument to victory and its chief symbol, the pagan goddess Victoria aka Nike, is chilling.

—        These images  are reminiscent of the personality cult that surrounded Hitler, and of Revelation 6:1-2, as we see Obama’s  image exhibited beneath the Denver Bronco’s mascot, a white Arabian horse called Thunder II. At both sides of the gigantic screen Obama’s emblem emanates water and rays of light, conveying the “idea” of Obama himself infusing light and life.

—        Rev. 6:1-2 – “I heard one of the four living creatures say, as with a voice of thunder, ‘Come!’ And I saw, and behold, a white horse, and its rider had a bow and a crown was given to him, and he went out conquering and to conquer.”

—        Obama has certainly “conquered” the American people who are evidently infatuated with him (as were the Germans in Berlin), as well as the whole African continent and the entire Moslem world, which is thrilled at their “brother’s” ascending to the Presidency of the most powerful nation.

We are now less than 2 years away from the start of the GREAT TRIBULATION – a 1260-day period mentioned numerous times in Revelation. Time is running out for us to warn those around us of what is about to take place!

For those of you who do not believe that Mr. Obama could possibly be the Antichrist, or the “Lawless One” (2 Thessalonians 2:8) mentioned in the Bible, I would encourage you to watch these videos:

1. Obama: Satan’s Jesus?

2. Obama and 23 Coincidences

3. Obama – 7 strange coincidences – WHAT ARE THE CHANCES? GEMATRIA and BIBLE CODE Information here!

3. Bible Code For Obama – 2nd Timothy 3:1-9

4. OBAMA TELLS AMERICA – “Serve Satan!” – This will floor you!

5. Obama – Yes We Can = Thank You Satan

6. Satanic Words Hidden in Barack Obama’s “Yes We Can” Music Video

7. Obama Mocks America’s Christian Heritage

8. Why Obama Is Not A Christian: Reason #1 -7

9. Is Barack Obama the AntiChrist?



12. Obama the anti christ NEW INFO!

13. Obama may be the Anti Christ

14. “The FORGED Identity” Is President Obama a U.S. Citizen?

For the Lamb,

Renee Moses

Written by twelvebooks

July 14, 2010 at 9:32 pm