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Archive for August 30th, 2010

Aug 30 ,2010 Islam in America

I have written about Islam and the evil that is this religion whose god is Satan by the name of Allah. Jim Bramlet has posted a very good article today and here it is for you readers.


Jim Bramlett (30 Aug 2010)
Growing Muslim influence in America

Dear friends:

Lately I have had a strong urge to write something about the growing Muslim influence in America and how the liberal elite and other politically correct elements are welcoming it, and even, in effect, bowing down to the Muslim moon-god, Allah.

Almost every day we read about some new demand of the Islamists and capitulation by the politically correct crowd to those demands.  They hypocritically use our freedoms and Constitution against us.  They know they can do this, and this is part of their plan.  They also know our media will help them, as we constantly see.

Regarding “freedom of religion,” few people know that to our Founding Fathers, the word “religion” meant Christian denomination, not foreign gods.  I do not believe they would have been tolerant of foreign, evil religious/political systems such as Islam, especially with an agenda of conquest.

Thankfully, long-time journalist Jon Christian Ryder has just published such an article, doing a better job than I could, so no need for me to try to reinvent the wheel.  Jon’s article is titled, “Is Islam Claimstaking America?” and is found at  Recommended.

Jon says:

“If you spend any time watching the Muslim community across the United States, you will be a first hand witness (to) the attempt of the Islamic world to Islamize the United States with the help of social progressive politicians who…. believe that one religion is no different than the next, and that any religion works since, in their view, there is no God anyway…”

This is a coordinated and concerted effort by Islamists to exert major influence in the U.S. as they are attempting to do all over the world.  They believe that eventually the whole world will “submit” to Islam.  The word Islam actually means submit.  That’s their game and goal.

It is a major Islamic tactic to infiltrate their enemy, to conquer them from within.  This is discussed in the Armed Forces Journal at .

It should not be a shock to you, unless you are a liberal/media elitist, that they already have taken the White House!  Despite denials, the evidence is powerful that Obama is a closet Muslim who only used a racist, black liberation church for political cover.  He even admitted his Muslim faith to an official when in Egypt recently.

A few days ago I reported on an interview with Avi Lipkin, an American-born Israeli who has served many years in the IDF (Israeli Defense Force), both active duty and reserves.  He is in demand as a guest speaker and has appeared in more than 500 churches and synagogues in many countries.  He has appeared on hundreds of TV and radio stations worldwide.

Avi is married to Rachel, an Egyptian-born Jewess who emigrated to Israel in1969 and has worked in Israel’s radio service in Arabic for the last 25 years, monitoring Arabic language broadcasts on TV and radio, as well as in newspapers.

In a recent TV interview, Avi says Rachel was picking up broadcasts for years before the 2008 election and the Saudis were saying, “We will have a Muslim in the White House in 2008.”

There is other evidence of such a plot.  Naive and pleasure-centered Americans are like a deer in the cross hairs of Islamic conquest.

Obama’s promoters knew that his skin color alone would garner at least 95% of the black vote, of which the Democrats already had 90% automatically.  Such a percentage was enough to capture the election.

I have news for Islamists who think they will take over the world.

The news is this:  As the song goes, “This is my Father’s world.”  And you can’t have it!

More news.  God says:  “When the enemy comes in like a flood, The Spirit of the Lord will lift up a standard against him” (Isaiah 59:19, NKJV).

That standard is being lifted at this moment.


Written by twelvebooks

August 30, 2010 at 9:51 pm

For Obama, hope in Mideast talks — and risks

the Miami Herald has a story about the peace talks at the White House starting on this Wednesday.

It looks that Mr. Obama is on schedule to impose and confirm a covenant this coming month.


For Obama, hope in Mideast talks — and risks

The president has stepped up his personal investment in the contentious Middle East peace process by hosting this week’s Israeli-Palestinian talks in Washington.


Tribune Washington Bureau

Read more:

Written by twelvebooks

August 30, 2010 at 8:04 pm