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End Times Bible Prophecy News and Articles

Nov 5, 2010 Economic Collapse of the World Economy next week?

The importance of this article should be evident to you readers.

There are several important issues discussed here and it is a very good compilation of facts that was done by the author of the article Patty Hayes.


Patty Hayes (5 Nov 2010)


Compilation of EXTREME IMPORTANCE TO KNOWPatty Hayes


Emergency Request For Additional Verification From Those In The Banking World On Rumored Bank Shutdowns: QUESTION: When in U.S. History has a sitting President taken off on an overseas trip for an extended period of time, with 65 airplanes, 34 warships reportedly 3,000 people including his friends and cohorts, at the pinnacle of an economic and political upheaval. ANSWER: Never!

So what’s up? Yesterday I received a call that should alarm for even the most “comatose in La La Land”. A pastor known to the gentleman who called me had been called into a very prominent East Coast bank to tell the pastor by one of its top people at the bank that a bank holiday is coming as early as Nov 11.

The bank official has been friends with this pastor for a long time. The only thing that was said, was for the pastor to realize that once the banks reopened, that all withdrawals by checks would be limited to $500 per week – no matter what the balance in the account is. No period of Time for the length of the Banks closures were given. Coupled with information posted last year on this site from major Mid-west banking consortium it dovetails perfectly.

Ladies and Gentlemen, if you have been paying attention to France, Britain, Ireland and Greece, which at this point are the poster children for financial rioting, can you even begin to imagine the Ramifications of Financial Rioting In the U.S? The once hidden attack ,now in plain sight, against world finances, is in full scale operational mode in order to destroy by design, all national currencies and to bring on “A ONE WORLD CURRENCY AND GLOBAL GOVERNMENT”!

Once again consider our mutual dependence upon electronic verification of every sales transaction, credit card purchase and bank deposits and or withdrawals. Whether most understand or comprehend, most wealth on financial statements and Balance sheets are numbers, computer entries and IOU’s of dubious quality. Think about the old adage –“Possession is Nine Tenths of the Law”. In other words, if it’s not in your hands it’s in some one else’s hands no matter how much you try and rationalize it away!

This is a defining moment–AMERICA IS BANKRUPT and the rest of the world is no longer willing to go along with Quantitative Easing, which means printing money out of thin air with nothing to back it up but global war! Every nation that has tried to print its way out of an insurmountable debt situation ends up embroiled in internal war and usually under the leadership of a dictator who is as willing to spill the blood of his countrymen, as fast as he prints more worthless currency! The reason you all have a sense of SOMETHING BIG getting ready to happen is the FACT that it is HAPPENING NOW. When all commerce ceases, no goods are on the store shelves and all transportation comes to a silent stop. Then will it be clear, even to those who finally get it, that the only ones who will be eating, other than those who have prepared, are the zombies, and none of us want to end up on their evening menu!….

Rome: 60 Years of the Human Rights Convention
Rome marked the 60th anniversary of the European Convention on Human Rights by organising an event in the historic Palazzo Barberini where the Convention has been signed by Ten founding member states of the Council of Europe: Belgium, Denmark, France, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden, United Kingdom.


Bernanke: Federal Reserve caused Great Depression
Despite the varied theories espoused by many establishment economists, it was none other than the Federal Reserve that caused the Great Depression and the horrific suffering, deprivation and dislocation America and the world experienced in its wake. At least, that’s the clearly stated view of current Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke.

(Bernanke just bought up $600,000,000 of our USA debt)

Forbes article: Bernanke’s $600 Billion Helicopter – Commodities …

Nov 3, 2010 Only $600 billion of buying back our own debt announced today. That is why Baldwin ended his article entitled Bernanke’s $600 Billion…/forbes-article-bernanke600-billion-helicopter.htm

Oil rises above $85 after Fed bond buying decision (Bye Bye Dollar)

24 posts – 19 authors – Last post: 11 hours agoThe Govt buying its own debt. Financial incest. …. political theatre was going on, Ben Bernanke announced the monetization of another $600 billion of our debt. They are purposely collapsing our economy and the dollar.

Side note:  Glenn Beck is doing an extreme important to know program 11/05/2010 5pm est 2pm pst. about Bernanke and beginning with 11/03/2010 15 day countdown to the end of the financial fallout of our economy.  He states it is over by the 15th day.


Obama Rallies With Day After Election Upsets
During his press conference today, President Obama reassured the American people that he would focus on working with friends and foes across the aisle. Meanwhile, on a conference call with activists, the president signaled he’s looking to continue pursuing his liberal agenda, working hard to “deliver the change the American people want… We didn’t sign up for what was easy,” he said.INTERFAITH MOVEMENT, INTERNATIONAL

Christians, Muslims Gather to Build a Common Future
Christian and Muslim leaders are gathered in Geneva for a high-level interfaith dialogue on how to build strong and sustainable relationships between the two groups and how the religious communities can use their resources to transform their communities.

LOVING GOD AND NEIGHBOR…Letter in NY Times with the “Christian signatures”

“A COMMON WORD BETWEEN US AND YOU” bridging interfaith relationships.

Influential Theologian Troubled by Christian-Muslim Dialogue
“We don’t believe that Jesus Christ is our hero. We don’t believe that Jesus Christ is merely our prophet. He is Prophet and Priest and King,” Mohler said, according to the Southern Baptist Theological Seminary’s Towers news service. “He is the incarnate Son of God. He is the second person of the Trinity. He is the Lord over all.

By the way…this maybe coming to a church near you….unknowingly.


Per Jack Van Impe 11/03/2010.

Jack does a comparative religion program showing the differences in between the Christian faith and Islam. He shows what the beliefs are of Islam about Jesus that has now been whitewashed or PC’d here in the US even in our churches presentation of Islam.


4 Responses

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  1. The third seal in Revelations chapter 6 is about to be opened. Wait and see! Are yoiui ready??????

    Thomas John Sabela

    November 9, 2010 at 9:12 pm

    • But before that we must see the second seal opened and maybe the first also, if this has not happened yet.


      November 9, 2010 at 10:48 pm

  2. did anyting happen


    November 12, 2010 at 12:09 am

  3. no as usual, but dont tell them that they think your bashing christianity when it has nothing to do with being a christian.


    November 16, 2010 at 5:58 pm

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