Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

May 24, 2024 The Apocalypse starts on Tishri 10 (October 12), of 2024 and ends on Tishri 10 (October 12), of 2031 seven years of 360 days after with the second coming of the Lord Jesus Christ at the mount of Olives in Jerusalem.

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This video posted today is the latest video of C J Lovik of Rock Island Books.

This blog has re-posted all his videos as I have concluded based on all the prophecy Bible studies that I have done since 1976, that Mr. Lovik’s work is the best scatological detective and discovery work I have seen.

From what you will see in this video the time to prepare and witness to those we can is short and coming to an end. If my experience is any indication of what you will encounter very few people will listen to this warning call of what is coming for us the rest of this year. If the Lord is merciful He will allow things to get real bad before the start of the Apocalypse in the hope that many more will heed the warning before the start date of October 12, 2024. In the video Lovik introduces us to the start of the 70th week of the prophet Daniel, this week is called the Tribulation or the Apocalypse in the new Testament.

Many have asked me the question of how we will know when the Apocalypse started and the answer is given in this video also as the Antichrist signs a covenant with Israel for seven years (7×360 days= 2,520 days).

He does not say who the Antichrist is, but from all the data that I have found and placed in this blog his identity is known and his name is Barack Hussein Obama who was the president of the USA for eight years 2008 to 2016.

The same day it starts, the Bible says in Revelation chapter 11 that God sends two witnesses to testify to the truth and the gospel of salvation for 1,260 days. Their ministry starts on day one of the Apocalypse and the whole world will know it.


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  1. Micah chptrs. 5 & 7 indicate the antichrist is an Assyrian which Obama is not. God told someone during their recent NDE that the antichrist will be like King Solomon with regards to the building of the temple and reinstituting the sacrificial system, etc. There is no indication Bibllically that the antichrist is married, whereas Obama is married and has two kids (albeit adopted). The Bible states the antichrist will not regard the god of his forefathers. Obama wears an inscribed ring stating Allah is god and has affirmed his Islamic beliefs repeatedly. There is no way, Biblically, that Obama could be the antichrist. He appears to be playing an influential role in world politics at this time and may be a type of antichrist, but he is not “the” antichrist who is yet to come 13 weeks after the start of WWIII, per the Theosophical Society (Illuminati) in New York who head the New Age Movement behind the New World Order.


    May 26, 2024 at 6:38 am

    • That you are hearing from the Theosophical Society founded by Madame Blavasky is dangerous to you and my readers . She was the most influential person in the life of Adolf Hitler and his obsession with the occult.
      Satan has tried to engulf me with this Society for many years and my knowledge of it kept me safe.
      Obama is the Antichrist and if you have any doubt that Allah is non other than Lucifer you must dig deeper to find that out.
      Your arguments against him are not valid.
      I have hundreds of posts with evidence pointing to Obama as the Antichrist, I suggest you read them.
      By the end of this year his role will be confirmed by his covenant with Israel (on October 12, 2024) and 3 1/2 years (1,260 days) after that when he goes into the Temple and declares himself god.


      May 26, 2024 at 8:57 pm

        1. I am not in touch with the Theosophysical Society. I read an account about a Christian man who visited one of their meetings to learn more about the antichrist. That’s where he learned their ‘man’ is expected to come on the world scene 13 weeks after the start of WWIII.
        2. God showed a Pakistani muslim during his near death experience that Allah is a two- horned demon from hell behind all the violence and evil.
        3. You and I will have to agree to disagree about Obama being the antichrist. I would believe what God tells someone (that the antichrist is a Jew like Solomon) over what anyone else says, plus I know my Bible and Bible prophecy as my dad, who had his Doctor of Divinity degree majoring in Eschatology, schooled me in it. Also, people who get into cults do so because they believe what men say over what God says. I even have friends who refuse to believe in the Rapture even though a man had an NDE not long ago where God schooled him on the three views of the Rapture (i.e., pre-/mid-/post Trib) and told him the correct position is the Pre-Trib Rapture. They won’t believe it because they believe men over God.
        4. You are entitled to your opinion. The issue will be settled soon when we get to Heaven in the Rapture.


        May 27, 2024 at 2:12 am

      • I am glad you wrote this comment as I also believe in the pre-tribulation Rapture. The identity of the Antichrist will be known soon enough after the Rapture and at the moment it will have no bearing on true believers born again of the spirit. It can be important to those who find themselves left behind to watch themselves from falling for the lies that are going to come from this man and those who support him. His true colors and identity will be hidden until the 1,260 days from the beginning of the Tribulation when he enters the Temple and claims to be God.


        May 30, 2024 at 2:37 pm

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