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Archive for August 11th, 2010

Jim Bramlett (11 Aug 2010) “The Greatest Health Secret Ever – Now Revealed!”

Great news concerning the health of believers. Jim Bramlet posted a very good article about health and faith today.

The catholic church has always believed that the bread and wine consecrated in the mass becomes the body and blood of Jesus Christ and the article presents the obvious conclusion from this fact to the believer.


Jim Bramlett (11 Aug 2010)
The Greatest Health Secret Ever – Now   Revealed!

The Greatest Health Secret Ever – Now Revealed!

By Jim Bramlett

The greatest health secret ever has now been revealed!

You are about to learn life-changing information.  It is one of the greatest revelations ever given to humanity.

I believe this powerful revelation was given by God as an end-time blessing and encouragement to His people.

Apply this information, and you never have to be sick again.  Of course, the Bible says, “it is appointed unto men once to die” (Hebrews 9:27), and while physical death may be unavoidable (until the rapture), it does not say we must get sick before we die.  God can just suddenly take us out, healthy, when our time is up, as He did with Moses.  The Bible declares that God wants us healthy!  (3 John 2.)

The knowledge of this has been available all along in the Bible, but few people know about it.  Even most Christians have been blinded by religious tradition.

The secret is not exercise.  The Bible actually says, “bodily exercise profits little” (1 Timothy 4:8).  Moderate exercise is okay, and it may make you feel better, but it does not produce health.  Exercise enthusiasts get sick and die every day.  Exercise can be an idol.

The secret is not diet or eating habits.  Healthy eating is good, but the sick people Jesus healed had been on the Mediterranean diet all their lives!  Plus, they ate nothing but organic, unprocessed food, without additives, and all their meat was free range and grass fed.  But they still got sick.

The secret is not a nutritional supplement, such as vitamin and mineral pills.  They can be helpful, but they cannot guarantee health.  Health is a supernatural condition.

This secret is totally free.  There is nothing to buy.  It is available now.

Why do people get sick?

First, why do people get sick?

Sickness is a curse the human race brought upon itself that began when Adam and Eve disobeyed God and ate the forbidden fruit in the Garden of Eden.  The curse is passed down from generation to generation.

The curse of sickness is reiterated and codified as a penalty for disobeying the Law of Moses in Deuteronomy 28:58-61.

Not only individuals, but society is greatly suffering from this curse.  The financial burden of healthcare is crippling European countries and now the U.S.  As described below, God has given provision for our health and healing, but in everything government wants to take the place of God.  When this happens, everyone suffers.

The curse is so bad that doctors themselves are the third leading cause of death in the United States, according to the Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA).

Thankfully, for born-again believers, “Christ has redeemed us from the curse of the law, having become a curse for us…” (Galatians 3:13).  Born-again believers are no longer under the curse.  That is great news!

However, if born-again believers are no longer under the curse, why do they sometimes get sick?

The one main reason Christians get sick

The New Testament only gives one reason why believers get sick – only one!

It says, “For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep (die prematurely)” (1 Corinthians 11:30).

“For this reason…”  Singular, not plural.  One reason.  It does not say, “For these reasons…”

What is that one reason?

Here it is, referring to what we today call the Sacrament of Holy Communion, also called the Lord’s Supper, or as referred to by Catholics as the Eucharist:

“He who eats and drinks in an unworthy manner eats and drinks judgment to himself, not discerning the Lord’s body.  For this reason many are weak and sick among you, and many sleep (die prematurely)” (v. 29-30).

Traditionally, the phrase “unworthy manner” has been interpreted to mean any sin in one’s life.  But since no one is sinless, that cannot be true.  No one is really worthy apart from God’s grace and Christ’s imputed righteousness.  That view would mean no one would ever take communion!  Tradition has turned into a curse what was intended by God to be a blessing.  Tradition often does that.  Communion is for sinners!

Then what does it mean?

Typically, Scripture clarifies itself.  “Not discerning the Lord’s body” means just that.  It means taking the elements (bread and wine, or juice) without discerning that it is really the body of the Lord.  Just like He said, “This is my body.”

There is no need to get bogged down in the theological arguments of man’s doctrine of transubstantiation.  As expected, God makes it simple for us.  All we have to do is to simply believe Jesus’ words, “This is my body…”  He did not say, “This is symbolic of my body.”  And He said, “This cup is the new covenant in My blood” (v.25).  A key step in receiving your healing is to simply believe what Jesus said.  It could not be easier!

