Twelve Books – Rapture, Antichrist, False Prophet, End Time Signs, Bible Prophecy, Nando

End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

July 23, 2011 Elenin, Nemesis, Nibiru, Planet X they are all coming and the comic strip Non Sequitur has let us in the secret

Well in the past weeks a lot of attention has been devoted to these celestial objects and it is not only the Christians that are expecting the coming of the Rapture and the Apocalypse, but the world out there is also responding to the hype.

In the past few days the comic strip Non Sequitur has made cartoons involving the main character the very young girl with the skull on her dress Danae with her boy scientist Jeffrey discussing a project to evacuate earth sponsored by the military establishment.

The plan of scape in the cartoons using the moon as a spaceship is as insane as building underground bunkers inside mountains to scape the wrath of the Lamb the Lord Jesus Christ and the day of the Lord.

The only scape possible is to have accepted the ticket that Jesus bought for us through his death and resurrection.

No other thing will keep you and your family safe of the coming Tribulation.


Here is the link to these wonderful cartoons and the creative genius behind the toons.














Written by twelvebooks

July 23, 2011 at 5:46 pm

2 Responses

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  1. Thanks for posting these, they’re very enjoyable. But, uh, Nando, I believe the word in your introduction above is “escape,” with an “e,” not “scape.” The first time I saw it, I just assumed it was a typo, Heaven knows we all make them. But after seeing it spelled that way two more times, I just had to say something. No, I’m not from the spelling/grammar police, but perhaps someone else reading this might benefit from the head’s up. That’s all it was. Oh, yeah, keep looking up, our redemption draweth nigh (and believe me, I can’t WAIT to get out of here!).

    John Scott

    July 25, 2011 at 10:23 pm

    • Thank you John I am not a good speller and this has always been my weak point. I am also bad in Spanish which is my first language.


      July 25, 2011 at 11:47 pm

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