Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Archive for May 24th, 2024

May 24, 2024 The Apocalypse starts on Tishri 10 (October 12), of 2024 and ends on Tishri 10 (October 12), of 2031 seven years of 360 days after with the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ at the mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

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This video posted today is the latest video of C J Lovik of Rock Island Books.

This blog has re-posted all his videos as I have concluded based on all the prophecy Bible studies that I have done since 1976, that Mr. Lovik’s work is the best scatological detective and discovery work I have seen.

From what you will see in this video the time to prepare and witness to those we can is short and coming to an end. If my experience is any indication of what you will encounter very few people will listen to this warning call of what is coming for us the rest of this year. If the Lord is merciful He will allow things to get real bad before the start of the Apocalypse in the hope that many more will heed the warning before the start date of October 12, 2024. In the video Lovik introduces us to the start of the 70th week of the prophet Daniel, this week is called the Tribulation or the Apocalypse in the new Testament.

Many have asked me the question of how we will know when the Apocalypse started and the answer is given in this video also as the Antichrist signs a covenant with Israel for seven years (7×360 days= 2,520 days).

He does not say who the Antichrist is, but from all the data that I have found and placed in this blog his identity is known and his name is Barack Hussein Obama who was the president of the USA for eight years 2008 to 2016.

The same day it starts, the Bible says in Revelation chapter 11 that God sends two witnesses to testify to the truth and the gospel of salvation for 1,260 days. Their ministry starts on day one of the Apocalypse and the whole world will know it.