The profound pause

Pastor Joseph Prince points out that after the words, “Take eat,” there is a pause (colon or semi-colon), however slight, and then Jesus says, “This is my body.”  Before we eat it, it is not His body.  But then when we ingest and swallow it, it becomes His body.  At that point, the powerful, perfect, healthy body of the Son of God miraculously becomes a part of our own bodies!  His perfect body cannot coexist with sickness.  He already gave us His Spirit; here He literally gives us His body!  He says, “Take it!”

Realizing that, and believing that, is “discerning the Lord’s body.”  Rejecting that, or treating it in a trivial, ritualistic manner, is not discerning the Lord’s body, which will make you “weak, sick, or die prematurely,” God says.

The reverse of that is obvious: If we do discern the Lord’s body, we will not be weak, sick, or die prematurely.  We will be strong, healthy, and with a long life.

The first communion

There is a more biblical reason to believe that the act of communion and discerning the Lord’s body will heal us.

The very first communion was initiated on the night Jesus was betrayed, during the Passover meal (Matthew 26:26-28).

Centuries earlier, the very first Passover meal in Egypt is described in Exodus chapter 12.   Note that the lamb that was sacrificed for the blood that was put on their doorposts, and then it had to be eaten.  The lamb represented the coming Messiah, the Lamb of God, who would be sacrificed for our sins.  The lamb’s blood and body represented the blood and body of Christ, today represented in the communion as bread and wine (or juice).  Also, the lamb had to be roasted, representing the fire of God’s judgment that fell on Jesus for our sakes.  They all ate the roasted lamb.

We learn later that when they came out of Egypt, there was “not one feeble person” among them (Psalm 105:37).  That included 600,000 men plus families, of all ages.  After eating the Passover lamb, not one person was sick or feeble!  That was a miracle.

The bread in our communion services is the equivalent of that roasted lamb.  Both are His body.  Both bring healing and health.

The curse reversed

It is fascinating that the millennia-long curse that originally came upon the whole human race was caused by the simple act of eating – when Adam and Eve ate the forbidden fruit.

Now the curse is reversed also by the simple act of eating – eating the body of Christ, who became a curse for us.

The curse came and the curse reversed, both by the simple act of eating something.  Amazing!

Do not treat the body and blood of the Lord at communion as trivial or just symbolic or ritualistic.  It could cost you your life.

Miraculous testimonies

Pastor Prince describes several instances of miraculous healings following communion.  He cites two people who were on their death beds in the hospital when loved ones brought the elements and served communion to them.  Both miraculously recovered.

In another instance, a acquaintance of his was dying of liver cancer when friends served him communion in the hospital.  It was discovered later that at the very same instant, a lab technician in another part of the hospital was looking at his cancer cells under a microscope.  While observing the cancer cells, those cells suddenly died right before his eyes – at the same moment the communion was being taken!

If you are sick and you take communion, discerning the Lord’s body, I believe you will get well.

If you are not sick and take communion, discerning the Lord’s body, I believe you will stay well.

Do you believe it?

How often, and what?

How often should we take communion?  Some churches do it monthly or less.  Some do it weekly or more.  Pastor Prince points out that nowhere in the Bible does it command a certain time frame.  However, now that we have learned how important it is, it should motivate us to do it more often.  My wife and I have decided to try to do it every day, usually before dinner.  It is not a legalistic thing, just a personal desire and goal.  You do not have to be in church to do this.

The Lord probably accepts any kind of bread or juice.  I have even heard of cola being used in an emergency.  However, I would recommend grape juice.  For bread, any kind will do, but our preference is unleavened Jewish Matzo crackers found in the kosher section of most major grocery stores.  That is because the crackers are burnt, have stripes on them, and holes in them, all symbolic of Jesus suffering the fire of God’s judgment for us, His stripes for our healing, and the holes on His feet, hands, side, and head for our transgressions.  Of course, Jews do not understand that, but someday they will.


Communion is for believers only.  Do not partake of it unless you are a born-again believer in Jesus Christ.  If you do, I do not know what will happen.  At best it will be of no benefit, and at worst, it could be dangerous.


Thanks to Pastor Joseph Prince of New Creation Church in Singapore whose revelation provided most of the above material.

For more information on how to receive God’s healing power, see my essay at  This essay explains why healing is always God’s perfect will.

Written by twelvebooks

August 11, 2010 at 10:21 pm

Aug 11, 2010 Gary Stearman comentary on Fidel Castro Speech

On the program of August 9, 2010 Gary Stearman devotes the last minutes to the apocalyptic statement given by Fidel Castro to the Cuban assembly of the communist party. Gary adds some information to the one I had posted in my post of a few days back. I am going to see if I can get a copy of the full speech which is a few minutes long so that I can post it and provide more data to you readers. Please see the program on the link in here.


This is the translation of the message delivered by Fidel to the assembly.

C U B A Havana.  August 9, 2010
Never in history has there been a situation similar to this
First Extraordinary Session of the 7th Legislature of the National Assembly of People’s Power, at the International Conference Center, August 7, 2010, Year 52 of the Revolution.

Typographic version: Council of State

Message to the National Assembly

Fidel Castro RuzAt the beginning, only eight weeks ago, I thought there was no possible solution to the imminent danger of war. The tableau before my eyes was so dramatic that I saw no other way out but the possibility of the survival – perhaps probable – in the part of this hemisphere that had no reason to be the target of a direct attack, as well as some other isolated regions of the planet.

It was very difficult, knowing that human beings always cling to some sort of perspective, however remote.

Despite everything, I tried.

Fortunately, I did not take long to realize that there was one hope – and definitely, a very profound one. Moreover, if that opportunity was lost, the disaster would acquire the worst of consequences. In that case, there would be no possible salvation for the human species.

Nevertheless, I have the certainty that this will not be the case but, on the contrary, the conditions are currently being created for an up to very recently undreamed-of situation.

One man, the President of the United States, will have to take this decision on his own. Obviously, given his multiple occupations, he has not as yet realized that, but his advisors are beginning to understand it, which can be seen by certain simple steps taken, such as the end of the torture imposed on Gerardo, something that has not taken place during the last 12 years of the system’s implacable hatred of Cuba and him. Today one can predict that the next step will be the authorization of a visit from Adriana to visit him or his immediate release, or both. It was through Adriana that I learned that, after 12 years of unjust and cruel imprisonment, his spirit has never been so high.

Given that Iran will not give one inch in the face of the demands of the United States and Israel, which have already mobilized parts of their military arsenals, they will have to launch the attack as soon as the date agreed by the Security Council on June 9, 2010, stating the established rules and requirements, expires.

There is a limit that cannot be passed to everything that humans aspire to achieve.

In this critical case, President Barack Obama is the one who will have give the order of this much-announced and heralded attack, following the rules of the gigantic empire.

But, right at that moment when he gives the order which, moreover, is the only one he could give, on account of the power, speed and countless nuclear missiles accumulated in an absurd competition among powers, he would also be ordering the instant death not only of hundreds of millions of persons, among them an incalculable number of citizens of his own country, but also the crew members of all the vessels of the U.S. fleet deployed in the seas around Iran. Simultaneously, a conflagration would break out in the Near and Middle East, and in all of Eurasia.

Fate would have it that, precisely at this moment, the president of the United States is an African American, of Muslim and Christian descent. HE WILL NOT GIVE IT!!!, if he is made aware of it. That is what we are doing here.

The leaders of the most powerful countries in the world, allies or adversaries, with the exception of Israel, will exhort him not to do it.

Afterward the world will bestow upon him all the honors that he would merit.

The present order established on the planet cannot then last and, inevitably will immediately collapse.

The so-called hard currencies will lose their value as an instrument of the system that has exacted a contribution of unlimited wealth, sweat and sacrifice from the peoples.

New forms of distribution of goods and services, education and direction of social processes will peacefully emerge, but if war breaks out, the current social order will disappear abruptly and the price will be infinitely higher.

The population of the planet can be regulated; non-renewable resources, preserved; climate change, averted; the useful work of all human beings guaranteed; the sick treated; essential knowledge, culture and science at the service of humanity, assured. The children, adolescents and young people of the world will not perish in that nuclear holocaust.

This is the message that I wished to convey to you, dear compañeros of our National Assembly.

I am now ready to account for my words, answer the questions you wish to ask me and listen to your opinions.

Thank you very much. (Applause)

My post was:

Another post on the same subject:

R e f l e c t i o n s  o f   F i d e l  C a s t r o
Havana.  August 11, 2010
Reflections of Fidel
Israel will not attack first
(Taken from CubaDebate)

THE ex-CIA officers Phil Giraldi and Larry Johnson; W. Patrick Lang from U.S. Military Intelligence and the U.S. Army Special Forces; Ray McGovern, from Naval Intelligence and the CIA; and other former senior officers with many years of service, are right to warn Obama that the Israeli prime minister has plans for a surprise attack with the idea of forcing the United States into the war on Iran.

But with Resolution 1929 of the United Nations Security Council, Israel succeeded in securing a commitment from United States to be the first to attack.

After that, Netanyahu would not dare to be the first to do so, given that an action of this kind would bring him face to face with all the nuclear powers and he is not a fool.

Among themselves, all Iran’s enemies have created an absurd situation. Obama would be left with no alternative other than to order the death of hundreds of millions of innocent people, and the crews of his warships in the vicinity of Iran would be the first to die, and he is not a murderer.

That is what I think without fear of being mistaken.

The worst that could happen is for somebody to commit a fatal error that would precipitate events before the expiry of the Security Council time period for inspecting the first Iranian merchant ship.

But there is no reason to be so pessimistic.

Fidel Castro Ruz
August 10, 2010
7:30 p.m.

Translated by Granma International

Reflections of Fidel

Written by twelvebooks

August 11, 2010 at 6:54 pm

Bruce Baber (11 Aug 2010) “I keep seeing patterns between current events and the plagues of Egypt”

Yes I have also seen the news about the plagues and have made a comparison to the ones that occurred in Egypt. A very good article.


Bruce Baber (11 Aug 2010)
I keep seeing patterns between current events and the plagues of Egypt

Hi John.  My letter which you posted titled “Final thought about the modern parallel to the plagues of Egypt” probably won’t make much sense without this section.


About a month or more ago, I posted several letters concerning similarities of the ancient plagues on Egypt to events this year in world news.  I even posted some of the news stories about such things as the masses of frogs that clogged roads in Greece, swarms of locusts in Australia, and we can’t forget the blood red waters in the Gulf.

Now there are news stories reporting the growing epidemic of bed bugs (similar to lice).

The plagues of Egypt are as follows:

  1. (exodus 7:14–25˄) water turned to blood killing all fish and other water life. (Dam)
  2. (exodus 8:1–8:15˄) frogs (Tsifardeah)
  3. (exodus 8:16–19˄) lice or gnats (Kinim)
  4. (exodus 8:20–30˄) flies or beasts (Arov)
  5. (exodus 9:1–7˄) disease on livestock (Dever)
  6. (exodus 9:8–12˄) unhealable boils (Shkhin)
  7. (exodus 9:13–35˄) hail mixed with fire (Barad)
  8. (exodus 10:1–20˄) locusts (Arbeh)
  9. (exodus 10:21–29˄) darkness (Choshech)
  10. (exodus 11˄,12˄) death of the first-born of all humans and animals who do not have marked doorposts. (Makat b’chorot)

I think the strange coincidence between what we see in the news and the plagues of Egypt might be a warning to those who are perceptive enough to make the connections.  The warning may be that time is short.  Clearly, these are not the tribulation signs found in Revelations, but they may well be signs nevertheless.  God uses patterns and parallels.  Just from what I’ve seen reported by various news sources, all of the modern equivalents to the plagues have occurred in 2010.  They have occurred in various places on the globe, but in fairly quick sequence.

Just this past weekend, I saw news reports from Moscow.  Due to the fires in Russia, you could barely see your hand in front of your face in one of the largest cities in the world.  Is this darkness another parallel?  I don’t know, but I am paying attention. I think when I first started seeing the parallels, I thought my imagination was running away with me.  Now, I’m really beginning to wonder.

The plagues of Egypt were a precursor to the Jews leaving for the promised land.  Are the events I’m seeing in current events a precursor for another departure?

Written by twelvebooks

August 11, 2010 at 4:45 pm

James Miller (11 Aug 2010) “Earth quakes in divers places” A sign of the end times!

One of the signs for the fast approaching apocalypse are the earthquakes intensity and frequency.

The article gives reference to both.


James Miller (11 Aug 2010)
Earth quakes in divers places

Birth pangs seem to be getting closer together

Written by twelvebooks

August 11, 2010 at 4:37 pm